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Created January 20, 2017 05:07
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diff --git a/ b/
index e0de27e..ba53f79 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
+from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
#import bugzilla
import dateutil.parser
@@ -18,32 +20,106 @@ import osc.core
from osclib.cache import Cache
+# Issue summary can contain unicode characters and therefore a string containing
+# either summary or one in which ISSUE_SUMMARY is then placed must be unicode.
+# For example, translation-update-upstream contains bsc#877707 which has a
+# unicode character in its summary.
+BUG_SUMMARY = 'Missing issue references from {project}/{package} to {factory}/{package}'
+BUG_TEMPLATE = u'{message_start}\n\n{issues}'
+MESSAGE_START = 'The following issues were referenced in the changelog for {project}/{package}, but where not found in {factory}/{package} after {newest} days. Review the issues and submit changes to {factory} as necessary.'
+ISSUE_SUMMARY = u'[{label}]({url}) owned by @{owner}: {summary}'
+ISSUE_SUMMARY_PLAIN = '[{label}]({url})'
-def create_bug(api, project, factory, package, issue, url):
+def create_bug(api, summary, description):
createinfo = api.build_createbug(
product='??', # TODO
- summary='{} missing from {}/{}'.format(issue, factory, package),
- description='This is an automatically generated bug.\n\n'
- 'Review {} and if relevant submit to {}.'.format(url, factory))
+ summary=summary,
+ description=description)
-def issues_get(apiurl, project, package, db, newest, oldest):
+def prompt_continue(change_count):
+ allowed = ['y', 'n', '']
+ if change_count > 0:
+ print('File bug for {} issues and continue? [y/b/s/n/?] (y): '.format(change_count), end='')
+ allowed.append('b')
+ allowed.append('s')
+ else:
+ print('No changes for which to create bug, continue? [y/n] (y): ', end='')
+ response = raw_input().lower()
+ if response == '?':
+ print('b = file bug then stop\ns = skip package for now')
+ elif response in allowed:
+ if response == '':
+ response = 'y'
+ return response
+ else:
+ print('Invalid response: {}'.format(response))
+ return prompt_continue(change_count)
+def prompt_interactive(changes, project, factory, package, newest):
+ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.yml') as temp:
+ temp.write(yaml.dump(changes, default_flow_style=False, default_style="'") + '\n')
+ temp.write('# {}/{}\n'.format(project, package))
+ temp.write('# comment or remove lines to whitelist issues')
+ temp.flush()
+ editor = os.getenv('EDITOR')
+ if not editor:
+ editor = 'xdg-open'
+ changes_after = yaml.safe_load(open(
+ if changes_after is None:
+ changes_after = {}
+ return changes_after
+def issue_found(package, label, db):
+ return not(package not in db or db[package] is None or label not in db[package])
+def issue_trackers(apiurl):
+ url = osc.core.makeurl(apiurl, ['issue_trackers'])
+ root = ET.parse(osc.core.http_GET(url)).getroot()
+ trackers = {}
+ for tracker in root.findall('issue-tracker'):
+ trackers[tracker.find('name').text] = tracker.find('label').text
+ return trackers
+def issue_normalize(trackers, tracker, name):
+ if tracker in trackers:
+ return trackers[tracker].replace('@@@', name)
+ raise Exception('unkown tracker {} for {}'.format(tracker, name))
+def issues_get(apiurl, project, package, trackers, db):
issues = {}
url = osc.core.makeurl(apiurl, ['source', project, package], {'view': 'issues'})
root = ET.parse(osc.core.http_GET(url)).getroot()
now = # Much harder than should be.
- newest = timedelta(days=newest)
- oldest = timedelta(days=oldest)
for issue in root.findall('issue'):
- label = issue.find('label').text
+ # Normalize issues to active API instance issue-tracker definitions.
+ # Assumes the two servers have the name trackers, but different labels.
+ label = issue_normalize(trackers, issue.find('tracker').text, issue.find('name').text)
+ # Ignore already processed issues.
if issue_found(package, label, db):
+ summary = issue.find('summary')
+ if summary is not None:
+ summary = summary.text
+ owner = issue.find('owner/login')
+ if owner is not None:
+ owner = owner.text
created = issue.find('created_at')
updated = issue.find('updated_at')
if created is not None and created.text is not None:
@@ -51,29 +127,65 @@ def issues_get(apiurl, project, package, db, newest, oldest):
elif updated is not None and updated.text is not None:
date = updated.text
- # Pre API dating should be safe to ignore.
- continue
+ # Old date to make logic work.
