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Created February 9, 2017 21:26
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Modified Adldap2-Larvel Command
namespace App\Console\Commands;
use Adldap\Models\Entry;
use Adldap\Models\Group;
use Illuminate\Console\Command;
class ImportGroups extends Command
use ImportsModels;
* The name and signature of the console command.
* @var string
protected $signature = 'groups:import
{group? : The group to import}
{--filter= : The filter to use}
{--no-membership : Do not import the member<->group relationships}
{--log= : Whether or not to log}
{--connection= : The connection to use}
* The console command description.
* @var string
protected $description = 'Import the Groups from LDAP';
* Execute the console command.
* @return mixed
public function handle()
// Retrieve the Adldap instance.
$adldap = $this->getAdldap($this->option('connection'));
if (!$adldap->getConnection()->isBound()) {
// If the connection isn't bound yet, we'll connect to the server manually.
// Generate a new user search.
$search = $adldap->search()->groups();
if ($filter = $this->getFilter()) {
// If the filter option was given, we'll
// insert it into our search query.
if ($group = $this->argument('group')) {
$groups = [$search->findOrFail($group)];
$this->info("Found group '{$groups[0]->getCommonName()}'. Importing...");
} else {
// Retrieve all users. We'll paginate our search in case we hit
// the 1000 record hard limit of active directory.
$groups = $search->paginate()->getResults();
$count = count($groups);
$this->info("Found {$count} groups(s). Importing...");
$this->info("\nSuccessfully imported / synchronized {$this->import_groups($groups)} groups(s).");
public function import_groups(array $groups = [])
// Entries and models imported
$imported_entries_and_models = $this->import($groups, Group::class, \App\Group::class);
$should_import_membership = !$this->option('no-membership');
if ($should_import_membership) {
foreach ($imported_entries_and_models as ['entry' => $entry, 'model' => $group_model]){
$this->info("Importing members for {$entry->getCommonName()}");
$db_users = $group_model->users->keyBy(function ($u) {
return bin2hex($u->guid);
$ldap_users = $entry->getMembers()->keyBy(function ($u) {
return bin2hex($u->objectguid[0]);
$db_users_to_remove = array_filter($db_users, function ($user_guid) use ($ldap_users) {
return !array_key_exists($user_guid, $ldap_users);
$ldap_users_to_add = array_filter($ldap_users, function ($user_guid) use ($db_users) {
return !array_key_exists($user_guid, $db_users);
foreach ($ldap_users_to_add as $user){
$user_model = $this->getModelFromAdldap($user, \App\User::class);
$this->info("...Connecting {$user_model->name} to {$group_model->name}");
foreach( $db_users_to_remove as $user ){
$this->info("...Detaching {$user['name']} from {$group_model->name}");
// Does all the detaching in one step
return count($imported_entries_and_models);
* Imports the specified groups and returns the total
* number of groups successfully imported.
* @param Entry[] $entries
* @param string $ldap_type Class name for Adldap model
* @param string $model_type Class name for eloquent model
* @return array
public function import(array $entries = [], $ldap_type, $model_type)
$imported = [];
// We need to filter our results to make sure they are
// only users. In some cases, Contact models may be
// returned due the possibility of the
// existing in the same scope.
$entries = collect($entries)->filter(function ($entry) use ($ldap_type) {
return $entry instanceof $ldap_type;
$bar = $this->output->createProgressBar(count($entries));
foreach ($entries as $entry) {
try {
// Import the group and retrieve it's model.
$model = $this->getModelFromAdldap($entry, $model_type);
// Save the returned model.
$this->save($entry, $model);
$imported[] = [
'entry' => $entry,
'model' => $model
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// Log the unsuccessful import.
if ($this->isLogging()) {
logger()->error("Unable to import group {$entry->getCommonName()}. {$e->getMessage()}");
return $imported;
* Returns true / false if the current import is being logged.
* @return bool
public function isLogging()
return $this->option('log') == 'true';
* Returns true / false if users are being deleted if they are disabled in AD.
* @return bool
public function isDeleting()
return $this->option('delete') == 'true';
* Returns the limitation filter for the group query.
* @return string
public function getFilter()
return $this->getLimitationFilter() ?: $this->option('filter');
namespace App\Console\Commands;
use Adldap\Laravel\Facades\Adldap;
use Adldap\Models\Entry;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
trait ImportsModels
* Returns an existing or new Eloquent user from the specified Adldap user instance.
* @param Entry $entry
* @param string $model_class
* @return Model
* @internal param Entry $entity
protected function getModelFromAdldap(Entry $entry, $model_class)
$model = $this->findOrCreateModelFromAdldap($entry, $model_class);
// Synchronize other active directory attributes on the model.
