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Created August 22, 2021 17:48
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use byte_slab::{BSlab, SlabBox, SlabArc, SlabSliceArc};
use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
static SLAB: BSlab<16, 1024> = BSlab::new();
enum SlabManaged<'a, const N: usize, const SZ: usize> {
Owned(SlabArcSlice<N, SZ>),
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct Example<'a, const N: usize, const SZ: usize> {
x: u32,
first: SlabManaged<'a, N, SZ>,
y: bool,
second: SlabManaged<'a, N, SZ>,
fn main() {
let initial = Example {
x: 42,
first: SlabManaged::Borrowed(&[1, 2, 3]),
y: true,
second: SlabManaged::Borrowed(&[10, 20, 30, 40]),
let ser_box: SlabBox = ser_to_box(&initial).unwrap();
let ser_arc: SlabArc = ser_box.into_arc();
// NOTE: Does NOT allocate any new storage! Increases
// ref-counts from `ser_arc`.
// `first` and `second` are both `SlabManaged::Owned`.
let deser = deser_from_arc::<Example>(&ser_arc).unwrap();
// Drop the original, but the parts are still okay!
assert_eq!(initial, deser);
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