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VaultDB internal design

This design sets out the data model, interface and internal workings of VaultDB. Our aim is to produce a design that implements the desired interface on top of the target storage platforms in as efficient a way as possible, and to examine the consistency guarantees that we are able and not able to achieve.


VaultDB is designed to store small numbers (hundreds or thousands) of small objects, typically JSON documents or base-64 blobs, with all data being encrypted at rest. Its primary application is storage of credentials -- passwords, TOTP keys, configuration parameters, and so on. The design has been driven by the needs of such applications first and foremost.

The database is designed to run both server-side and in the browser, with the backing storage provided by some manner of blob store such as the local filesystem, localStorage, or a cloud storage service like Dropbox or remoteStorage. It assumes the backing store does not allow byte-level access to files, but instead reads and writes files as a single unit; the only way to update a file is to completely overwrite it with a new blob. There will also usually be no way to co-ordinate across files using transactions, so writes to files are assumed to be independent.

The backing store will potentially be accessed over the network with high latency, and so VaultDB's primary concern is that operations make as efficient use of the network as possible while making a best effort at consistency. What we mean by consistency will be explored through the rest of this design.

VaultDB is not a long-lived server process but is instead implemented as a JavaScript library. There is no central server that mediates requests, and a single backing store can be accessed arbitrarily by any number of VaultDB instances at a time. We expect that instances of the VaultDB client will be short-lived, being used by command-line programs and short-lived web pages. So, any in-memory state used by the database, such as cached data, will survive for a short period of time before being dropped. The only persistent state is that stored in the backing store.

We also expect that individual stores will see relatively small amounts of traffic and infrequent concurrent access by independent processes. The main intended application is credential storage for a single user, application or small team, so all use of the database results from direct user interaction and it's unlikely a single user will execute multiple database processes concurrently. So when thinking about consistency, our main concern is partial failure caused by failed network requests or interrupted program execution, rather than data races caused by concurrent access. That being said, we recognise that processes using VaultDB may live for a long time, and have reads and writes separated by long periods of time, raising the likelihood of write conflicts.

Workloads are expected to be read-heavy, that is objects will be read more often than they are updated. Thus a priority in this design is to reduce the cost of reads as the volume of stored data grows.

Data model

Documents in VaultDB are arranged in a filesystem-like hierarchy rather than a flat namespace. This provides a means to group related documents together so that they can be found efficiently by a common prefix of their path. This enables features like tab-completion and removal of whole sets of related documents with a single function call. Let's define a few terms:

  • Document: a blob of data, of arbitrary type. For the environments VaultDB is intended to operate in, this blob will typically be a string, either JSON or a base-64 string. However, our design doesn't assume any particular data serialisation.

  • Directory: an object that groups one or more documents or directories together. Its value is a sorted list of the names of its children.

  • Path: a complete ID that points to a document, or a prefix of such an ID. All paths begin with a slash (/). Document paths must not end with a slash. Directory paths, which are prefixes of document paths, must end with a slash. For example, /alice/notes.txt is a document path, and / and /alice/ are directory paths.

  • Name: the final segment of a path; the relative path of an item from its parent directory. Names do not begin with slashes, but must end with slashes if they identify a directory. notes.txt and alice/ are names.

  • Item: a complete logical database entry consisting of a path and either a document or directory; a key-value pair.

For example, a set of documents stored in VaultDB might logically resemble this tree of files:

├─┬ alice/
│ └── notes.txt
├─┬ bob/
│ └─┬ pictures/
│   ├── avatar.jpg
│   └── header.png
└─┬ carol/
  └── profile.json

This tree contains four documents, whose paths are /alice/notes.txt, /bob/pictures/avatar.jpg, /bob/pictures/header.png, and /carol/profile.json. The item with path / is a directory and its value is the names of its direct children: ['alice/', 'bob/', 'carol/']. In total this tree consists of nine items:

path type value
/ directory ['alice/', 'bob/', 'carol/']
/alice/ directory ['notes.txt']
/alice/notes.txt document <blob>
/bob/ directory ['pictures/']
/bob/pictures/ directory ['avatar.jpg', 'header.png']
/bob/pictures/avatar.jpg document <blob>
/bob/pictures/header.png document <blob>
/carol/ directory ['profile.json']
/carol/profile.json document <blob>

Strictly speaking, directories are redundant and their existence and values are derived from the documents that exist. However, we want to store them explicitly so that listing the documents with a common prefix is a single read and does not require scanning the entire database.

We can think of directories as indexes of their children, and they should be kept consistent -- the names stored in a directory item should exactly match the set of documents that have that directory as a prefix. However, it is possible that this consistency is broken, if a write task partially fails. In any case, in the absence of transactions, we cannot guarantee consistency across multiple reads. It is possible that listing a directory returns a name that does not exist when we try to read it, for example. Since directories are derived data, it should be possible to perform a consistency check via a full database scan as a periodic maintenance task.

Storage model

VaultDB is designed to run on top of blob stores; interfaces that let one read and write files as a unit rather than having byte-level or page-level access to data. This lets us run VaultDB on top of many interfaces available in the browser, such as localStorage or cloud storage services. The only way to update a file in such systems is to completely overwrite it with a new blob. This means that typical database implementation methods such as B+trees or append-only logs aren't especially useful as their advantages depend on not reading and writing an entire file for every operation.

