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Last active January 30, 2019 19:49
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Taxonomy base class. Uses extended-cpts ( by johnbillion (
* Encompass Health Blog Taxonomy Base Class
* Base class for creating and modifying all taxonomies for Encompass Health Blog.
* @package EH\Taxonomies
* @author Chris Reynolds <>
namespace EH\Taxonomies;
* Base class for registering or modifying Encompass Health Blog taxonomies.
class Taxonomy_Base {
* Init function used to load in any hooks in child classes.
public function init() {}
* The taxonomy name.
* @return string Returns the taxonomy name.
public function taxonomy_name() {
return '';
* The terms for a taxonomy.
* @return array Associative array of taxonomy terms and arguments.
public function terms() {
return [];
* The allowed post types for the taxonomy, if we're registering it.
* @return array An array of post types.
public function post_types() {
return [ 'post' ];
* An array of arguments to pass to Extended CPTs when registering the taxonomy.
* @return array An array of allowed arguments.
public function taxonomy_args() {
return [];
* An array of labels (singular, plural and slug) used to register the taxonomy.
* @return array An array of labels.
public function taxonomy_labels() {
return [];
* Register the taxonomy if it doesn't already exist.
public function register() {
if ( ! taxonomy_exists( $this->taxonomy_name() ) ) {
register_extended_taxonomy( $this->taxonomy_name(), $this->post_types(), $this->taxonomy_args(), $this->taxonomy_labels() );
* Insert the terms for the taxonomy.
* Allows for child terms to be added if structured inside a 'children' parameter in the array of terms.
public function init_terms() {
foreach ( $this->terms() as $term_name => $args ) {
$term = wp_insert_term( $term_name, $this->taxonomy_name(), $args );
// Report if there's an error.
if ( is_wp_error( $term ) ) {
// translators: 1: the term, 2: the error message.
wp_die( esc_html( sprintf( __( 'Could not insert term %1$s. The error returned was: %2$s', 'encompass' ), $term_name, $term->get_error_message() ) ), esc_html__( 'Error inserting term.', 'encompass' ) );
// If child terms were passed to this term, loop through those and add them, too.
if ( isset( $args['children'] ) && is_array( $args['children'] ) ) {
foreach ( $args['children'] as $child_term_name => $child_term_args ) {
$child_term_args = array_merge( $child_term_args, [ 'parent' => $term['term_taxonomy_id'] ] );
wp_insert_term( $child_term_name, $this->taxonomy_name(), $child_term_args );
* Removes the taxonomy page if not needed.
public function remove_menu_page() {
remove_submenu_page( 'edit.php', sprintf( 'edit-tags.php?taxonomy=%s', $this->taxonomy_name() ) );
* Example bootstrap.
namespace Taxonomies;
function bootstrap() {
$example_tax = new ExampleTax();
* Example taxonomy
* Creates the an example taxonomy and handles related functionality.
* @package Taxonomies
* @author Chris Reynolds <>
namespace Taxonomies;
* Example Taxonomy taxonomy class.
class ExampleTax extends Taxonomy_Base {
const TAXONOMY_NAME = 'example_taxo';
* Handle all the Audience Types hooks.
public function init() {
add_action( 'init', [ $this, 'register' ], 10 );
add_action( 'init', [ $this, 'init_terms' ], 20 );
add_action( 'admin_menu', [ $this, 'remove_menu_page' ] );
* Returns the taxonomy name.
* @return string The taxonomy name.
public function taxonomy_name() {
return self::TAXONOMY_NAME;
* The list of audience types.
* @return array Array of taxonomy terms and arguments.
public function terms() {
return [
__( 'Apples', 'textdomain' ) => [
// Optional taxonomy term arguments go here.
__( 'Oranges', 'textdomain' ) => [
// Optional taxonomy term arguments go here.
__( 'Avocados', 'textdomain' ) => [
// Optional taxonomy term arguments go here.
__( 'Bananas', 'textdomain' ) => [
// Optional taxonomy term arguments go here.
* The list of supported post types.
* @return array An array of post types supported by the tax.
public function post_types() {
return [ 'post' ];
* Defines the labels used in registering the taxonomy.
* @return array An array of audience type labels.
public function taxonomy_labels() {
return [
'singular' => __( 'Example', 'textdomain' ),
'plural' => __( 'Examples', 'textdomain' ),
'slug' => 'example',
* Any allowed arguments for extended taxonomies.
* @see
* @return array An array of taxonomy arguments.
public function taxonomy_args() {
return [ 'meta_box' => 'radio' ];
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