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Created December 14, 2013 16:35
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Generate samples of power law noise.
from math import floor
from numpy import arange, exp, pi, flipud, append, conj, real
from numpy.fft import ifft
from numpy.random import randn
def powernoise(alpha, N, randpower=False, normalize=False):
Generate samples of power law noise. The power spectrum
of the signal scales as f^(-alpha).
x = powernoise(alpha, N)
x = powernoise(alpha, N, randpower=True, normalize=True)
alpha - power law scaling exponent
N - number of samples to generate
x - N x 1 vector of power law samples
By default, the power spectrum is deterministic, and the phases are
uniformly distributed in the range -pi to +pi. The power law extends
all the way down to 0Hz (DC) component. By specifying randpower=True
the power spectrum will be stochastic with Chi-square distribution.
With normalize=True the output is scaled to the range [-1, 1], and
consequently the power law will not necessarily extend right down to 0Hz.
Original Matlab code by Max Little:
Little MA et al. (2007), "Exploiting nonlinear recurrence and fractal
scaling properties for voice disorder detection", Biomed Eng Online, 6:23
N2 = floor(N/2)-1
f = arange(2, N2+2)
A2 = 1./(f**(alpha/2))
if (randpower):
p2 = (rand(N2)-0.5)*2.*pi
d2 = A2 * exp(i*p2)
# 20080323
p2 = randn(N2) + 1j * randn(N2)
d2 = A2 * p2
d = append( append( append([1.], d2), [1/((N2+2)**alpha)] ), flipud(conj(d2)) )
x = real(ifft(d))
if (normalize):
x = ((x - min(x))/(max(x) - min(x)) - 0.5) * 2
return x
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