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Last active June 12, 2021 10:50
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A prototype for automatically mapping control synths onto other synth parameters
// a kr synth
SynthDef(\ctlEnv, { |out, levelScale = 1, levelBias = 0, time = 1, connect = 1|
var env = \;
var init =, 1);
var start =, [env[0], init]);,, 1, levelScale, levelBias, time, doneAction: 2));
// use an envelope to control pan
(type: \notemap,
pan: (
instrument: \ctlEnv,
env: Env([-1, 1, -1, 1], [1, 1, 1] / 3),
time: 5,
addAction: \addBefore
sustain: 5
(type: \notemap,
pan: (
instrument: \ctlEnv,
env: Env([-1, 1, -1, 1], [1, 1, 1] / 3),
time: 5,
addAction: \addBefore
// ok, 'detunedFreq' is a bit ugly...
detunedFreq: (
instrument: \ctlEnv,
env: Env(
Array.fill(8, { exprand(200, 1000) }),
Array.fill(7, { rrand(1.0, 5.0) }).normalizeSum,
time: 5,
addAction: \addBefore
sustain: 5,
amp: 0.3
(type: \notemap,
pan: Array.fill(2, { |i|
instrument: \ctlEnv,
env: Env([-1, 1, -1, 1].rotate(i), [1, 1, 1] / 3),
time: 5,
addAction: \addBefore
detunedFreq: Array.fill(2, { (
instrument: \ctlEnv,
env: Env(
Array.fill(8, { exprand(200, 1000) }),
Array.fill(7, { rrand(1.0, 5.0) }).normalizeSum,
time: 5,
addAction: \addBefore
) }),
sustain: 5,
amp: 0.3
// demo of modulation
SynthDef(\testMod, { |out, gate = 1, amp = 0.1|
var eg =, 1, 0.1), gate, doneAction: 2);
var freq =\freq, 440, \exp);, ( * (eg * amp)).dup);
SynthDef(\lfo, { |out, gate = 1, rate = 2| <= 0);,
SynthDef(\ctlEnv, { |out, levelScale = 1, levelBias = 0, time = 1, connect = 1|
var env = \;
var init =, 1);
var start =, [env[0], init]);,, 1, levelScale, levelBias, time/*, doneAction: 2*/));
ControlName P 0 out control 0.0
ControlName P 1 gate control 1.0
ControlName P 2 amp control 0.10000000149012
ControlName P 3 freq control 440.0
ControlName P 4 freqMod control 1.0 <<-- added for you
ControlName P 5 freqModDepth control 2.0 <<-- added for you
O audio Out out 2
type: \notemap,
instrument: \testMod,
degree: 2,
amp: 0.5,
freqMod: (instrument: \lfo, addAction: \addBefore),
freqModDepth: (
instrument: \ctlEnv,
env: Env([1, 1.5], [2], 4),
time: 1,
addAction: \addBefore
sustain: 3
/* hjh 6/12/2021 */
ModControl {
var control, modulator, modDepth;
*new { |rate = \control, name, default, warp, modulator, modDepth|
^, name, default, warp, modulator, modDepth)
*ar { |name, default = 0, warp = \lin, modulator, modDepth|
^\audio, name, default, warp, modulator, modDepth)
*kr { |name, default = 0, warp = \lin, modulator, modDepth|
^\control, name, default, warp, modulator, modDepth)
init { |rate, name, default, warp, aModulator, aModDepth|
control = NamedControl.perform(
UGen.methodSelectorForRate(rate), name, default
if(aModulator.isUGen.not) {
modulator = NamedControl.perform(
(name ++ "Mod").asSymbol,
if(aModulator.isNil) {
(lin: 0, exp: 1, linear: 0, exponential: 1).at(warp) ?? { 0 }
} { aModulator };
} { modulator = aModulator };
if(aModDepth.isUGen.not) {
modDepth = NamedControl.perform(
(name ++ "ModDepth").asSymbol,
if(aModDepth.isNil) {
(lin: 1, exp: 2, linear: 1, exponential: 2).at(warp) ?? { 1 }
} { aModDepth };
} { modDepth = aModDepth };
^control.modulate(warp, modulator, modDepth, name);
methodSelectorForRate {
+ UGen {
// warp must be \lin or \exp for now
// it appears to be difficult
// to extract only the math formulas from Spec and Warp
// without also importing all the clip, round etc. logic
// I don't have time to deal with excessive tight coupling
// this morning. Somebody else refactor it and then
// other warps could be supported
modulate { |warp, modulator, modDepth, name|
if(modulator.isUGen.not) {
modulator = NamedControl.perform(
(name ++ "Mod").asSymbol,
if(modDepth.isUGen.not) {
modDepth = NamedControl.perform(
(name ++ "ModDepth").asSymbol,
{ #[lin, linear].includes(warp) } {
^(modDepth * modulator) + this
{ #[exp, exponential].includes(warp) } {
^(modDepth ** modulator) * this
{ Error("Unsupported warp '%' for modulation".format(warp)).throw };
// OutputProxy doesn't know its rate??? really???
