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Last active March 7, 2024 13:31
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Z80 Color Mandelbrot
; Compute a Mandelbrot set on a simple Z80 computer.
; From
; Adapted to CP/M and colorzied by J.B. Langston
; Latest version at
; Assemble with sjasm
; Porting this program to another Z80 platform should be easy and straight-
; forward: The only dependencies on my homebrew machine are the system-calls
; used to print strings and characters. These calls are performed by loading
; IX with the number of the system-call and performing an RST 08. To port this
; program to another operating system just replace these system-calls with
; the appropriate versions. Only three system-calls are used in the following:
; _crlf: Prints a CR/LF, _puts: Prints a 0-terminated string (the adress of
; which is expected in HL), and _putc: Print a single character which is
; expected in A. RST 0 give control back to the monitor.
org 100h
jp start
bdos equ 05h ; bdos vector
conout equ 2 ; console output bdos call
prints equ 9 ; print string bdos call
cr equ 13 ; carriage return
lf equ 10 ; line feed
esc equ 27 ; escape
eos equ '$' ; end of string marker
pixel equ 219 ; character to output for pixel
scale equ 256 ; Do NOT change this - the
; arithmetic routines rely on
; this scaling factor! :-)
divergent equ scale * 4
iteration_max defb 30 ; How many iterations
x defw 0 ; x-coordinate
x_start defw -2 * scale ; Minimum x-coordinate
x_end defw 1 * scale ; Maximum x-coordinate
x_step defw scale / 80 ; x-coordinate step-width
y defw -5 * scale / 4 ; Minimum y-coordinate
y_end defw 5 * scale / 4 ; Maximum y-coordinate
y_step defw scale / 60 ; y-coordinate step-width
z_0 defw 0
z_1 defw 0
scratch_0 defw 0
z_0_square_high defw 0
z_0_square_low defw 0
z_1_square_high defw 0
z_1_square_low defw 0
display defb " .-+*=#@" ; 8 characters for the display
hsv defb 0 ; hsv color table
defb 201, 200, 199, 198, 197
defb 196, 202, 208, 214, 220
defb 226, 190, 154, 118, 82
defb 46, 47, 48, 49, 50
defb 51, 45, 39, 33, 27
defb 21, 57, 93, 129, 165
welcome defb "Generating a Mandelbrot set"
crlf defb cr, lf, eos
finished defb esc, "[0mComputation finished.", cr, lf, eos
ansifg defb esc, "[38;5;", eos
ansibg defb esc, "[48;5;", eos
start ld de, welcome ; Print a welcome message
ld c, prints
call bdos
; for (y = <initial_value> ; y <= y_end; y += y_step)
; {
outer_loop ld hl, (y_end) ; Is y <= y_end?
ld de, (y)
and a ; Clear carry
sbc hl, de ; Perform the comparison
jp m, mandel_end ; End of outer loop reached
; for (x = x_start; x <= x_end; x += x_step)
; {
ld hl, (x_start) ; x = x_start
ld (x), hl
inner_loop ld hl, (x_end) ; Is x <= x_end?
ld de, (x)
and a
sbc hl, de
jp m, inner_loop_end ; End of inner loop reached
; z_0 = z_1 = 0;
ld hl, 0
ld (z_0), hl
ld (z_1), hl
; for (iteration = iteration_max; iteration; iteration--)
; {
ld a, (iteration_max)
ld b, a
iteration_loop push bc ; iteration -> stack
; z2 = (z_0 * z_0 - z_1 * z_1) / SCALE;
ld de, (z_1) ; Compute DE HL = z_1 * z_1
ld b, d
ld c, e
call mul_16
ld (z_0_square_low), hl ; z_0 ** 2 is needed later again
ld (z_0_square_high), de
ld de, (z_0) ; Compute DE HL = z_0 * z_0
ld b, d
ld c, e
call mul_16
ld (z_1_square_low), hl ; z_1 ** 2 will be also needed
ld (z_1_square_high), de
and a ; Compute subtraction
ld bc, (z_0_square_low)
sbc hl, bc
ld (scratch_0), hl ; Save lower 16 bit of result
ld h, d
ld l, e
ld bc, (z_0_square_high)
sbc hl, bc
ld bc, (scratch_0) ; HL BC = z_0 ** 2 - z_1 ** 2
ld c, b ; Divide by scale = 256
ld b, l ; Discard the rest
push bc ; We need BC later
; z3 = 2 * z0 * z1 / SCALE;
ld hl, (z_0) ; Compute DE HL = 2 * z_0 * z_1
add hl, hl
ld d, h
ld e, l
ld bc, (z_1)
call mul_16
ld b, e ; Divide by scale (= 256)
ld c, h ; BC contains now z_3
; z1 = z3 + y;
ld hl, (y)
add hl, bc
ld (z_1), hl
; z_0 = z_2 + x;
pop bc ; Here BC is needed again :-)
ld hl, (x)
add hl, bc
ld (z_0), hl
; if (z0 * z0 / SCALE + z1 * z1 / SCALE > 4 * SCALE)
ld hl, (z_0_square_low) ; Use the squares computed
ld de, (z_1_square_low) ; above
add hl, de
ld b, h ; BC contains lower word of sum
ld c, l
ld hl, (z_0_square_high)
ld de, (z_1_square_high)
adc hl, de
ld h, l ; HL now contains (z_0 ** 2 +
ld l, b ; z_1 ** 2) / scale
ld bc, divergent
and a
sbc hl, bc
; break;
jp c, iteration_dec ; No break
pop bc ; Get latest iteration counter
jr iteration_end ; Exit loop
; iteration++;
iteration_dec pop bc ; Get iteration counter
djnz iteration_loop ; We might fall through!
