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Created March 23, 2015 07:48
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Chandu - CssPager
import japgolly.scalajs.react._, vdom.prefix_<^._, ScalazReact._
import japgolly.scalacss.Defaults._
import japgolly.scalacss.ScalaCssReact._
import shapeless.syntax.singleton._
object CssPager {
type CLICKEVENT = Int => Unit
object Style extends StyleSheet.Inline {
import dsl._
val pager = styleC {
val outer = styleS(margin(20.px))
val prev = styleS(float.left)
val next = styleS(float.right)
outer.named('outer) :*: prev.named('prev) :*: next.named('next)
val button = boolStyle(hide =>
if (hide) display.none else display.block,
padding(5.px, 14.px),
border(1 px, solid, transparent),
boxShadow := "0 1px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12), 0 1px 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.24)",
class Backend(t: BackendScope[Props, _]) {
def handleNext = {
val newOffset = t.props.itemsPerPage + t.props.offset
def handlePrevious = {
val newOffset = t.props.offset - t.props.itemsPerPage
val component = ReactComponentB[Props]("Pager")
.backend(new Backend(_))
.render((P, S, B) =>
Style.pager('outer)(o => _('prev)(p => _('next)(n =>
<.a(p, ^.onClick --> B.handlePrevious)("← Previous", Style.button(P.offset == 0)),
<.a(n, ^.onClick --> B.handleNext )("Next →", Style.button(P.offset + P.itemsPerPage >= P.totalItems))
case class Props(itemsPerPage: Int, totalItems: Int, offset: Int, nextClick: CLICKEVENT, previousClick: CLICKEVENT)
def apply(itemsPerPage: Int, totalItems: Int, offset: Int, nextClick: CLICKEVENT, previousClick: CLICKEVENT) = {
component(Props(itemsPerPage, totalItems, offset, nextClick, previousClick))
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