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Forked from davebrny/[square tag].ahk
Created August 28, 2020 03:25
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🏷️ (autohotkey) - add a tagspaces style [tag] to a filename
[tag list]
recent_total = 11
recent_tags =
[script info]
version = 0.3.1
description = add a tagspaces style [tag] to a filename
author = davebrny
source =
#singleInstance, force
onExit, exit_label
iniRead, tag_list, % a_lineFile, tag list
recent := []
iniRead, recent_total, % a_lineFile, settings, recent_total
iniRead, recent_tags, % a_lineFile, settings, recent_tags
loop, parse, % recent_tags, `, , % a_space
hotkey, ifWinActive, ahk_exe explorer.exe
hotkey, !t, square_menu
return ; end of auto-execute---------------------------------------------------
file_path := get_file(tags)
if (file_path = "")
return ;---------------
menu, square_menu, add, square tag, add_tag
menu, square_menu, default, square tag
menu, square_menu, disable, square tag
menu, square_menu, add
if (tags)
menu, current_tags, add, select to remove:, remove_tag
menu, current_tags, disable, select to remove:
menu, current_tags, add
loop, parse, tags, `, , % a_space
menu, current_tags, add, % a_loopfield, remove_tag
menu, square_menu, add, current tags, :current_tags
menu, square_menu, add
if (tag_list)
loop, parse, tag_list, `n, `r
menu, tag_list, add, % a_loopfield, add_tag
if already_in(tags, a_loopfield)
menu, tag_list, disable, % a_loopfield
menu, square_menu, add, tag list, :tag_list
if (tags_in_folder())
loop, % in_folder.maxIndex()
menu, in_folder, add, % in_folder[a_index], add_tag
if already_in(tags, in_folder[a_index])
menu, in_folder, disable, % in_folder[a_index]
menu, square_menu, add, in folder, :in_folder
if (recent.maxIndex())
menu, square_menu, add
menu, square_menu, add, recent tags:, add_tag
menu, square_menu, disable, recent tags:
menu, square_menu, add
loop, % recent.maxIndex()
menu, square_menu, add, % recent[a_index], add_tag
if already_in(tags, recent[a_index])
menu, square_menu, disable, % recent[a_index]
menu, square_menu, add
menu, square_menu, add, clear recent, clear_recent
menu, square_menu, useErrorLevel
menu, square_menu, show
menu, square_menu, delete
menu, current_tags, delete
menu, tag_list, delete
menu, in_folder, delete
file_path := ""
tags := ""
new_tags := ""
get_file(byRef tags) {
global file_path, dir, ext, filename
for window in comObjCreate("shell.application").windows
if (window.hwnd = winExist("a"))
selected := window.document.selectedItems
for file in selected
file_path := file.path
until (file_path)
if (file_path)
splitPath, file_path, , dir, ext, filename
tags := get_tags(filename)
return file_path
get_tags(byRef filename) {
if inStr(filename, "[") and (subStr(filename, 0, 1) = "]")
stringGetPos, pos, filename, [, R1
stringMid, tags, filename, pos + 2
stringTrimRight, tags, tags, 1
stringMid, name_without_tags, filename, pos, , L
filename := rTrim(name_without_tags)
return tags
already_in(tags, item) {
if inStr(", " tags ", " , ", " item ", ")
return true
tags_in_folder() {
global in_folder, dir
in_folder := []
loop, files, % dir "\*", FD
splitPath, a_loopFileFullPath, , , , filename
tags := get_tags(filename)
loop, parse, % tags, `, , % a_space
if (in_folder.maxIndex())
return in_folder
loop, parse, tags, `, , % a_space
if (a_loopField != a_thisMenuItem)
new_tags .= (new_tags? ", " : "") . a_loopfield
new_path := dir "\" filename . (new_tags ? " [" new_tags "]" : "")
if (fileExist(file_path) = "D")
fileMoveDir, % file_path, % new_path
else fileMove, % file_path, % new_path "." ext
new_path := dir "\" filename " [" tags . (tags? ", " : "") . a_thisMenuItem "]"
if (fileExist(file_path) = "D")
fileMoveDir, % file_path, % new_path
else fileMove, % file_path, % new_path "." ext
add_to_recent(item) {
global recent, recent_total
for index, value in recent
if (value = item) ; if already in recent
recent.insertAt(1, item)
if (recent.maxIndex() > recent_total)
recent := []
iniWrite, % "", % a_lineFile, settings, recent_tags
recent_tags := ""
loop, % recent.maxIndex()
recent_tags .= (recent_tags ? ", " : "") . recent[a_index]
iniRead, ini_value, % a_lineFile, settings, recent_tags
if (recent_tags != ini_value)
iniWrite, % " " recent_tags, % a_lineFile, settings, recent_tags
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I plan to extend this great script for use with the file manager FreeCommander. I wondered whether I should start with the original script by davebrny or rather with this fork. What does your fork add to the original?
Kind regards, Hauke

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