+ OutputProxy {
rate { ^source.rate }
methodSelectorForRate {
TempBus : Bus {
var conditions;
var cond;
*new { arg rate = \audio, index = 0, numChannels = 2, server;
^, index, numChannels, server).tempBusInit;
tempBusInit {
conditions =;
cond = Condition {
conditions.every { |condfunc| condfunc.value }
setStop { |test, action, clock(thisThread.clock)|
conditions = conditions.add(test);
^Routine {
stopOnNodeEnd { |node, action|
var responder = SimpleController(node)
.put(\n_end, { cond.signal });
^this.setStop({ node.isPlaying.not }, action.addFunc({ responder.remove }));
signal { cond.signal }
*makeMapNodeForEvent { |event|
var synthLib, desc, outdesc;
var bus;
synthLib = event[\synthLib] ?? { };
desc =[\instrument]);
outdesc = desc.outputs.detect { |desc|
desc.startingChannel == \out
if(outdesc.isNil) {
Error("SynthDef '%' for mapping event has no 'out' control".format(event[\instrument])).throw;
bus = this.perform(outdesc.rate, event[\server], outdesc.numberOfChannels);
event.put(\out, bus);
// stop condition depends on parent synth, not this event's synth
// so just give this object back
*initClass {
// sadly the default event type is not even close to well-factored
// so the only way to extend it is to copy it wholesale :-\
Event.addEventType(\notemap, { |server|
var freqs, lag, strum, sustain;
var bndl, addAction, sendGate, ids;
var msgFunc, instrumentName, offset, strumOffset;
var playingNodeCount;
var allMaps;
freqs = ~detunedFreq.value;
// msgFunc gets the synth's control values from the Event
msgFunc = ~getMsgFunc.valueEnvir;
instrumentName = ~synthDefName.valueEnvir;
// determine how to send those commands
// sendGate == false turns off releases
sendGate = ~sendGate ? ~hasGate;
// update values in the Event that may be determined by functions
~freq = freqs;
~amp = ~amp.value;
~sustain = sustain = ~sustain.value;
lag = ~lag;
offset = ~timingOffset;
strum = ~strum;
~server = server;
~isPlaying = true;
addAction = Node.actionNumberFor(~addAction);
// compute the control values and generate OSC commands
bndl = msgFunc.valueEnvir;
bndl = [9 /* \s_new */, instrumentName, ids, addAction, ~group] ++ bndl;
if(strum == 0 and: { (sendGate and: { sustain.isArray })
or: { offset.isArray } or: { lag.isArray } }) {
bndl = flopTogether(
[sustain, lag, offset]
#sustain, lag, offset = bndl[1].flop;
bndl = bndl[0];
} {
bndl = bndl.flop
// produce a node id for each synth
playingNodeCount = bndl.size;
~id = ids = Array.fill(bndl.size, { server.nextNodeID });
bndl = bndl.collect { | msg, i |
msg[2] = ids[i];
(6, 8 .. msg.size-1).do { |j|
var map, event;
if(msg[j].isKindOf(Event)) {
event = msg[j].copy;
map = TempBus.makeMapNodeForEvent(event); // sets 'out'
allMaps = allMaps.add(event);
test: { playingNodeCount <= 0 },
action: { event.put(\type, \off).play }
event.put(\group, ids[i]);
msg[j] = map.asMap;
playingNodeCount = playingNodeCount - 1; { |mapEvent| mapEvent[\out].signal };
}, '/n_end', server.addr, argTemplate: [ids[i]]).oneShot;
// schedule when the bundles are sent
if (strum == 0) {
~schedBundleArray.(lag, offset, server, bndl, ~latency);
if (sendGate) {
sustain + offset,
[15 /* \n_set */, ids, \gate, 0].flop,
} {
if (strum < 0) {
bndl = bndl.reverse;
ids = ids.reverse
strumOffset = offset + Array.series(bndl.size, 0, strum.abs);
lag, strumOffset, server, bndl, ~latency
if (sendGate) {
if (~strumEndsTogether) {
strumOffset = sustain + offset
} {
strumOffset = sustain + strumOffset
lag, strumOffset, server,
[15 /* \n_set */, ids, \gate, 0].flop,
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