The simplest possible implementation would be to store all the items in a single file. This would simplify some operations, the main one being that it becomes unnecessary to store directory items. If we have a complete copy of the database as an atomic object, we can just scan all the document paths in the database for those beginning with a given prefix. However, it is not desirable to read the whole data set over the network and into memory for every operation we want to do. As the volume of stored data grows, the cost of reading any single item from the database will grow with it.

At the other extreme, we could store each item in its own file. This is tricky if we want the names of documents to be encrypted, not just their contents. Designing a naming scheme that hides the names of items present, their hierarchical structure, how often each item is accessed, and that allows deterministic lookup and directory listing is quite hard to achieve. It would be preferable to have item names encrypted along with their contents, using a non-deterministic encryption with a random key and/or IV. This model also makes it expensive to retrieve all the items in the database for a bulk export, as we need to perform one network request for each item stored.

Between those extremes, there is sharding: the database is split into a fixed number of files, and each item is allocated to a shard based on a hash of its path. To make the shard assignment of each item less predictable, we actually compute the HMAC of a path with a random key, rather than using a deterministic hash. This model makes directories items necessary; without them we would have to load all the shards into memory to scan them for documents matching a prefix, and this is basically the same as the single-file model but with more round-trips.

Sharding has benefits for security, as it reduces the amount of data that must be loaded into memory to serve a single read. It improves read performance for the same reason, as the amount of data that must be loaded to read a single item can be kept roughly constant by increasing the number of shards as the database grows. It and also allows more concurrent writes compared to the single-file model where all writes are forced to be sequential. It works better than a single file when the data is stored in a sync service like Dropbox or remoteStorage, where it reduces the likelihood of data loss to conflicting updates. However, this model requires more effort than the others to make sure we make optimal use of the network when accessing multiple items, some of which might reside in the same shard.

Of course, if an application wants to prioritise consistency over all other concerns, it can configure the database to use a single shard, forcing all data access operations to be sequential.

Data layout

The exact serialisation of shard files does not affect our designs below; we only assume that the various operations will need to read or write a shard based on one or more data items residing in it, and the design doesn't depend on the internal data layout. However we will summarise it here for completeness, though the details may change in future.

  • All databases contain a special file called the root key file, that contains a set of cryptographic keys that are generated randomly when the database is first initialised. These keys are used for hashing item paths to shard IDs, and for encrypting individual items. These keys are themselves encrypted using an external secret, typically a passphrase run through a key derivation function. It may also contain other configuration data such as the current number of shards and their filenames.

  • A shard file consists of a list of items separated by newlines (\n). Shard files may have arbitrary names, and there may be an arbitrary number of them. It is up to the VaultDB frontend to determine how many shards exist, and to map item paths onto shard IDs as it sees fit.

  • The first item is a JSON metadata object that contains the file format version, i.e. {"version":1}. This item is stored in plaintext.

  • The second item is the shard index, a JSON array containing a sorted list of paths of all the items in the shard. This item is encrypted.

  • The remaining items are the document/directory values, in the same order as their paths in the shard index. Each item is individually encrypted.

Here, by encrypted we mean that an item is encrypted using a random key, the item key. The item key is itself encrypted using the root keys and stored along with the item itself. This chained encryption means the database's passphrase can be changed by re-encrypting the root keys, and individual items can be similarly re-encrypted by changing their item keys, without requiring re-encryption of all the items in the store.

Encryption is accomplished using some appropriate authenticated encryption scheme such as AES-GCM or XSalsa20-Poly1305, or an encrypt-then-MAC construction using HMAC and AES-CBC. Keys and IVs are produced using cryptographically secure random generators.

For example, if the first few items in our above example were stored in the same shard, the file would look like this. All lines but the first would be encrypted as stored as base-64 strings.

<contents of /alice/notes.txt>

This structure encrypts the item names separately from their data. Looking up an item's value requires decrypting two items: the shard index, and the target item itself. Listing a directory similarly requires decrypting the shard index and the directory item, and no other document items. This minimises the amount of material that must be decrypted in memory to read the desired data.

In the VaultDB frontend, all documents are assumed to be JSON values, but the lower level machinery makes no assumptions about the internal layout of shard files, the encoding of documents, the existence of different item types, or the fact that items are encrypted. The job of the internal middleware is just to make sure that reads and writes of shard files are optimal and correct, and that network failures are correctly handled, given sufficient information from the frontend about which shards it wants to access, and any causal relationships between data accesses.


VaultDB consists of three layers:

  • The Query API is the public interface that applications will use; we will go through the operations it provides later in this design.

  • The Adapter API is an abstract interface with implementations for various different storage systems: the filesystem, localStorage, Dropbox, remoteStorage, etc.

  • The Shard Manager, which sits between these two layers and optimises access to shard files -- that is, calls to the Adapter API -- across operations performed by the Query interface.

A great deal of this design deals with the implementation of the Shard Manager and how it translates between the needs and capabilities of the other layers.

Adapter types

Broadly speaking, adapters fall into two categories according to the type of concurrency control they provide:

  • Locking: before updating a resource, and possibly before reading it, the resource must be pre-emptively locked. Only the caller holding the lock is allowed to update the resource.

