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Last active October 23, 2017 06:30
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Fixpoint type serialisation
// Can't use the usual morphisms, cata = depth-first, ana = breadth-first evaluation order.
// You'd think there'd be a way to describe the effects and execute them in different order but I stopped trying.
def pickleFix[F[_]: Functor](implicit p: Pickler[F[Unit]]): Pickler[Fix[F]] =
new Pickler[Fix[F]] {
override def pickle(f: Fix[F])(implicit state: PickleState): Unit = {
// val fUnit = Functor[F].void(f.unfix)
// p.pickle(fUnit)
// Functor[F].map(f.unfix)(pickle)
// Compared to ↑, this ↓ is generally on-par for small trees, and around 30% faster for larger, deeper trees
val fields = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[Fix[F]](32)
val fUnit = Functor[F].map(f.unfix) { a =>
fields += a
override def unpickle(implicit state: UnpickleState) = {
val fUnit = p.unpickle
Fix(Functor[F].map(fUnit)(_ => unpickle))
// Nice and easy with uPickle.
def pickleFix[F[_]: Functor](implicit rw: ReadWriter[F[Js.Value]]): ReadWriter[Fix[F]] = {
val algebra : Algebra [F, Js.Value] = rw.write
val coalgebra: Coalgebra[F, Js.Value] =
{ case j => Recursion.ana(coalgebra)(j) })
implicit val pickleJsValue: ReadWriter[Js.Value] =
ReadWriter[Js.Value](Identity.apply, { case j => j })
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