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Forked from gregrickaby/wdsjQuery.js
Last active August 29, 2016 18:42
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WDS Javascript Style
* Foo Script.
window.Foo_Object = {};
( function( window, $, plugin ) {
// Private variable.
var fooVariable = 'foo';
// Constructor.
plugin.init = function() {
if ( plugin.meetsRequirements ) {
// Cache all the things.
plugin.cache = function() {
plugin.$c = {
window: $(window),
fooSelector: $( '.foo' ),
// Combine all events.
plugin.bindEvents = function() {
plugin.$c.window.on( 'load', plugin.doFoo );
// Do we meet the requirements?
plugin.meetsRequirements = function() {
return plugin.$c.fooSelector.length;
// Some function.
plugin.doFoo = function() {
// do stuff
// Engage!
$( plugin.init );
})( window, jQuery, window.Foo_Object );
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