    For example, many SQL databases fall into this category. This strategy can be implemented on the filesystem as follows. In order to update the file hello.txt:

    • Attempt to open hello.txt.lock for writing using the flags O_CREAT and O_EXCL. If this fails, either bail or wait a bit and try again.
    • Read from the existing hello.txt if desired and if it exists.
    • Write new content to hello.txt.lock.
    • Close hello.txt.lock and rename it to hello.txt.

    This strategy makes sure updates to files are exclusive (one caller is allowed to update the file at a time) and atomic (the update is instantaneous, nobody reading the file will see a partially updated state).

  • Compare and Swap (CAS): reading or writing a file returns a version, which is a number, a content hash, a modification time or similar. Writes are only accepted if they're accompanied by a version that matches the file's current version.

    For example, CouchDB, the Dropbox API, and remoteStorage implement this strategy. It's more suitable than locking for high-latency remote network interaction, and can be implemented on top of a locking system somewhat easily, by storing a content hash or monotonic version number alongside the file, while holding a lock on it when it's being updated.

We can characterise these strategies as interfaces and plan implementations of the Shard Manager on top of them. The Locking interface could look like this:

interface Locking {
  lock (ShardId) -> Guard

interface Guard {
  read () -> Data | null
  write (Data) -> void
  release () -> void

The lock() method waits and returns a Guard only when no other guards are held for the given shard ID. The Guard allows arbitrary reads and writes to the shard until release() is called, at which point it becomes unusable. A risk with this implementation is that a process halts while holding an on-disk lock, which needs to be expired somehow to allow future processes to make progress.

The CAS interface looks like this:

interface CAS {
  read (ShardId) -> (Data, Version) | null
  write (ShardId, Data, Version | null) -> (bool, Version)

Reading returns some data and a version, and writing takes some data and a version and returns true or false to indicate the write was accepted or not, with the new version on success. On failure, the file should be read again to get the latest data and version and the update should be retried.

These interfaces are deliberately minimal to make it easy to write new storage adapters, and so that our Shard Manager design assumes as little as possible about the underlying implementation.

All operations in these interface can also fail by throwing an exception (or returning a rejected promise) for the following reasons:

  • Network failure, e.g. attempting to access a server while offline
  • Authorization failure, e.g. an access token is invalid or has expired
  • Any other reason

Network and Authorization failures need to be explicitly modelled so we can take specific application-level action in each case.

We expect most adapter implementations to use the CAS interface as they'll be accessed over the network. The filesystem allows a Locking implementation, but any Locking implementation can have a CAS built atop it. localStorage has synchronous access and so allows implementation of either strategy. With that in mind it may be most fruitful to bias towards good behaviour for CAS systems even if a more optimal implementation for Locking systems is possible.

Query interface and implementation

We'll now consider the operations provided by the Query interface, and how they should be implemented. We will examine the machinery that the Shard Manager must provide in order for Query operations to execute correctly and efficiently.

The Shard Manager does not assume anything about how many shard files exist and what their names are. It receives requests to access particular shards from the frontend Query API, and its job is to optimise these requests into as small a number of reads/writes as possible to minimise latency while maintaining consistency.

Read operations

VaultDB supports three main read operations:

  • get(): read the value of a single document
  • list(): read the names of a directory's children
  • find(): recursively find the paths that sit inside a given directory

These may be combined into larger workflows, especially for performing a bulk export of the database. This requires enumerating all the document paths in the database, and looking up the value of each one.

Here we examine the read operations in more detail to determine the optimal way to translate each of them into reads of the underlying shard files.

get (DocPath) -> Doc

Read the document at a single path, which might be null, e.g.:

// -> 'contents of notes file'

// -> null

// -> ERROR: not a document path

The get() function requires a single shard read: we hash the path to determine the shard it resides in, then read that shard. If multiple get() calls are executed close together, it would be beneficial to cache the shard reads. Although VaultDB instances will usually be short-lived, we should have a way of scoping the duration of the cache rather than caching shard reads indefinitely.

VaultDB cannot support multi-object transactions in the SQL sense, but we do need a concept of batches of operations that are planned and executed together. We will call such a set of related operations a task.

The primary purpose of the cache in this case is to prevent reloading the same shard over and over to read multiple items that reside in it, in the case where the reads are close together in time. If the user wants indefinite caching, there should be a way to explicitly indicate this by starting a task and performing the reads from within that task. Caches should be scoped to that task, rather than to the whole VaultDB instance.

There's not a strong reason to perform any explicit concurrency control for this operation. For Locking adapters, it is tempting to pre-emptively lock a set of shards before reading them, to prevent another process changing the shards during a bulk read and achieve a form of snapshot isolation. To prevent deadlock, the shards should be locked in order of their ID. However, this restricts the ability for multiple processes to read the shards concurrently, which will be safe the majority of the time.

In any case, for CAS adapters, there is no way we can pre-emptively lock multiple objects, and given our previous remarks about biasing towards CAS implementations, it makes sense to avoid guaranteeing any multi-object read consistency.