+ date = '2007-12-12 00:00 GMT+1'
date = dateutil.parser.parse(date)
delta = now - date
- if delta >= newest and delta <= oldest:
- issues[label] = issue.find('url').text
- return issues
+ issues[label] = {
+ 'url': issue.find('url').text,
+ 'summary': summary,
+ 'owner': owner,
+ 'age': delta.days,
+ }
-def issue_found(package, label, db):
- return not(package not in db or db[package] is None or label not in db[package])
+ return issues
def package_list(apiurl, project):
- url = osc.core.makeurl(apiurl, ['search', 'package'], "match=[@project='%s']" % project)
+ url = osc.core.makeurl(apiurl, ['source', project], { 'expand': 1 })
root = ET.parse(osc.core.http_GET(url)).getroot()
packages = []
- for package in root.findall('package'):
+ for package in root.findall('entry'):
return sorted(packages)
+def git_clone(url, directory):
+ return_code =['git', 'clone', url, directory])
+ if return_code != 0:
+ raise Exception('Failed to clone {}'.format(url))
+def sync(config_dir, db_dir):
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+ devnull = open(os.devnull, 'wb')
+ git_sync_dir = os.path.join(config_dir, 'git-sync')
+ git_sync_exec = os.path.join(git_sync_dir, 'git-sync')
+ if not os.path.exists(git_sync_dir):
+ os.makedirs(git_sync_dir)
+ git_clone('', git_sync_dir)
+ else:
+ os.chdir(git_sync_dir)
+['git', 'pull', 'origin', 'master'], stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull)
+ if not os.path.exists(db_dir):
+ os.makedirs(db_dir)
+ git_clone('', db_dir)
+ os.chdir(db_dir)
+['git', 'config', '--bool', 'branch.master.sync', 'true'])
+['git', 'config', '--bool', 'branch.master.syncNewFiles', 'true'])
+['git', 'config', 'branch.master.syncCommitMsg', 'Sync changes.'])
+ os.chdir(db_dir)
+ return_code =[git_sync_exec])
+ if return_code != 0:
+ raise Exception('Failed to sync local db changes.')
+ os.chdir(cwd)
def main(args):
# Store the default apiurl in addition to the overriden url if the
# option was set and thus overrides the default config value.
@@ -90,97 +202,131 @@ def main(args):
- if os.path.exists(args.db):
- db = yaml.safe_load(open(args.db).read())
- if db is None:
+ db_dir = os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'issue-db')
+ db_file = os.path.join(db_dir, '{}.yml'.format(args.project))
+ sync(args.config_dir, db_dir)
+ if os.path.exists(db_file):
+ db = yaml.safe_load(open(db_file).read())
+ if db is None:
+ db = {}
+ else:
+ print('Loaded db file: {}'.format(db_file))
+ else:
db = {}
+ print('Comparing {} against {}'.format(args.project, args.factory))
+ trackers = issue_trackers(apiurl)
packages_project = package_list(apiurl, args.project)
packages_factory = package_list(apiurl_default, args.factory)
packages = set(packages_project).intersection(set(packages_factory))
new = 0
- db_changes = {}
for package in packages:
- issues_project = issues_get(apiurl, args.project, package, db, args.newest, args.oldest)
- issues_factory = issues_get(apiurl_default, args.factory, package, db, args.newest, args.oldest)
+ issues_project = issues_get(apiurl, args.project, package, trackers, db)
+ issues_factory = issues_get(apiurl_default, args.factory, package, trackers, db)
missing_from_factory = set(issues_project.keys()) - set(issues_factory.keys())
+ # Filtering by age must be done after set diff in order to allow for
+ # matches with issues newer than --newest.
+ for label in set(missing_from_factory):
+ if issues_project[label]['age'] < args.newest:
+ missing_from_factory.remove(label)
if len(missing_from_factory) == 0:
print('{}: {} missing'.format(package, len(missing_from_factory)))
- db_changes[package] = {}
- for issue in missing_from_factory:
- db_changes[package][issue] = issues_project[issue]
- new += 1
- if new == args.limit:
- print('stopped at limit')
+ # Generate summaries for issues missing from factory.
+ changes = {}
+ for issue in missing_from_factory:
+ info = issues_project[issue]
+ summary = ISSUE_SUMMARY if info['owner'] is not None else ISSUE_SUMMARY_PLAIN
+ changes[issue] = summary.format(
+ label=issue, url=info['url'], owner=info['owner'], summary=info['summary'])
+ # Prompt user to decide which issues to whitelist.
+ #changes_after = prompt_interactive(changes, args.project, args.factory, package, args.newest)
+ changes_after = changes
+ # Determine if any real changes (vs typos) and create text issue list.
+ issues = []
+ if len(changes_after) > 0:
+ for issue, summary in changes.items():
+ if issue in changes_after:
+ issues.append('- ' + summary)
+ # Prompt user about how to continue.
