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Created October 8, 2014 17:02
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-- a simple Lua/Corona joystick module based on Rob Miracle's code:
-- simplified some of the code, removing some nice-ities, but it still works
local Joystick = {}
function innerRadius, outerRadius )
local stage = display.getCurrentStage()
local joyGroup = display.newGroup()
local bgJoystick = display.newCircle( joyGroup, 0,0, outerRadius )
bgJoystick:setFillColor( .2,.2,.2 )
local radToDeg = 180/math.pi
local degToRad = math.pi/180
local joystick = display.newCircle( joyGroup, 0,0, innerRadius )
joystick:setFillColor( .8,.8,.8 )
-- for easy reference later:
joyGroup.joystick = joystick
-- where should joystick motion be stopped?
local stopRadius = outerRadius - innerRadius
-- return a direction identifier, angle, distance
local directionId = 0
local angle = 0
local distance = 0
function joyGroup.getDirection()
return directionId
function joyGroup:getAngle()
return angle
function joyGroup:getDistance()
return distance/stopRadius
function joystick:touch(event)
local phase = event.phase
if( (phase=='began') or (phase=="moved") ) then
if( phase == 'began' ) then
local parent = self.parent
local posX, posY = parent:contentToLocal(event.x, event.y)
angle = (math.atan2( posX, posY )*radToDeg)-90
if( angle < 0 ) then
angle = 360 + angle
-- could expand to include more directions (e.g. 45-deg)
if( (angle>=45) and (angle<135) ) then
directionId = 2
elseif( (angle>=135) and (angle<225) ) then
directionId = 3
elseif( (angle>=225) and (angle<315) ) then
directionId = 4
directionId = 1
-- could emit "direction" events here
--Runtime:dispatchEvent( {name='direction',directionId=directionId } )
distance = math.sqrt((posX*posX)+(posY*posY))
if( distance >= stopRadius ) then
distance = stopRadius
local radAngle = angle*degToRad
self.x = distance*math.cos(radAngle)
self.y = -distance*math.sin(radAngle)
self.x = posX
self.y = posY
self.x = 0
self.y = 0
directionId = 0
angle = 0
distance = 0
return true
function joyGroup:activate()
self:addEventListener("touch", self.joystick )
self.directionId = 0
self.angle = 0
self.distance = 0
function joyGroup:deactivate()
self:removeEventListener("touch", self.joystick )
self.directionId = 0
self.angle = 0
self.distance = 0
return( joyGroup )
return Joystick
-- sample main.lua code:
--local jslib = require( "simpleJoystick" )
--local js = 100, 200 )
--js.x = display.contentWidth/2
--js.y = display.contentHeight/2
--function catchTimer( e )
-- print( " joystick info: "
-- .. " dir=" .. js:getDirection()
-- .. " angle=" .. js:getAngle()
-- .. " dist="..js:getDistance() )
-- return true
--timer.performWithDelay( 500, catchTimer, -1 )
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sskenth commented Oct 16, 2014

Hi, just wanted to say thank you for posting this especially the additional main.lua file in comments.

Not quite as sensitive as I would have liked, but it does the job and is really simple :)

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Hi, I am new here to Corona and I have just started building games using it. I tried to use this code but it's not working! How can I use it?

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Привет, я новичок в Corona, и я только начал создавать игры, используя это. Я пытался использовать этот код, но он не работает! Как я могу использовать это?

Code works

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It works... just change the "e" in the "function catchTimer (e)" for "function catchTimer (event)"

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