If the caller believes that it will be requesting enough documents that it will become necessary to load all the shards, it may be beneficial to signal this so that the Shard Manager pre-emptively loads all shards in parallel at the start of the task, rather than loading each shard on the first read to one of its items. In some cases, this will reduce the total execution time by parallelising requests.

For example, say we execute this set of reads:

await db.get('/foo')
await db.get('/bar')
await db.get('/qux')

If these items reside in different shards, then we get a waterfall pattern if each shard is loaded when we first request an item from it:

Shard │
      │   ┌─────────────────┐
    A │   │ READ ░░░░░░░░░░░│
      │   ├─────────────────┘
      │   │                   ┌─────────────────┐
    B │   │                   │ READ ░░░░░░░░░░░│
      │   │                   ├─────────────────┘
      │   │                   │                   ┌─────────────────┐
    C │   │                   │                   │ READ ░░░░░░░░░░░│
      │   │                   │                   ├─────────────────┘
          │                   │                   │
          └ get('/foo')       └ get('/bar')       └ get('/qux')

If some of these items reside in the same shard, then executing these reads in a task with caching can reduce the execution time:

db.task(async (task) => {
  await task.get('/foo')
  await task.get('/bar')
  await task.get('/qux')
Shard │
      │   ┌─────────────────┐                     ┌─┐
    A │   │ READ ░░░░░░░░░░░│                     │░│ CACHE
      │   ├─────────────────┘                     ├─┘
      │   │                   ┌─────────────────┐ │
    B │   │                   │ READ ░░░░░░░░░░░│ │
      │   │                   ├─────────────────┘ │
          │                   │                   │
          └ get('/foo')       └ get('/bar')       └ get('/qux')

An item get() that's initiated while its target shard is being loaded into cache should wait for that cache load to complete, rather than issuing a fresh request for the same shard.

Signalling that we want to load all shards at the beginning of the task reduces the execution time by parallelising shard reads:

db.task(async (task) => {
  await task.preloadShards()
  await task.get('/foo')
  await task.get('/bar')
  await task.get('/qux')
Shard │
      │   ┌───────────────────┐ ┌─┐
    A │   │ READ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░│ │░│ CACHE
      │   ├───────────────────┘ ├─┘
      │   │                     │
      │   ├───────────────┐     │ ┌─┐
    B │   │ READ ░░░░░░░░░│     │ │░│ CACHE
      │   ├───────────────┘     │ ├─┘
      │   │                     │ │
      │   ├─────────────────┐   │ │ ┌─┐
    C │   │ READ ░░░░░░░░░░░│   │ │ │░│ CACHE
      │   ├─────────────────┘   │ │ ├─┘
          │                     │ │ │
          └ preloadShards()     │ │ │
                                │ │ └ get('/qux')
                                │ │
                                │ └ get('/bar')
                                └ get('/foo')

The main risk here is that we make many more requests than needed, for example if we actually only need a minority of the shards or if the database is sparsely populated. A better way of achieving this would be execute the get() calls in parallel, since they're causally independent:

db.task(async (task) => {
  let reads = ['/foo', '/bar', '/qux'].map((path) => task.get(path))
  let docs = await Promise.all(reads)

This produces the same access pattern as the previous example, as all shard reads are started at the same time. If multiple items reside in the same shard, we should make sure each shard is only read once by making items wait on the existing shard read if one is already executing. This implementation also avoids loading shards that don't contain any of the requested items.

This is possibly less intuitive than the sequential get() calls in the prior examples, but is not unusual for JS that wants to parallelise I/O. Either way, some explicit effort is required to make the database perform reads in advance of when they're needed.

Also appealing about this API is the fact that a bulk get is not a separate operation; instead we get optimised loading by wrapping normal get() calls in a task that implicitly caches shards. By having separate task() and get() functions rather than a combined bulkGet(), we let the application control the duration of the cache, potentially reusing it across multiple user actions.

list (DirPath) -> [Name]

Get the child item names of a directory path, which is an empty list if the path does not exist, e.g.:

// -> ['alice/', 'bob/', 'carol/']

// -> ['notes.txt']

// -> []

// -> ERROR: not a directory path

The list() function is identical to get() at the shard level: we just need to know which shard holds the given directory item, and read that shard. Multiple directory reads can be combined in the same way we just described for document reads, and directory and document reads can be arbitrarily mixed using this strategy.

The Shard Manager should be ignorant of the internal structure of shard files, or the meaning of different types of item. It just needs to know which shards need to be loaded, and provide optimal access to them.

find (DirPath) -> [Path]

Get a list of all the document paths that are found inside a directory recursively, not including directories as distinct items, e.g.:

// -> ['/bob/pictures/avatar.jpg', '/bob/pictures/header.png']

This operation will often be accompanied by fetching the value of every found document, for example to prepare a bulk export, or displaying all of the user's current TOTP codes.

Again, find() can be optimised using the same strategy as get() and list(): we execute it inside a task that caches shard reads. There is one additional consideration here which is that the reads we need to perform are necessarily causally related: we list() a directory's children, and then list() their children, and so on until we read the end of the tree. The children can be fetched in parallel, but they can only be fetched after the list() of their parent directory completes.

db.task(async (task) => {
  let root = await task.list('/')
  let children = await Promise.all( => task.list(child)))

This produces a waterfall step for each directory traversed sequentially, but any items that reside in the same shard as the first directory can reuse the cached shard read.