+ #response = prompt_continue(len(issues))
+ response = 'y'
+ if response == 'n':
+ if response == 's':
+ continue
- if len(db_changes) == 0:
- print('no new missing issues')
- return
- with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.yml') as temp:
- temp.write('# issues present in {}, but missing from {}\n'.format(args.factory, args.project))
- temp.write('# comment or remove lines to whitelist them\n\n')
- temp.write(yaml.dump(db_changes, default_flow_style=False, default_style="'"))
- temp.flush()
- editor = os.getenv('EDITOR')
- if not editor:
- editor = 'xdg-open'
- return_code =[editor,])
- db_changes_after = yaml.safe_load(open(
- #bugzilla_api = bugzilla.Bugzilla(args.bugzilla_apiurl)
- #if not bugzilla_api.logged_in:
- #print('Bugzilla credentials required to create bugs.')
- #bugzilla_api.interactive_login()
- for package, issues in db_changes.items():
- created, whitelisted = 0, 0
- for issue, url in issues.items():
+ # File a bug if not all issues whitelisted.
+ if len(issues) > 0:
+ summary = BUG_SUMMARY.format(project=args.project, factory=args.factory, package=package)
+ message = BUG_TEMPLATE.format(
+ message_start=MESSAGE_START.format(
+ project=args.project, factory=args.factory, package=package, newest=args.newest),
+ issues='\n'.join(issues))
+ # TODO Lookup bugzilla component.
+ bug_id = '17'
+ #bug_id = bug_create(bugzilla_api, summary, message)
+ # Mark changes in db.
+ notified, whitelisted = 0, 0
+ for issue in changes:
if package not in db:
db[package] = {}
- if issue_found(package, issue, db_changes_after):
- db[package][issue] = '1234'
- #db[package][issue] = bug_create(bugzilla_api, args.project, args.factory, package, issue, url)
- created += 1
+ if issue in changes_after:
+ db[package][issue] = bug_id
+ notified += 1
db[package][issue] = 'whitelist'
whitelisted += 1
- print('{}: {} bug(s) created, {} whitelisted'.format(package, created, whitelisted))
- db_dir = os.path.dirname(args.db)
- if not os.path.exists(db_dir):
- os.makedirs(db_dir)
+ # Write out changes after each package to avoid loss.
+ with open(db_file, 'w') as outfile:
+ yaml.dump(db, outfile, default_flow_style=False, default_style="'")
+ if notified > 0:
+ print('{}: {} notified in bug #{}, {} whitelisted'.format(package, notified, bug_id, whitelisted))
+ else:
+ print('{}: {} whitelisted'.format(package, whitelisted))
+ if response == 'b':
+ break
+ new += 1
+ if new == args.limit:
+ print('stopped at limit')
+ break
- with open(args.db, 'w') as outfile:
- yaml.dump(db, outfile, default_flow_style=False, default_style="'")
+ sync(args.config_dir, db_dir)
if __name__ == '__main__':
description = 'Compare packages from a project against factory for differences in referenced issues and ' \
- 'present changes to allow whitelisting before creating bugzilla entries.'
+ 'present changes to allow whitelisting before creating bugzilla entries. A database is kept ' \
+ 'of previously handled issues to avoid repeats and kept in sync via a git repository.'
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description)
parser.add_argument('-A', '--apiurl', default='', metavar='URL', help='OBS instance API URL')
parser.add_argument('--bugzilla-apiurl', default='', metavar='URL', help='bugzilla API URL')
- parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', help='print info useful for debuging')
- parser.add_argument('-f', '--factory', default='openSUSE:Factory', metavar='PROJECT', help='factory projec to use as baseline for comparison')
+ parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', help='print info useful for debugging')
+ parser.add_argument('-f', '--factory', default='openSUSE:Factory', metavar='PROJECT', help='factory project to use as baseline for comparison')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--project', default='SUSE:SLE-12-SP2:GA', metavar='PROJECT', help='project to check for issues that have are not found in factory')
parser.add_argument('--newest', type=int, default='30', metavar='AGE_IN_DAYS', help='newest issues to be considered')
- parser.add_argument('--oldest', type=int, default='365', metavar='AGE_IN_DAYS', help='oldest issues to be considered')
parser.add_argument('--limit', type=int, default='0', help='limit number of packages with new issues processed')
- parser.add_argument('--db', type=argparse.FileType('rw'), metavar='PROJECT', help='project for which to list devel projects')
+ parser.add_argument('--config-dir', help='configuration directory containing git-sync tool and issue db')
args = parser.parse_args()
- if args.db is None:
- args.db = default=os.path.expanduser('~/.osc-plugin-factory/issue-whitelist/{}.yml'.format(args.project))
+ if args.config_dir is None:
+ args.config_dir = os.path.expanduser('~/.osc-plugin-factory')
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