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Last active January 25, 2021 03:05
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python class for processing miiverse drawing images
from PIL import Image
class drawingImage:
def __init__(self, buffer):
if buffer:
# Check that the image is a drawing by counting the number of colors used
def isDrawing(self):
return len(self.image.getcolors()) == 2
# Crop Image
# Args:
# bounds - number of pixels to crop from each side, as a 4-tuple: (left, top, right, down)
def crop(self, bounds):
w, h = self.image.size
left, upper, right, lower = bounds
self.image = self.image.crop((left, upper, w-right, h-lower))
# Resize image
# Args:
# size - requested size in pixels, as a 2-tuple: (width, height)
# Optional args:
# sampling - resize sampling method: "BICUBIC" (default), "BILINEAR", "ANTIALIAS" or "NEAREST"
def resize(self, size, sampling="BICUBIC"):
self.image = self.image.resize(size, SAMPLING_METHODS[sampling])
# Generate a thumbnail for the image (pretty much the same as resize, but preserves aspect ratio)
# Args:
# size - requested size in pixels, as a 2-tuple: (width, height)
# Optional args:
# sampling - resize sampling method: "BICUBIC" (default), "BILINEAR", "ANTIALIAS" or "NEAREST"
def thumbnail(self, size, sampling="BICUBIC"):
self.image = self.image.thumbnail(size, SAMPLING_METHODS[sampling])
# Open an image
# Args:
# buffer - either a filepath or a file-like object
def open(self, buffer):
self.image =
# Write the image to outputBuffer
# Args:
# buffer - either a filepath or a file-like object
# format - "bmp", "gif", "png" or "jpeg"
# Optional args:
# bitdepth - (BMP only) use bitdepth=8 (default) for palette mode, or bitdepth=1 for monochrome
# optimize - (GIF, PNG and JPEG) if optimize=True, do an extra encoding pass using optimal settings
# quality - (JPEG only) set jpeg image quality; value should be between 1 and 95, and defaults to 75
def write(self, buffer, format, **kwargs):
bitdepth = kwargs.get("bitdepth", 8)
optimize = kwargs.get("optimize", False)
quality = kwargs.get("quality", 75)
if format == "bmp":
image = self.image.convert("1" if bitdepth == 1 else "P"), format=format)
elif format == "jpeg":
image = self.image.convert("RGB"), format=format, optimize=optimize, quality=quality)
elif format in ["gif", "png"]:, format=format, optimize=optimize)
if __name__ == "__main__":
from sys import argv
if (len(argv)) < 2:
print("Command Line Args:")
print(" Input - Open an image")
print(" <-i | --input> <path>")
print(" Resize - (optional) use after opening to resize the image")
print(" <-r | --resize> <new width> <new height>")
print(" Thumbnail - (optional) use after opening to create a thumbnail for the image")
print(" <-t | --thumbnail> <new width> <new height>")
print(" Crop - (optional) use after opening to crop the image, pass in the amount of pixels to crop from each side")
print(" <-c | --crop> <left> <upper> <right> <bottom>")
print(" Output - output the resulting image to file, where type = npf to output an npf, or png / gif / jpeg etc. to output a regular image")
print(" <-o | --output> <type> <path>")
i = 0
while i < len(argv):
arg = argv[i]
# open image
if arg in ["-i", "--input"]:
img = drawingImage(argv[i+1])
i += 2
# resize image
elif arg in ["-r", "--resize"]:
img.resize((int(argv[i+1]), int(argv[i+2])))
i += 3
# generate image thumbnail
elif arg in ["-t", "--thumbnail"]:
img.thumbnail((int(argv[i+1]), int(argv[i+2])))
i += 3
# crop image
elif arg in ["-c", "--crop"]:
img.crop((int(argv[i+1]), int(argv[i+2]), int(argv[i+3]), int(argv[i+4])))
i += 5
# output file
elif arg in ["-o", "--output"]:
with open(argv[i+2], "wb") as outFile:
img.write(outFile, argv[i+1])
i += 3
i += 1
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