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Last active December 21, 2017 15:25
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DSL in Javascript (Typescript)
server: '',
nick: 'dslbot',
channel: '##dslbottesting'
line => on(/PING (\S+)/)(_ => {
server`PONG ${_}`
line => on(/hello/)(_ => {
line => on(/dslbot\?/)(_ => {
reply`I was written in a DSL-ish!`
error => '💥 Something went wrong.'
export type Maybe<T> = Some<T> | None;
export type None = () => undefined;
export type Some<T> = () => T;
export const None: None = () => void(0);
export function Some<T>(_: T): Some<T> {
return () => _;
export function match<T>(_: Maybe<T>, some: (_: any) => any, none: Function) {
if (Guard<T>(_)) {
return some(_());
} else {
return none();
export function Guard<T>(_: Maybe<T>): _ is Maybe<T> {
return (<Maybe<T>>_)() !== None();
export interface Authentication {
server: string,
nick: string,
channel: string
import { None, Some, match, Maybe, Authentication } from './types';
import {
} from 'net';
// State Reification
export interface Machine {
auth: Maybe<Authentication>,
port: Maybe<number>,
line: Maybe<string>,
connection: Maybe<Socket>,
error: Maybe<Function>,
connected: boolean,
export async function connect(state: Machine): Promise<Machine> {
const auth = state.auth;
const port = state.port;
return match<Authentication>(auth,
credentials => {
return state.connection = Some<Socket>(createConnection({
host: credentials.server, port: match<number>(port,
_ => _,
_ => 6667)
}, () => {
state.connected = true;
})), state;
_ => {
throw new ReferenceError('No credentials provided');
export function authenticate(state: Machine): void {
credentials => match<Socket>(state.connection,
connection => {
connection.write(`USER ${credentials.nick} * * :bot\r\n`);
connection.write(`NICK ${credentials.nick}\r\n`);
setTimeout(() => {
connection.write(`JOIN ${}\r\n`);
}, 1000);
_ => {
throw new ReferenceError('Connection not established');
_ => {
throw new ReferenceError('Not authenticated');
import { None, Some, match, Authentication } from './types';
import * as Irc from './irc';
import { Socket } from 'net';
let State: Irc.Machine = {
connection: None,
auth: Some({
server: '',
nick: 'dslbot',
channel: '##dslbottesting'
port: None,
line: None,
error: None,
connected: false,
function applyMany(context: Irc.Machine, applied: Function[]): void {
applied.forEach((callback: Function) => {
line => {
_ => {
console.warn('context was insufficient');
export function ƛ(details: Authentication, _, Error: Function) {
State.auth = Some(details);
State.error = Some(Error);
export function Connect(port: number): Function {
State.port = Some(port);
return (...execution) => {
try {
Irc.connect(State).then(state => {
client => {
client.on('data', data => {
State.line = Some(data.toString().split(/\r\n/)[0]);
applyMany(State, execution);
_ => {
throw new ReferenceError('Failed to connect');
} catch(e) {
call => call(),
_ => {
console.error('Uh oh ⚡️', e);
export function server(prefix, response): boolean {
return match<Socket>(State.connection,
connection => connection.write(`${prefix[0]} :${response}\r\n`)
_ => false);
export function reply(response): boolean {
return match<Socket>(State.connection,
connection => {
const where = match<Authentication>(State.auth,
credentials =>,
() => '##dslbottesting');
return connection.write(`PRIVMSG ${where} :${response}\r\n`);
_ => false);
export function on(what: RegExp): Function {
return (callback) => {
line => {
if (what.test(line)) {
const capture = what.exec(line);
callback(capture ? capture[1] : line.split(/:/)[2]);
_ => {
throw new ReferenceError('Connection not established');
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