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Created February 12, 2015 02:26
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Scraping Wake County Tax Site Using F#
#r "../packages/FSharp.Data.2.1.1/lib/net40/FSharp.Data.dll"
open System.IO
open FSharp.Data
type context = HtmlProvider<"../data/RealEstateSample.html">
type houseValuation = {addressOne:string; addressTwo:string; addressThree:string; assessedValue:string}
let createUri(id: int) =
"" + id.ToString("D7")
let getValuation(uri: string)=
let body = context.Load(uri).Html.Body()
let tables = body.Descendants("TABLE") |> Seq.toList
let addressTable = tables.[7]
let fonts = addressTable.Descendants("font") |> Seq.toList
let addressOne = fonts.[1].InnerText()
let addressTwo = fonts.[2].InnerText()
let addressThree = fonts.[3].InnerText()
let taxTable = tables.[11]
let fonts' = taxTable.Descendants("font") |> Seq.toList
let assessedValue = fonts'.[3].InnerText()
let result = JsonValue.Record [|
"addressOne", JsonValue.String addressOne
"addressTwo", JsonValue.String addressTwo
"addressThree", JsonValue.String addressThree
"assessedValue", JsonValue.String assessedValue |]
Some result
| :? System.ArgumentException -> None
let writeValuation(valuation: option<JsonValue>) =
match valuation.IsSome with
| true -> File.AppendAllText(@"C:\Data\data.json",valuation.Value.ToString() + "," )
| false -> ()
let doValuation(id: int) =
createUri id
|> getValuation
|> writeValuation
|> ignore
[1..100] |> Seq.iter(fun id -> doValuation id)
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