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Created December 22, 2022 17:29
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type Coord = (Int, Int)
type Grid = Map.Map Coord Char
data Instr = F Int | L | R deriving (Show, Eq)
type Delta = (Int, Int)
-- When we step onto these squares in this direction, where do we show up?
type JumpMap = Map.Map (Coord, Delta) (Coord, Delta)
constructTorusMap :: Grid -> JumpMap
constructTorusMap g = (do
(x, y) <- Map.keys g
(dx, dy) <- orthogonalMoves
(nx, ny) = (x + dx, y + dy)
case Map.lookup (nx, ny) g of
Just _ -> fail "no jump required"
Nothing -> do return (((nx, ny),(dx, dy)), (wrap (x, y) (-dx, -dy), (dx, dy)))
) & Map.fromList
wrap :: Coord -> Delta -> Coord
wrap (x, y) (dx, dy) = iterate (\(x, y) -> (x + dx, y + dy)) (x, y)
& takeWhile (`Map.member` g)
& last
password (x, y) (dx, dy) = 1000 * y + 4 * x + facing (dx, dy)
facing (1, 0) = 0
facing (0, 1) = 1
facing (-1, 0) = 2
facing (0, -1) = 3
walk :: Grid -> JumpMap -> (Coord, Delta) -> Instr -> (Coord, Delta)
walk g j ((x, y), (dx, dy)) L = ((x, y), (dy, -dx))
walk g j ((x, y), (dx, dy)) R = ((x, y), (-dy, dx))
walk g j ((x, y), (dx, dy)) (F 0) = ((x, y), (dx, dy))
walk g j ((x, y), (dx, dy)) (F n) =
(x', y') = (x + dx, y + dy)
((x1, y1), (dx1, dy1)) = if Map.member (x', y') g then ((x', y'), (dx, dy))
else j Map.! ((x', y'), (dx, dy))
if g Map.! (x1, y1) == '.' then walk g j ((x1, y1), (dx1, dy1)) (F (n - 1))
else ((x, y), (dx, dy))
data Corner = Inner | Straight | Outer deriving (Show, Eq)
constructCubeMap :: Grid -> JumpMap
constructCubeMap g =
Map.unions $ do
-- First, we locate an internal corner space (ie, adjacent to two members of the grid)
(cx, cy) <- locateCorners
let ((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) = neighbours (cx, cy)
-- the direction to move the ((x1, y1), (cx, cy)) on-off pair in the circuit
path1 = traceOutside (x1, y1) (cx, cy) (cx - x2, cy - y2)
path2 = traceOutside (x2, y2) (cx, cy) (cx - x1, cy - y1)
-- merge those two paths until we hit an (Outer, Outer) corner pair
-- we have to stop zipping up sides on the (Outer, Outer) pair because the net edges those lead into
-- are not congruent
pairs = zip path1 path2
& takeWhile (\((_,_,_,c1), (_,_,_,c2)) -> c1 /= Outer || c2 /= Outer)
-- construct a piece of a Jumpmap from hopping from path1 to path2
jm1 = makeJumpMap pairs
-- and in the other direction
jm2 = makeJumpMap (map swap pairs)
return $ Map.union (Map.fromList jm1) (Map.fromList jm2)
-- locate inner corners
locateCorners :: [Coord]
locateCorners = do
let ((minX, maxX), (minY, maxY)) = boundMap g
x <- [minX - 1..maxX + 1]
y <- [minY - 1..maxY + 1]
guard $ not $ Map.member (x, y) g
let ns = [(x + dx, y + dy) | (dx, dy) <- orthogonalMoves]
& filter (`Map.member` g)
guard $ length ns == 2
return (x, y)
-- work out the two neighbour cells of this empty inner corner.
neighbours (cx, cy) =
[(x1, y1), (x2, y2)] = [(cx + dx, cy + dy) | (dx, dy) <- orthogonalMoves] & filter (`Map.member` g)
(dx1, dy1) = (x1 - cx, y1 - cy)
(dx2, dy2) = (x2 - cx, y2 - cy)
if (dx1 * dy2 - dx2 * dy1) > 0 then ((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) else ((x2, y2), (x1, y1))
-- trace an outside path all the way around
-- inside, outside, and the direction in which we want to start circling the edge of the grid
traceOutside :: Coord -> Coord -> Delta -> [(Coord, Coord, Delta, Corner)]
traceOutside inner outer direction =
start = (inner, outer, direction, Inner)
circuit = iterate stepAround start
oneCircuit = circuit & drop 1 & takeWhile (/= start)
[start] ++ oneCircuit
-- move around the grid one place. Report whether we've taken an inner or outer corner, or just moved straight
stepAround :: (Coord, Coord, Delta, Corner) -> (Coord, Coord, Delta, Corner)
stepAround ((x, y), (cx, cy), (dx, dy), _) =
-- if we keep going in the same direction, is all okay?
(x', y') = (x + dx, y + dy)
onGridXY' = Map.member (x', y') g
(cx', cy') = (cx + dx, cy + dy)
onGridCXY' = Map.member (cx', cy') g
case (onGridXY', onGridCXY') of
-- a straight edge
(True, False) -> ((x',y'), (cx', cy'), (dx, dy), Straight)
-- an outer corner
(False, False) -> ((x, y), (x', y'), (x - cx, y - cy), Outer)
-- an inner corner
(True, True) -> ((cx', cy'), (cx, cy), (cx - x, cy - y), Inner)
makeJumpMap :: [((Coord, Coord, Delta, Corner), (Coord, Coord, Delta, Corner))] -> [((Coord, Delta), (Coord, Delta))]
makeJumpMap pairs = do
(((x1, y1), (cx1, cy1), _, _), ((x2, y2), (cx2, cy2), _, _)) <- pairs
-- when we step from (x1, y1) onto (cx1, cy1), we jump directly to (x2, y2) as through coming from (cx2, cy2)
return (((cx1, cy1), (cx1 - x1, cy1 - y1)), ((x2, y2), (x2 - cx2, y2 - cy2)))
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