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Last active March 21, 2023 21:07
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Google Apps Script: Send converted documents from Gmail to Evernote
* reMarkable Text to Evernote
const EMAIL_ADDRESS = '';
const REMARKABLE_LABEL = GmailApp.getUserLabelByName('remarkable-stored')
// regex for parsing
const NOTEBOOK_REGEX = /(\[@[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+\])+/g;
const TAGS_REGEX = /(#[ a-zA-Z0-9,.:;-]+)+/g;
const TITLE_REGEX = /(=[a-zA-Z0-9,. ]+)+/g;
const REMINDER_REGEX = /(\+[a-zA-Z0-9 \-\/]+)+/g;
function PushToEvernote(){
const BASE_QUERY = `in:inbox to:${EMAIL_ALIAS} is:unread`;
const results =; thread => {
const message = thread.getMessages()[0]
// get content of note from the body
const content = message.getPlainBody()
// parse the notebook, title, tags, and reminders
const notebookResult = content.match(NOTEBOOK_REGEX)
const titleResult = content.match(TITLE_REGEX)
const tagsResult = content.match(TAGS_REGEX)
const reminderResult = content.match(REMINDER_REGEX)
// filter out symbols from notebook name
const name = notebookResult && notebookResult[0].replaceAll(/([\[\] ]+)+/g, "").toLowerCase() || ""
// filter out symbols from title
const title = titleResult && titleResult[0].replaceAll(/(=[\[\] ]+)+/g, "") || ""
// filter out spaces between word and # if any, join multiple as space delimited
const tags = tagsResult && => tag.replace(/(#[ ])\w+/, "").toLowerCase()).join(" ") || ""
// filter reminder and swap + for !
const reminder = reminderResult && reminderResult[0].replace("+", "!").replace(" ", "").toLowerCase() || ""
// set up evernote structured subject line
const subject = `${title} ${reminder} ${name} ${tags} +`
MailApp.sendEmail(EVERNOTE_ADDRESS, subject, content)
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