Shard │
      │                       ┌─────────────────┐
    A │                       │ READ ░░░░░░░░░░░│
      │                       ├─────────────────┘
      │   ┌─────────────────┐ │ ┌─┐
    B │   │ READ ░░░░░░░░░░░│ │ │░│ CACHE
      │   ├─────────────────┘ │ ├─┘
      │   │                   │ │ ┌─────────────────┐
    C │   │                   │ │ │ READ ░░░░░░░░░░░│
      │   │                   │ │ ├─────────────────┘
          │                   │ │ │
          └ list('/')         │ │ └ list('/carol/')
                              │ │
                              │ └ list('/bob/')
                              └ list('/alice/')

If we expect that all the shards will be read, for example if we're enumerating a directory with many descendants, then an explicit signal to load all the shards at the beginning would be beneficial for reducing the execution time.

If we also want the values of all the documents, then we can perform the required get() calls inside the same task and take advantage of any shards cached while reading the tree. This also reduces the likelihood of observing changes applied while the tree was being read, for example the find() call returning a document path that then returns null because it was deleted while the find() call was running. However, this may still occur and applications should take account of that.

Finally, we'll note that if list() and task() are exposed by the library, then find() can be implemented on top of those without further access to internal machinery. However it's still useful to provide this function as a convenience.

Write operations

VaultDB supports three write operations:

  • update(): update the value of a single document, creating it if absent
  • remove(): remove a single document
  • prune(): recursively remove all the documents inside a given directory

These may be combined into larger workflows, especially for performing a bulk write into the database. This can be very inefficient if a shard is read and written for every item that needs to be updated in it, and it can also lead to incorrect behaviour if these operations are not correctly ordered.

Here we examine the write operations in more detail to determine the optimal way to translate each of them into reads and writes of the underlying shard files.

update (DocPath, (Doc) -> Doc)

Updates to documents are expressed by giving the document's path, and a function that takes the document's current state and returns its new state, possibly asynchronously.

db.update('/hello.txt', async (doc) => {
  return { ...doc, modified: true }

This design makes it possible to deal with write conflicts in CAS adapters cleanly, by re-reading the shard, extracting the document from it and re-applying the update function to it. If the document does not yet exist, the input to the updater function is null. If the updater function returns null then the document will be deleted, according to the description of the remove() function below.

We'll deal with normal updates that produce a new value first. A document update requires at least two item updates:

  • Update the document item itself with the new value
  • Update the document's parent directory to make sure it includes the document's name

We will call the first operation put() and the second one link(). If a document has multiple ancestor directories, then multiple link() operations are required in order to list each intermediate directory inside its parent. For example, updating the doc /path/to/doc.txt requires the following item updates:

  • put('/path/to/doc.txt', newDoc)
  • link('/path/to/', 'doc.txt')
  • link('/path/', 'to/')
  • link('/', 'path/')

Because directory names end with a slash and document names do not, it is legal for documents and directories to have the same textual name, which is normally not allowed in filesystems.

Performing any one of these operations requires reading the relevant shard into memory, making some modification to it, and then writing it back to storage. As we know all the affected items at the beginning of the operation, the most obvious way to optimise this operation is to load all the required shards in parallel, make any required changes to them, and then write them all back in parallel.

For example, to update /my/note we need to perform three operations: put('/my/note', newDoc), link('/my/', 'note') and link('/', 'my/'), so we need to interact with up to three shards. Let's say we do all the work in parallel; each WRITE operation is labelled with the changes it contains relative to the previous state:

Shard │
      │   ┌─────────────────┐         ┌─────────────────┐
    A │   │ READ ░░░░░░░░░░░│         │ WRITE ░░░░░░░░░░│
      │   ├─────────────────┘         ├─────────────────┘
      │   │                           │
      │   │ ┌─────────────────┐       │ ┌─────────────────┐
    B │   │ │ READ ░░░░░░░░░░░│       │ │ WRITE ░░░░░░░░░░│
      │   │ ├─────────────────┘       │ ├─────────────────┘
      │   │ │                         │ │
      │   │ │ ┌─────────────────┐     │ │ ┌─────────────────┐
    C │   │ │ │ READ ░░░░░░░░░░░│     │ │ │ WRITE ░░░░░░░░░░│
      │   │ │ ├─────────────────┘     │ │ ├─────────────────┘
          │ │ │                       │ │ │
          │ │ └─ list('/')            │ │ └─ link('/', 'my/')
          │ │                         │ │
          │ └─ list('/my/')           │ └─ link('/my/', 'note')
          │                           │
          └─ get('/my/note')          └─ put('/my/note')

Let's consider how this works against a CAS adapter. If any shard write fails with a conflict, then we need to re-read it, re-apply the required changes, and try the write again. The window for conflicts here should be short as we're loading all the data we need, making some fast in-memory changes to it, and then writing everything back as soon as possible. The main source of latency is the read/write I/O itself.

