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jasonm/App.tsx Secret

Last active November 27, 2021 03:44
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import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { SyncProvider, useSync } from './SyncContext';
import { connectSyncedStore } from './store';
import type { SyncedStoreConnection } from './store';
export function App() {
const [connection, setConnection] = useState<
SyncedStoreConnection | undefined
useEffect(() => {
console.log('Reconnecting to synced store...');
const { rootStore, provider } = connectSyncedStore();
setConnection({ rootStore, provider });
return () => provider.disconnect();
}, []);
if (connection) {
return (
<Main />
} else {
return null;
function Main() {
const { state, actions, selectors } = useSync();
// ... render based on 'state'. It is reactive, based on SyncedStore.
// ... reuse logic from selectors (they are just functions to encapsulate knowledge of store shape, just a nice code organization thing, not essential for memoization etc; we rely on SyncedStore for that
// ... make changes by calling functions under 'actions'
import * as Y from "yjs";
import { WebsocketProvider } from "y-websocket";
import { getYjsValue, syncedStore } from "@syncedstore/core";
import type { UUID } from "./types";
import type { AwarenessState } from "./SyncContext";
class BaseSelectors {
public localAwarenessState: AwarenessState | undefined,
public awarenessStates: AwarenessState[],
public store: RootStore
) {
this.localAwarenessState = localAwarenessState;
this.awarenessStates = awarenessStates; = store;
// Todos --------------------------------
export type TodoId = UUID;
export type Todo = {
todoId: TodoId;
title: string;
completed: boolean;
type TodosShape = {
[index: TodoId]: Todo;
// TODO: rename 'state' to 'slice' since this is namespaced?
export class TodosActions {
state: TodosShape;
constructor(state: TodosShape) {
this.state = state;
add(todo: Todo) {
this.state[todo.todoId] = todo;
toggle(todoId: TodoId) {
const todo = this.state[todoId];
if (todo) {
todo.completed = !todo.completed;
delete(todoId: TodoId) {
delete this.state[todoId];
// TODO namespace and provide this.slice instead of
class TodosSelectors extends BaseSelectors {
incompleteTodos(): Todo[] {
return Todo) => todo.completed);
const initialTodos = {}
// Root / all --------------------------------
type StoreShape = {
todos: TodosShape;
const sliceNames = [
] as const;
const createRootStore = () => {
return syncedStore<StoreShape>({
todos: {},
export type RootStore = ReturnType<typeof createRootStore>;
export class Actions {
store: RootStore;
todos: TodosActions;
constructor(store: RootStore) { = store;
// TODO fix the Partial<...>? for the map types to avoid need for assertion
this.todos = new TodosActions(store.todos as TodosShape);
// TODO rename store to state in selectors
export class Selectors extends BaseSelectors {
todos: TodosSelectors;
localAwarenessState: AwarenessState,
awarenessStates: AwarenessState[],
store: RootStore,
) {
const params = [localAwarenessState, awarenessStates, store] as const;
this.todos = new TodosSelectors(...params);
const initialStore = {
todos: initialTodos,
const docId = 'aaaa123';
const WEBSOCKET_ENDPOINT = 'ws://localhost:1234';
const isArray = (x: any): x is Array<any> => Array.isArray(x);
export const connectSyncedStore = () => {
const rootStore = createRootStore();
const doc = getYjsValue(rootStore) as Y.Doc;
const provider = new WebsocketProvider(WEBSOCKET_ENDPOINT, docId, doc, {
connect: false,
// Hacky way to initialize a document. TODO: do this server-side.
provider.on('sync', (isSynced: boolean) => {
// TODO: Decouple from todos
const isEmpty = Object.keys(rootStore.todos).length === 0;
if (isSynced && isEmpty) {
Y.transact(doc, () => {
sliceNames.forEach((sliceName) => {
const initialSlice = initialStore[sliceName];
const rootSlice = rootStore[sliceName];
if (isArray(initialSlice)) {
(rootSlice as Array<any>).push(...initialSlice);
} else {
Object.assign(rootSlice, initialSlice);
return { rootStore, provider };
export type SyncedStoreConnection = ReturnType<typeof connectSyncedStore>;
import React, {
} from "react";
import { getYjsValue } from "@syncedstore/core";
import { useSyncedStore } from "@syncedstore/react";
import type * as Y from "yjs";
import type { UserId } from "./types";
import type { RootStore } from "./store";
import { Actions, Selectors } from "./store";
import type { WebsocketProvider } from "y-websocket";
export type AwarenessState = { userId: UserId | undefined };
type SyncProviderProps = {
provider: WebsocketProvider;
rootStore: RootStore;
children: ReactNode;
forceUpdate: boolean;
type SyncState = {
localAwarenessState: AwarenessState;
awarenessStates: AwarenessState[];
provider: WebsocketProvider;
actions: Actions;
selectors: Selectors;
state: RootStore; // TODO: type this
rootStore: RootStore; // TODO: type this
const SyncStateContext = createContext<
| {
localAwarenessState: AwarenessState;
awarenessStates: AwarenessState[];
provider: WebsocketProvider;
rootStore: RootStore; // TODO: type this
| undefined
export function SyncProvider({
}: SyncProviderProps) {
// TODO: Instead of only tracking userId via awareness, perhaps track it separately and then push it out to awareness?
// E.g. so we can have local currentUserId when offline
const [localAwarenessState, setLocalAwarenessState] =
userId: undefined,
const [awarenessStates, setAwarenessStates] = useState<AwarenessState[]>([]);
const onAwarenessUpdate = useCallback(() => {
// TODO how to type the provider.awareness?
provider.awareness.getLocalState() as AwarenessState
Array.from(provider.awareness.getStates().values()) as AwarenessState[]
}, [provider.awareness]);
useEffect(() => {
provider.awareness.on("update", onAwarenessUpdate);
return () =>"update", onAwarenessUpdate);
}, [provider.awareness]);
const value = {
return (
<SyncStateContext.Provider value={value}>
export function useSync(): SyncState {
const context = useContext(SyncStateContext);
if (context === undefined) {
throw new Error("useSync must be used within a SyncProvider");
// Call useSyncedStore in this stack frame to register the observable.
const { rootStore, provider } = context;
const state = useSyncedStore(rootStore);
const actions = new Actions(state);
// Also wire up selectors to the store that was initialized in this stack
// frame so that its selections correctly register observables.
const selectors = new Selectors(
// Re-render on sync... TODO: is this necessary? was left in there for debugging
const [syncCount, setSyncCount] = useState(0);
const onProviderSync = useCallback(() => {
console.log("provider sync, force re-render");
setSyncCount((value) => value + 1);
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
provider.on("sync", onProviderSync);
return () =>"sync", onProviderSync);
}, [provider]);
return {
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