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Created February 15, 2015 22:53
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Combining Scraping Wake County Tax and WCPSS School Assignment
#r "../packages/FSharp.Data.2.1.1/lib/net40/FSharp.Data.dll"
#r "../packages/Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Client.0.9.2-preview/lib/net40/Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Client.dll"
#r "../packages/Newtonsoft.Json.4.5.11/lib/net40/Newtonsoft.Json.dll"
#load "SchoolAssignments.fsx"
open System
open System.IO
open FSharp.Data
open System.Linq
open SchoolAssignments
open Microsoft.Azure.Documents
open Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Client
open Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Linq
type HouseValuation = JsonProvider<"../data/HouseValuationSample.json">
type HouseAssignment = {houseIndex:int; schools: seq<string>}
let getPropertyValue(id: int)=
let endpointUrl = ""
let authKey = "rk3sqMc6W/hB6SQEoaL8Yi1dvSn4C5VmvnrMdPSBQna3L8eCLMwnZeIJNpH8graTfV+GRxR2pYUUBFo5rdQuww=="
let client = new DocumentClient(new Uri(endpointUrl), authKey)
let database = client.CreateDatabaseQuery().Where(fun db -> db.Id = "wakecounty" ).ToArray().FirstOrDefault()
let collection = client.CreateDocumentCollectionQuery(database.CollectionsLink).Where(fun dc -> dc.Id = "taxinformation").ToArray().FirstOrDefault()
let documentLink = collection.SelfLink
let queryString = "SELECT * FROM taxinformation WHERE taxinformation.index = " + id.ToString()
let query = client.CreateDocumentQuery(documentLink,queryString)
match query |> Seq.length with
| 0 -> None
| _ -> let firstValue = query |> Seq.head
let firstValue' = HouseValuation.Parse(firstValue.ToString())
Some firstValue'
let createSchoolAssignmentSearchCriteria(houseValuation: option<HouseValuation.Root>) =
match houseValuation.IsSome with
| true -> let deliminators = [|(char)32;(char)160|]
let addressOneTokens = houseValuation.Value.AddressOne.Split(deliminators)
let streetNumber = addressOneTokens.[0]
let streetTemplateValue = addressOneTokens.[1]
let streetName = addressOneTokens.[1..] |> Array.reduce(fun acc t -> acc + "+" + t)
let addressTwoTokens = houseValuation.Value.AddressTwo.Split(deliminators)
let city = addressTwoTokens.[0]
let streetName' = streetName + city
Some {SearchCriteria.streetTemplateValue=streetTemplateValue;
| false -> None
let writeSchoolAssignmentToDocumentDb(houseAssignment:option<HouseAssignment>) =
match houseAssignment.IsSome with
| true ->
let endpointUrl = ""
let authKey = ""
let client = new DocumentClient(new Uri(endpointUrl), authKey)
let database = client.CreateDatabaseQuery().Where(fun db -> db.Id = "wakecounty" ).ToArray().FirstOrDefault()
let collection = client.CreateDocumentCollectionQuery(database.CollectionsLink).Where(fun dc -> dc.Id = "houseassignment").ToArray().FirstOrDefault()
let documentLink = collection.SelfLink
client.CreateDocumentAsync(documentLink, houseAssignment.Value) |> ignore
| false -> ()
let createHouseAssignment(id:int)=
let houseValuation = getPropertyValue(id)
let schools = houseValuation
|> createSchoolAssignmentSearchCriteria
|> createSearchCriteria'
|> createPage2QueryString
|> getSchoolData
match schools.IsSome with
| true -> Some {houseIndex=houseValuation.Value.Index; schools=schools.Value}
| false -> None
//let result = createHouseAssignment 2
let generateHouseAssignment(id:int)=
createHouseAssignment id
|> writeSchoolAssignmentToDocumentDb
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