; }
; printf("%c", display[iteration % 7]);
call colorpixel
ld c, conout ; Print the character
call bdos
ld de, (x_step) ; x += x_step
ld hl, (x)
add hl, de
ld (x), hl
jp inner_loop
; }
; printf("\n");
ld de, crlf
ld c, prints ; Print a CR/LF pair
call bdos
ld de, (y_step) ; y += y_step
ld hl, (y)
add hl, de
ld (y), hl ; Store new y-value
jp outer_loop
; }
mandel_end ld de, finished ; Print finished-message
ld c, prints
call bdos
ret ; Return to CP/M
colorpixel ld c,b ; iter count in BC
ld b,0
ld hl, hsv ; get ANSI color code
add hl, bc
ld a,(hl)
call setcolor
ld e, pixel ; show pixel
asciipixel ld a, b
and $7 ; lower three bits only (c = 0)
sbc hl, hl
ld l, a
ld de, display ; Get start of character array
add hl, de ; address and load the
ld e, (hl) ; character to be printed
setcolor push af ; save accumulator
ld de,ansifg ; start ANSI control sequence
ld c,prints ; to set foreground color
call bdos
pop af
call printdec ; print ANSI color code
ld c,conout
ld e,'m' ; finish control sequence
call bdos
printdec ld c,-100 ; print 100s place
call pd1
ld c,-10 ; 10s place
call pd1
ld c,-1 ; 1s place
pd1 ld e,'0'-1 ; start ASCII right before 0
pd2 inc e ; increment ASCII code
add a,c ; subtract 1 place value
jr c,pd2 ; loop until negative
sub c ; add back the last value
push af ; save accumulator
ld a,-1 ; are we in the ones place?
cp c
jr z,pd3 ; if so, skip to output
ld a,'0' ; don't print leading 0s
cp e
jr z,pd4
pd3 ld c,conout
call bdos
pd4 pop af ; restore accumulator
; Compute DEHL = BC * DE (signed): This routine is not too clever but it
; works. It is based on a standard 16-by-16 multiplication routine for unsigned
; integers. At the beginning the sign of the result is determined based on the
; signs of the operands which are negated if necessary. Then the unsigned
; multiplication takes place, followed by negating the result if necessary.
mul_16 xor a ; Clear carry and A (-> +)
bit 7, b ; Is BC negative?
jr z, bc_positive ; No
sub c ; A is still zero, complement
ld c, a
ld a, 0
sbc a, b
ld b, a
scf ; Set carry (-> -)
bc_positive bit 7, D ; Is DE negative?
jr z, de_positive ; No
push af ; Remember carry for later!
xor a
sub e
ld e, a
ld a, 0
sbc a, d
ld d, a
pop af ; Restore carry for complement
ccf ; Complement Carry (-> +/-?)
de_positive push af ; Remember state of carry
and a ; Start multiplication
sbc hl, hl
ld a, 16 ; 16 rounds
mul_16_loop add hl, hl
rl e
rl d
jr nc, mul_16_exit
add hl, bc
jr nc, mul_16_exit
inc de
mul_16_exit dec a
jr nz, mul_16_loop
pop af ; Restore carry from beginning
ret nc ; No sign inversion necessary
xor a ; Complement DE HL
sub l
ld l, a
ld a, 0
sbc a, h
ld h, a
ld a, 0
sbc a, e
ld e, a
ld a, 0
sbc a, d
ld d, a
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