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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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trait Entity[ID] {
val id: ID
// equals, hashCodeはコレクションに入れた時に検索しやすくするために定義している
override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean = obj match {
case that: Entity[_] => id ==
case _ => false
override def hashCode: Int = 31 * id.hasCode
trait EntityIOContext
trait Repository[ID, E <: Enttity[ID]] {
type Ctx = EntityIOContext
def findById(id: ID)(ctx: Ctx): Try[E]
def store(entity: E)ctx: Ctx): Try[E]
case class EntityIOContextOnJDBC(sesion: DBSession) extends EntityIOContext
abstract class AbstractRepositoryOnJDBC[ID, E <: Entity[ID] extends Repository[ID, E] {
protected def convertToEntity(resultSet: WrappedResultSet): E
protected def convertToMap(entity: Entity): Map[String, Any]
private val userDao = new UserDao
private def getSession(ctx: Ctx) = ctx match {
case EntityIOContextOnJDBC(session) => session
case _ => throw new Exception(...)
override def findById(id: Long)(implicit ctx: Ctx) = {
implicit val session = getSession(ctx)
override def store(entity: E)(implicit ctx: Ctx) = {
implicit val session = getSession(ctx)
abstract class AbstractRepositoryOnMemory[ID, E <: Entity[ID](entities: mutable.Map[ID, E] ) extends Repository[ID, E] {
override def findById(id: Long)(ctx: Ctx) = Try {
entities(id).getOrElse(throw EntityNotFoundException)
override def store(entity: E)(implicit ctx: Ctx) = {
entities.put(id, entity)
case class Employee(id: Long, name: String) extends Entity[Long]
case class EmployeeRepositoryOnJDBC
extends AbstractRepositoryOnJDBC[Long, Employee]
case class EmployeeRepositoryOnMemory(entities: mutable.Map[Long, Employee] = mutable.Map.empty)
extends AbstractRepositoryOnMemory[Long, Employee](entities)
object Main extends App {
implicit val ctx = EntityIOContextOnJDBC(AutoSession)
val repository = new EmployeeRepositoryOnJDBC()
val entity = Employee(1, "Junichi Kato") { _ =>
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