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San Francisco could be a fun place to live, but the cost of living is really expensive. Getting paid weekly is nice, and also the
benifts. The biggest problem i have is the cost of living.
Factor Score Importance
Salary 7 5
Location 6 2
Benefits 9 1
Career Path 8 1
Culture 10 1
jcharles22 / gist:07d1b9822b92a502efae6d28754a12ef
Created September 23, 2019 19:54
Blitz 2nd Feedback and Iteration
Name: Blitz
Live Version:
link to github:
- Said the first game the ball is hard to see sometimes, because of the color.
Name: Blitz
Live Version:
link to github:
- Said it needs better styling, and there was no way to move the element on mobile
Name: Blitz
User FLow:
Landing Page:
Blitz Game Page:
Practice Games List
New User | Play the game | High
New User | See leader board | High
New User | enter their initals for their score | High
New User | register account | Low
New User | Practive individual games | Medium
Returning User | Leave comments for bugs | Low
Returning User | Login | Low
Returning User | logout | Low
Administrator | see how many different users played | Medium
Administrator | see which games people die on the most | Medium
jcharles22 / gist:7ed2da610a4f0aa242217769896536c2
Created September 2, 2019 21:22
Blitz 2nd Capstone Project
Name: Blitz
description: a game where the user is just trying to get the highest score. They have one life and they play through a few
classic mini games, like brick breaker, pong, astroid, and they have to surive for a small amount of time and after they finish
a few games they replay them but faster and it loops until they die.
it saves there initials and score in the datebase and is displayed on a leader board.
jcharles22 / gist:b7ec95ab8c44d9f1fd80bf735c8530d9
Created July 29, 2019 18:46
feed back and iteration capstone 1
talked to :
Amber - sister - said she liked it found an error when the card got created under both decks both of them got duplicated.
trevor - friend - said i need to add a lot of features and then put it in the app store
Catherine - wife - found an error when you sign up to new user i didnt have to push a new route so click submit didnt change anything on the screen.
kayla - wife's friend - said it need a forgot user name and password feature.
Darlean - mother - said she liked it, but better not be drinkin.
jcharles22 / gist:69e00daf322551456cf270bf1ee687f0
Created July 27, 2019 17:32
update primary key to the greatest value
-- Login to psql and run the following
-- What is the result?
SELECT MAX(id) FROM your_table;
-- Then run...
-- This should be higher than the last result.
SELECT nextval('your_table_id_seq');
-- If it's not higher... run this set the sequence last to your highest id.
Flip and Sip
check it out here:
Catherine, my wife, said the cards need to be styled differnetly when the phone is in landscape mode, wants to be able
to singup, and see who made what cards,
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