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Last active September 3, 2018 14:22
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use 5.026;
use Test::Most;
package TemplateGen;
use Moose;
use Types::Standard qw( ArrayRef Str );
use experimental qw( signatures );
has descriptors => ( is => 'ro', isa => ArrayRef[Str], lazy => 1, builder => '_build_descriptors' );
has force_parse => ( is => 'ro', isa => Str, lazy => 1, builder => '_build_force_parse' );
has name => ( is => 'ro', isa => Str, required => 1 );
around descriptors => sub ($orig, $self) { [ 'api_key', $self->$orig->@* ] };
sub _build_descriptors ($self) { [] }
sub _build_force_parse ($self) {
' ',
map join('', '%', join('_', $self->name, $_), '%'), $self->descriptors->@*
my $generator = new_ok TemplateGen => [
descriptors => [ qw( sector ) ],
name => 'client',
can_ok $generator, qw( name descriptors force_parse );
descriptors => bag( qw( api_key sector ) ),
force_parse => 'force_parse: %client_api_key% %client_sector%',
name => 'client',
'attributes are as expceted',
use 5.024;
use Test::Most;
package Meta::Attribute::Trait::Section;
use Moose::Role;
after install_accessors => sub {
my $self = shift;
my $class = $self->associated_class;
sections => { is => 'ro', lazy => 1, builder => '_build_sections' },
_build_sections => sub {
my $self = shift;
my $meta = $self->meta;
map $_->name,
grep $_->does('Meta::Attribute::Trait::Section'),
map $meta->get_attribute($_),
sort $meta->get_attribute_list
package Foo;
use Moose;
has foo => ( is => 'ro', traits => ['Section'] );
package Bar;
use Moose;
has ['bar', 'baz'] => ( is => 'ro', traits => ['Section'] );
my $object = new_ok Foo => [];
can_ok $object, 'sections';
cmp_bag $object->sections, ['foo'], 'have the expected sections';
my $object = new_ok Bar => [];
can_ok $object, 'sections';
cmp_bag $object->sections, ['bar', 'baz'], 'have the expected sections';
use 5.024;
use Test::Most;
package Meta::Attribute::Trait::Tag;
use Moose::Role;
use Types::Standard qw(Enum);
has tag => (
is => 'ro',
required => 1,
isa => Enum['header', 'meta_data'],
after install_accessors => sub {
my $self = shift;
my $class = $self->associated_class;
attributes_tagged_as => sub {
my $self = shift;
my $tag = shift;
my $meta = $self->meta;
map $_->name,
grep $_->tag eq $tag,
grep $_->does('Meta::Attribute::Trait::Tag'),
map $meta->get_attribute($_),
sort $meta->get_attribute_list;
package TemplateGen;
use Moose;
has ['url'] => (
is => 'ro',
tag => 'meta_data',
traits => ['Tag'],
has ['tech_name', 'ticket_number'] => (
is => 'ro',
tag => 'header',
traits => ['Tag'],
my $template_gen = new_ok( TemplateGen => [] );
[ $template_gen->attributes_tagged_as('header') ],
['tech_name', 'ticket_number'],
'found the attributes tagged as "header"',
[ $template_gen->attributes_tagged_as('meta_data') ],
'found the attributes tagged as "meta_data"',
use 5.024;
use Test::Most;
package App::Meta::Attribute::Trait::Templatize {
use Moose::Role;
has label => ( is => 'ro', lazy => 1, default => sub { (shift)->name } );
package App::TempGen {
use Moo;
has html_support => ( is => 'ro', traits => ['Templatize'], default => 1, coerce => sub { $_[0] ? 'yes' : 'no' } );
has nice_name => ( is => 'ro', traits => ['Templatize'], label => 'name' );
has template => ( is => 'ro', lazy => 1, builder => '_build_template' );
sub _build_template {
my $self = shift;
my $meta = $self->meta;
map join( ': ', $_->label, $_->get_value($self) ),
grep $_->does('App::Meta::Attribute::Trait::Templatize'),
map $meta->get_attribute($_),
sort $meta->get_attribute_list,
subtest 'traits => ["Templatize"]' => sub {
new_ok( 'App::TempGen', [ nice_name => 'Some Client' ] ),
html_support => 'yes',
template => "html_support: yes\nname: Some Client",
'template striingifies as expected',
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