This execution strategy is fine if we can guarantee that all writes succeed. Although the shards may briefly be inconsistent, they end up in a state where the directory listings exactly match the documents that exist. Now imagine that one of the writes for a link() operation fails:

Shard │
      │   ┌─────────────────┐         ┌─────────────────┐
    A │   │ READ ░░░░░░░░░░░│         │ WRITE ░░░░░░░░░░│
      │   ├─────────────────┘         ├─────────────────┘
      │   │                           │
      │   │ ┌─────────────────┐       │ ┌────────────── ⋯
    B │   │ │ READ ░░░░░░░░░░░│       │ │ WRITE ░░░░░░░ ⋯
      │   │ ├─────────────────┘       │ ├────────────── ⋯
      │   │ │                         │ │
      │   │ │ ┌─────────────────┐     │ │ ┌─────────────────┐
    C │   │ │ │ READ ░░░░░░░░░░░│     │ │ │ WRITE ░░░░░░░░░░│
      │   │ │ ├─────────────────┘     │ │ ├─────────────────┘
          │ │ │                       │ │ │
          │ │ └─ list('/')            │ │ └─ link('/', 'my/')
          │ │                         │ │
          │ └─ list('/my/')           │ └─ link('/my/', 'note') [FAILED]
          │                           │
          └─ get('/my/note')          └─ put('/my/note')

We end up with a state where /my/note exists, but the directory item /my/ does not contain note. This makes /my/note undiscoverable by the list() and find() functions, which means a recursive delete of the /my/ or / directory will not remove /my/note unless we implement it with a full scan of all shards.

Earlier we remarked that it's possible in general for list() to return document items that don't exist when we try to read them, or for list() to omit documents that would exist on the next read, because for CAS backends we cannot guarantee cross-shard consistency. As transient states these aren't a problem; a temporary inconsistency is to be expected as long as the store is eventually in a consistent state and we handle write conflicts correctly. But as a persistent state we see that it's worse for list() to omit documents that do in fact exist, because that will stop prune() from working. This gives us a safety condition for consistent updating of shard files:

If a document item exists, then its ancestor directory items must contain a chain of links that resolve to the document.

Therefore, we should delay the write for the put() operation until all the link() operations have been successfully written, producing the following sequence. We have given each write a number, and in parentheses indicated which writes each is dependent on, if any.

Shard │
      │   ┌─────────────────┐                               ┌───────────────────┐
    A │   │ READ ░░░░░░░░░░░│                               │ WRITE 3 (1, 2) ░░░│
      │   ├─────────────────┘                               ├───────────────────┘
      │   │                                                 │
      │   │ ┌─────────────────┐     ┌─────────────────┐     └─ put('/my/note')
    B │   │ │ READ ░░░░░░░░░░░│     │ WRITE 1 ░░░░░░░░│
      │   │ ├─────────────────┘     ├─────────────────┘
      │   │ │                       │
      │   │ │ ┌─────────────────┐   │ ┌─────────────────┐
    C │   │ │ │ READ ░░░░░░░░░░░│   │ │ WRITE 2 ░░░░░░░░│
      │   │ │ ├─────────────────┘   │ ├─────────────────┘
          │ │ │                     │ │
          │ │ └─ list('/')          │ └─ link('/', 'my/')
          │ │                       │
          │ └─ list('/my/')         └─ link('/my/', 'note')
          └─ get('/my/note')

Note that the mutual ordering of the link() operations is not important; the important thing is that we don't create documents until all their parent directories are correct and the document can therefore be returned by find() correctly. This implicitly means we might apply some link() changes and then fail to apply a put(), so it's possible that directories contain items that do not in fact exist. It should be possible to detect and repair this scenario, which we'll examine in more detail when we discuss prune().

So the general structure of update() operations is a two-level dependency graph where a put() operation depends on one or more link() operations.

│ link('/', 'path/')            │────.
└───────────────────────────────┘     \
┌───────────────────────────────┐       \┌──────────────────────────────┐
│ link('/path/', 'to/')         │────────│ put('/path/to/doc.txt', doc) │
└───────────────────────────────┘       /└──────────────────────────────┘
┌───────────────────────────────┐     /
│ link('/path/to/', 'doc.txt')  │────'

In VaultDB's data model, all updates will depend on a link() operation on the root directory. To avoid redundant work and reduce the chance of conflicts, we may be able to avoid performing a write for a link() if it already contains the correct items. For example, if /my/note itself is a new document, but the /my/ directly already contains other items and so already appears in /, we can remove one write from the sequence:

Shard │
      │   ┌─────────────────┐                             ┌───────────────────┐
    A │   │ READ ░░░░░░░░░░░│                             │ WRITE 3 (1, 2) ░░░│
      │   ├─────────────────┘                             ├───────────────────┘
      │   │                                               │
      │   │ ┌─────────────────┐     ┌─────────────────┐   └─ put('/my/note')
    B │   │ │ READ ░░░░░░░░░░░│     │ WRITE 1 ░░░░░░░░│
      │   │ ├─────────────────┘     ├─────────────────┘
      │   │ │                       │
      │   │ │ ┌─────────────────┐   │ ┌─┐
    C │   │ │ │ READ ░░░░░░░░░░░│   │ │░│ WRITE 2 (SKIPPED)
      │   │ │ ├─────────────────┘   │ ├─┘
          │ │ │                     │ │
          │ │ └─ list('/')          │ └─ link('/', 'my/')
          │ │                       │
          │ └─ list('/my/')         └─ link('/my/', 'note')
          └─ get('/my/note')

We still need to read the shard for the / directory to check its state, but if the shard is unmodified by our changes, we may not need to write it again.

