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Last active February 28, 2017 13:48
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poststratifying the posterior with dgo (workaround)
rm(list = ls())
targets = targets %>%
group_by(year, state, race3) %>%
summarize(proportion = sum(proportion)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate_each(funs('as.character'), one_of('state', 'race3'))
samples =
# param state race3 year iteration value
# 1: theta_bar SC black 2009 1 2.5349865
# 2: theta_bar SC black 2009 2 0.7095619
# 3: theta_bar SC black 2009 3 0.4745461
# 4: theta_bar SC black 2009 4 1.0656432
# 5: theta_bar SC black 2009 5 1.3278823
# 6: theta_bar SC black 2009 6 1.8961256
iters = max(samples$iteration)
replicate_by_iters = function(df, iters) {
# Given a dataframe and a count, replicate the dataframe count times. Add to
# each replication a column 'iteration', whose values give a unique value in
# 1:count. Stack the result into a single dataframe.
df_iters = lapply(seq_len(iters), function(i) {
df %>% mutate(iteration = i)
df_iters = bind_rows(df_iters)
stopifnot(nrow(df_iters) == nrow(df) * iters)
targets_by_iter = replicate_by_iters(targets, iters)
# # A tibble: 6 × 5
# year state race3 proportion iteration
# <int> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <int>
# 1 1975 AK black 4.708026e-05 1
# 2 1975 AK other 2.426424e-04 1
# 3 1975 AK white 1.230413e-03 1
# 4 1975 AL black 3.947148e-03 1
# 5 1975 AL other 3.409934e-06 1
# 6 1975 AL white 1.298360e-02 1
ps_samples <- poststratify(samples, targets_by_iter, strata_names = c("state",
"year", "iteration"), aggregated_name = "race3")
# state year iteration value
# 1: SC 2009 1 -0.64924274
# 2: SC 2009 2 -0.23666138
# 3: SC 2009 3 -0.04288345
# 4: SC 2009 4 -0.28472934
# 5: SC 2009 5 -0.69746489
# 6: SC 2009 6 -1.11062931
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