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Jason Burk jasonburk

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jasonburk /
Created February 22, 2013 06:22
Because everyone needs this. :) The lyrics to the Badger song to play along side the video!
import time
#badger 12 times
badger = 0
while badger < 12:
print "Badger"
badger = badger + 1
#mushroom 2 times
jasonburk / HidingFiles.scpt
Created February 18, 2013 23:33
Application to let user choose if they hidden files to be visible or not.
--Jason Burk | | twitter: @twothirtyam | @burk
--Application to let user choose if they hidden files to be visible or not
set mainList to {"Show Files", "Hide Files"}
choose from list mainList with prompt "Would you like to show hidden files or re-hide them?"
set listchoice to result as text
if listchoice = "Show Files" then
jasonburk / Dock23d.scpt
Created October 24, 2012 03:20
Utility to quickly switch your OS X dock between 2D and 3D views.
--Jason Burk | | twitter: @twothirtyam | @burk
--Application to let user choose if they would like a 2D or 3D dock
set mainList to {"2D", "3D"}
choose from list mainList with prompt "Would you like your dock to be 2D or 3D?"
set listchoice to result as text
if listchoice = "2D" then
tell application "Terminal"
jasonburk / gist:3158546
Created July 22, 2012 05:27
Little project I did for a class. Calculates room square footage and cubic footage.
# Jason Burk
# Python Version: 2.73
#A program to calculate the square footage of a room, and also the cubic feet if the user desires.
print "****************************\n*** Room Size Calculator ***\n****************************" #Displays welcome message to user
print #blank line
room_width = input("What is the width of your room in feet?\n[Please enter a number] ") #asks user for input of room width
jasonburk / gist:2246408
Created March 30, 2012 04:11
Only allow numbers and decimal point to be entered into input boxes. 46 = '.' & 48-57 = '0-9'
//Only allow numbers and decimal point to be entered into input boxes. 46 = '.' & 48-57 = '0-9'
function numOnly(evt){
var charCode = (evt.which) ? evt.which : event.keyCode
if ((charCode == 46) || (charCode >= 48 && charCode <= 57)){
return true;
else {
return false;
jasonburk / gist:2246395
Created March 30, 2012 04:08
Create link to refresh browser
<a href="javascript:location.reload(true)">I am a link!</a>