Another situation in which we can perform fewer writes is where two operations target the same shard. For example, if both directory items reside in the same shard, we can apply both link() operations and perform a single write.

Shard │
      │   ┌─────────────────┐                               ┌───────────────────┐
    A │   │ READ ░░░░░░░░░░░│                               │ WRITE 2 (1) ░░░░░░│
      │   ├─────────────────┘                               ├───────────────────┘
      │   │                                                 │
      │   │ ┌─────────────────┐     ┌─────────────────┐     └─ put('/my/note')
    B │   │ │ READ ░░░░░░░░░░░│     │ WRITE 1 ░░░░░░░░│
      │   │ ├─────────────────┘     ├─────────────────┘
          │ │                       │
          │ ├─ list('/')            ├─ link('/', 'my/')
          │ └─ list('/my/')         └─ link('/my/', 'note')
          └─ get('/my/note')

If one of the link() operations targets the same shard as the put(), we may be tempted to commit the link() to storage first, and then do another write to commit the put():

Shard │
      │   ┌─────────────────┐     ┌─────────────────────┐   ┌───────────────────┐
    A │   │ READ ░░░░░░░░░░░│     │ WRITE 1 ░░░░░░░░░░░░│   │ WRITE 3 (1, 2) ░░░│
      │   ├─────────────────┘     ├─────────────────────┘   ├───────────────────┘
      │   │                       │                         │
      │   │ ┌─────────────────┐   │ ┌─────────────────┐     └─ put('/my/note')
    B │   │ │ READ ░░░░░░░░░░░│   │ │ WRITE 2 ░░░░░░░░│
      │   │ ├─────────────────┘   │ ├─────────────────┘
          │ │                     │ │
          │ └─ list('/')          │ └─ link('/', 'my/')
          │                       │
          ├─ list('/my/')         └─ link('/my/', 'note')
          └─ get('/my/note')

However, this is not necessary. The dependency constraint is that the put() must not happen before all the link() operations have been committed. This doesn't forbid us from putting some of the link() calls in the same write as the put(), as long as this write is performed after all others are complete. This write either succeeds, and the put() does not precede any link() calls, or it fails and the put() doesn't happen at all. Therefore we can defer the link() into the same write as the put().

Shard │
      │   ┌─────────────────┐                           ┌───────────────────┐
    A │   │ READ ░░░░░░░░░░░│                           │ WRITE 2 (1) ░░░░░░│
      │   ├─────────────────┘                           ├───────────────────┘
      │   │                                             │
      │   │ ┌─────────────────┐   ┌─────────────────┐   ├─ link('/my/', 'note')
    B │   │ │ READ ░░░░░░░░░░░│   │ WRITE 1 ░░░░░░░░│   └─ put('/my/note')
      │   │ ├─────────────────┘   ├─────────────────┘
          │ │                     │
          │ └─ list('/')          └─ link('/', 'my/')
          ├─ list('/my/')
          └─ get('/my/note')

Although update() calls in VaultDB only have a two-level dependency graph, we can generalise some rules about how the Shard Manager should schedule writes. When one change X depends on another change Y, we should only apply X and write it after a write containing change Y has successfully committed. A chain of such dependencies results in writes being performed sequentially:

Shard │
      │   ┌─────────────────┐   ┌───────────────┐
    A │   │ READ ░░░░░░░░░░░│   │ WRITE 1 ░░░░░░│
      │   └─────────────────┘   ├───────────────┘
      │                         └─ Z             \
      │   ┌─────────────────┐                     ┌───────────────┐
    B │   │ READ ░░░░░░░░░░░│                     │ WRITE 2 (1) ░░│
      │   └─────────────────┘                     ├───────────────┘
      │                                           └─ Y             \
      │   ┌─────────────────┐                                       ┌───────────────┐
    C │   │ READ ░░░░░░░░░░░│                                       │ WRITE 3 (2) ░░│
      │   └─────────────────┘                                       ├───────────────┘
                                                                    └─ X

If two of these changes target the same shard, then we must perform two writes to that shard rather than merge changes into the same write, otherwise we risk committing a change before one of its dependencies.

Shard │
      │   ┌─────────────────┐   ┌───────────────┐                   ┌───────────────┐
    A │   │ READ ░░░░░░░░░░░│   │ WRITE 1 ░░░░░░│                   │ WRITE 3 (2) ░░│
      │   └─────────────────┘   ├───────────────┘                   └─┬─────────────┘
      │                         └─ Z             \                 /  └─ X
      │   ┌─────────────────┐                     ┌───────────────┐
    B │   │ READ ░░░░░░░░░░░│                     │ WRITE 2 (1) ░░│
      │   └─────────────────┘                     ├───────────────┘
                                                  └─ Y

But if change Y does not depend on Z, then Z can be deferred into the same write as X, which happens after Y is committed:

Shard │
      │   ┌─────────────────┐                       ┌─────────────────┐
    A │   │ READ ░░░░░░░░░░░│                       │ WRITE 2 (1) ░░░░│
      │   └─────────────────┘                       └─┬───────────────┘
      │                                            /  ├─ X
      │   ┌─────────────────┐   ┌─────────────────┐   └─ Z
    B │   │ READ ░░░░░░░░░░░│   │ WRITE 1 ░░░░░░░░│
      │   └─────────────────┘   ├─────────────────┘
                                └─ Y

This intuition lets us plan an algorithm for grouping logical changes into writes to the storage adapter.

