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Last active December 21, 2015 10:49
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Save janikvonrotz/6294947 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
PowerShell: Set Exchange OnlineConfigurations #PowerShell #ExchangeOnline #Office365
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
<Task version="1.2" xmlns="">
<Author>Janik von Rotz (</Author>
<Description>Exchange Online Settings</Description>
<Actions Context="Author">
$Metadata = @{
Title = "Set Exchange Online Configurations"
Filename = "Set-EOConfig.ps1"
Description = ""
Tags = "powershell, office, 365, exchange, online, settings"
Project = ""
Author = "Janik von Rotz"
AuthorContact = ""
CreateDate = "2014-01-21"
LastEditDate = "2014-01-21"
Url = ""
Version = "1.0.0"
License = @'
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Switzerland License.
To view a copy of this license, visit or
send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.
# settings
$Language = "de-CH"
$TimeZone = "W. Europe Standard Time"
$DateFormat = "dd.MM.yyyy"
$HtmlSignatureTemplate = "vbl signature.html"
$TextSignatureTemplate = "vbl signature.txt"
$SignatureCompanyPhoneNumber = "+41 41 369 65 65"
$SignatureCompanyFaxNumber = "041 369 65 00"
# modules
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
# sessions
$Credential = Import-PSCredential $(Get-ChildItem -Path $PSconfigs.Path -Filter "Office365.credentials.config.xml" -Recurse).FullName
$s = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange `
-ConnectionUri `
-Credential $(Get-Credential -Credential $Credential) `
-Authentication Basic `
Import-PSSession $s
# main
$ADUsers = Get-ADUser -Filter {Mail -like "*"} -Properties sn, telephoneNumber, title
$Mailboxes = Get-Mailbox
foreach($Mailbox in $Mailboxes){
Write-Progress -Activity "Update settings" -status $($Mailbox.Name) -percentComplete ([Int32](([Array]::IndexOf($Mailboxes, $Mailbox)/($Mailboxes.count))*100))
Write-Host "Set mailbox language settings for $($Mailbox.Name)"
Set-MailboxRegionalConfiguration $Mailbox.Alias -Language $Language -TimeZone $TimeZone -LocalizeDefaultFolderName -DateFormat $DateFormat
Write-Host "Set signature for $($Mailbox.Name)"
$ADUsers | where{$_.UserPrincipalName -eq $Mailbox.UserPrincipalName} | select -First 1 | %{
$Html = get-Content -Path $(Get-ChildItem -Path $PStemplates.Path -Filter $HtmlSignatureTemplate -Recurse).FullName
$Text = get-Content -Path $(Get-ChildItem -Path $PStemplates.Path -Filter $TextSignatureTemplate -Recurse).FullName
$PhoneNumber = $(if($_.telephoneNumber -eq $null){$SignatureCompanyPhoneNumber}else{$_.telephoneNumber})
$Html = $Html -replace "%%Firstname%%",$_.givenname `
-replace "%%Lastname%%",$ `
-replace "%%Title%%",$_.title `
-replace "%%PhoneNumber%%",$PhoneNumber `
-replace "%%FaxNumber%%",$SignatureCompanyFaxNumber
$Text = $Text -replace "%%Firstname%%",$_.givenname `
-replace "%%Lastname%%",$ `
-replace "%%Title%%",$_.title `
-replace "%%PhoneNumber%%",$PhoneNumber `
-replace "%%FaxNumber%%",$SignatureCompanyFaxNumber
Set-MailboxMessageConfiguration -Identity $Mailbox.Alias -SignatureHtml $Html -AutoAddSignature $true -SignatureText $Text
Write-PPErrorEventLog -Source "Exchange Online Settings" -ClearErrorVariable
Remove-PSSession $s
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