$model = $this->syncModelFromAdldap($entry, $model);
return $model;
* Returns a new Eloquent user query.
* @param string $key
* @param string $value
* @param string $model_class
* @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder
protected function newEloquentQuery($key, $value, $model_class)
$model = new $model_class();
if (method_exists($model, 'trashed')) {
// If the trashed method exists on our User model, then we must be
// using soft deletes. We need to make sure we include these
// results so we don't create duplicate user records.
$model = $model->withTrashed();
return $model->where([$key => $value]);
* Finds an Eloquent model from the specified Adldap user.
* @param Entry $entry
* @param string $model_class
* @return Model
protected function findOrCreateModelFromAdldap(Entry $entry, $model_class)
// Get the model key.
$attributes = $this->getGUIDAttribute();
// Get the model key.
$key = key($attributes);
// Get the guid from the AD model.
$guid = $entry->{$attributes[$key]};
// Make sure we retrieve the first guid result if it's an array.
$guid = (is_array($guid) ? array_get($guid, 0) : $guid);
// Try to find the local database group record.
$model = $this->newEloquentQuery($key, $guid, $model_class)->first();
// Create a new model instance of it isn't found.
$model = ($model instanceof Model ? $model : new $model_class() );
// Set the guid
$model->{$key} = $guid;
return $model;
* Saves the specified model.
* @param Model $model
* @return bool
protected function saveModel(Model $model)
return $model->save();
* Saves the specified user with its model.
* @param Entry $entry
* @param Model $model
* @return bool
protected function save(Entry $entry, Model $model)
$imported = false;
if ($this->saveModel($model) && $model->wasRecentlyCreated) {
$imported = true;
// Log the successful import.
if ($this->isLogging()) {
logger()->info("Imported {$entry->getObjectClass()} {$entry->getCommonName()}");
return $imported;
* Fills a models attributes by the specified Users attributes.
* @param Entry $entry
* @param Model $model
* @return Model
protected function syncModelFromAdldap(Entry $entry, Model $model)
foreach ($this->getSyncAttributes() as $modelField => $adField) {
$value = $this->isAttributeCallback($adField) ?
$this->handleAttributeCallback($entry, $adField) :
$this->handleAttributeRetrieval($entry, $adField);
$model->{$modelField} = $value;
return $model;
* Handles retrieving the specified field from the User model.
* @param Entry $entry
* @param string $field
* @return string|null
protected function handleAttributeRetrieval(Entry $entry, $field)
// Disabled check
//if (false && $field === $this->getSchema()->thumbnail()) {
// If the field we're retrieving is the groups thumbnail photo, we need
// to retrieve it encoded so we're able to save it to the database.
// $value = $entry->getThumbnailEncoded();
//} else {
$value = $entry->{$field};
// If the AD Value is an array, we'll
// retrieve the first value.
$value = (is_array($value) ? array_get($value, 0) : $value);
return $value;
* Handles retrieving the value from an attribute callback.
* @param Entry $entry
* @param string $callback
* @return mixed
protected function handleAttributeCallback(Entry $entry, $callback)
// Explode the callback into its class and method.
list($class, $method) = explode('@', $callback);
// Create the handler.
$handler = app($class);
// Call the attribute handler method and return the result.
return call_user_func_array([$handler, $method], [$entry]);
* Returns true / false if the specified string
* is a callback for an attribute handler.
* @param string $string
* @return bool
protected function isAttributeCallback($string)
$matches = preg_grep("/(\w)@(\w)/", explode("\n", $string));
return count($matches) > 0;
* Returns the root Adldap provider instance.
* @param string $provider
* @return \Adldap\Contracts\Connections\ProviderInterface
protected function getAdldap($provider = null)
$provider = $provider ?: $this->getDefaultConnectionName();
return Adldap::getManager()->get($provider);
* Returns Adldap's current attribute schema.
* @return \Adldap\Contracts\Schemas\SchemaInterface
protected function getSchema()
return $this->getAdldap()->getSchema();
* Returns the configured login limitation filter.
* @return string|null
protected function getLimitationFilter()
return config('');
* Returns the configured guid attribute for discovering LDAP users.
* @return array
protected function getGUIDAttribute()
return config('', ['guid' => $this->getSchema()->objectGuid()]);
* Returns the configured sync attributes for filling the
* Laravel user model with active directory fields.
* @return array
protected function getSyncAttributes()
return config('', ['name' => $this->getSchema()->commonName()]);
* Returns the configured default connection name.
* @return mixed
protected function getDefaultConnectionName()
return config('adldap_auth.connection', 'default');
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