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Last active March 7, 2016 03:17
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"src": {
"styles": {
"dir": "source/assets/styles",
"entries": [
"include-paths": [
"styleguide-template": {
"dir": "source/assets/styleguide-template"
"fonts": {
"dirs": [
"dest": ".tmp"
import gulp from "gulp";
import loadPlugins from "gulp-load-plugins";
import del from "del";
import path from "path";
import browserSync from "browser-sync";
import kss from "kss";
import config from "./config";
const $ = loadPlugins();
const reload = browserSync.reload;
// ---- configurations ------------------------------------------------
const p = path.join;
const src = path.join(__dirname, "source");
const dest = path.join(__dirname, config.dest);
const styleEntries = config.src.styles.entries;
const stylesPath = path.join.bind(__dirname, config.src.styles.dir);
const styleFiles = => stylesPath(file));
const styleIncludePaths = config.src.styles["include-paths"]
const styleguideTemplate = path.join(__dirname, config.src["styleguide-template"].dir)
const fontPaths = => path.join(__dirname, file));
const kssOpts = {
source: stylesPath(),
destination: `${dest}/styleguide`,
mask: '"*.scss"',
template: styleguideTemplate,
css: => `/${entry.replace(/\.scss$/, ".css")}`)
// ---- styles ------------------------------------------------
gulp.task("lint:scss", () => {
return gulp.src(stylesPath("**/*.scss"))
gulp.task("build:styleguide", $.shell.task([
`\$(npm bin)/kss-node <%= opts %>`
], {
templateData: {
opts: Object.keys(kssOpts).map((k) => `--${k} ${kssOpts[k]}`).join(" ")
gulp.task("build:scss", () => {
return gulp.src(styleFiles)
errorHandler: function(e) {
.pipe($.sass({includePaths: styleIncludePaths}))
// ---- misc ------------------------------------------------
gulp.task("clean", () => {
del([dest], { dot: true });
gulp.task("copy:fonts", () => {
return gulp.src( => path.join(p, "**/*")))
.pipe(gulp.dest(path.join(dest, "fonts")));
// ---- build ------------------------------------------------
gulp.task("watch", () => {
open: false,
proxy: "localhost:4567",
reloadDelay: 2000
});[stylesPath("**/*.scss")], ["build:scss", "build:styleguide"]);[path.join(src, "**/*")], reload);
gulp.task("build", ["build:scss", "build:styleguide", "copy:fonts"]);
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