  • Expand the high-level operation into a set of individual item operations. For example, update('/my/note') expands into the lower level item operations link('/', 'my/'), link('/my/', 'note') and put('/my/note', newDoc).

  • Build an execution plan by submitting each item operation to the Shard Manager, giving the name of the shard it targets, its dependencies, and a function that transforms the shard from the old to the new state. The op() function returns a unique identifier that can be used to express dependencies. For example, our update() operation turns into the following planning code:

    let plan = shards.plan()
    let links = [
      plan.op('B', [], (shard) =>'/', 'my/')),
      plan.op('C', [], (shard) =>'/my/', 'note'))
    let put = plan.op('A', links, (shard) => {
      return shard.put('/my/note', newDoc)
  • The job of the plan.op() function is to build a graph of the requested operations and group them into writes. A full description of this graph-building operation is given below under "Operation scheduling". For each shard, it maintains a list of write groups. When a new operation is received for a shard, we try to add the operation to an existing group, or start a new group if the operation cannot be merged into an existing group. An operation may join a group as long as it does not depend on any of the operations in that group via a write group on another shard. In our earlier example, operation X cannot be grouped with Z, because X depends on Z via Y which targets a different shard.

    Shard │
          │   ┌─────────────────┐   ┌───────────────┐                   ┌───────────────┐
        A │   │ READ ░░░░░░░░░░░│   │ WRITE 1 ░░░░░░│                   │ WRITE 3 (2) ░░│
          │   └─────────────────┘   ├───────────────┘                   └─┬─────────────┘
          │                         └─ Z             \                 /  └─ X
          │   ┌─────────────────┐                     ┌───────────────┐
        B │   │ READ ░░░░░░░░░░░│                     │ WRITE 2 (1) ░░│
          │   └─────────────────┘                     ├───────────────┘
                                                      └─ Y

    An operation that depends directly on another can be merged into the same group, as we saw in our example of a put() and link() operation in the same write. The graphs for update() calls do not contain indirect dependencies (put() depends on link(), which depends on nothing), but they can form crossed dependencies which prevent all writes merging into a single group, for example:

    • Shard A contains directory item /alice/ and document item /bob/doc
    • Shard B contains directory item /bob/ and document item /alice/doc

    If we want to update /alice/doc and /bob/doc in the same task, we must perform two writes to one of the shards, otherwise we risk writing a document before its parent directory is up to date. This example is worked through under "Operation scheduling" below.

  • Once the graph is completed, the writes can be executed as follows:

    • Begin by initiating a read for all the affected shards. Further work on each shard can begin as soon as its data is loaded into memory.
    • For every operation in the graph:
      • Wait for its dependencies to complete.
      • Initiate a write for the operation's group if one is not already running.
    • Performing a write for a group means:
      • Take the state from the last successful read or write for the relevant shard.
      • Apply the update functions of all the operations in the group to get the new state.
      • If the shard's content has changed, write it back to storage. Otherwise, immediately mark all its operations as complete.
      • If the write fails due to a conflict, we need to restart the operation. This will be examined in more detail when we discuss remove() and operation scheduling.
      • If the write succeeds, mark all operations in the group as complete.

The Shard Manager should make sure that only one write operation is in process for any shard at a time. Once complete, the state of that write, including the resulting version ID, becomes the input state for further write groups. We do not need to re-read a shard before each write -- we read the shard once at the beginning to get its initial state, and then incrementally update that state with each write. We only need to re-read a shard if a write produces a conflict, indicating that another process has modified it concurrently.

The design of our write scheduling algorithm has to assume that writes to separate files are independent, because it has to work with CAS adapters that aren't able to provide multi-file transactions. There is therefore little advantage to designing a different algorithm for Locking adapters, which would predominantly be used to access data on local disk or in memory, and would benefit much less from any performance optimisations than adapters that work over the network.

For operations like update() where all the required shards are known in advance, a Locking implementation is straightforward: we acquire locks on all required shards, in name order to avoid deadlocks, perform the necessary changes, and then release the locks. For operations like prune() that dynamically decide a set of items to remove, we don't know which shards will be needed in advance and so cannot pre-emptively lock them before commencing work. A simpler solution will be to implement the CAS interface on top of the Locking one, and then use the same write scheduler for both systems to ensure correctness.

remove (DirPath)

The remove() operation is in some ways the inverse of update(). We've seen how an update() is composed of two lower-level operations, put() and link(), and that put() must be performed only after all the link() operations have succeeded. A typical update() looks like this, including the required get() and list() to get the current state of the document and its parent directory:

Shard │
      │   ┌─────────────┐                       ┌─────────────────────┐
    A │   │ get('/doc') ------------------------- put('/doc', newDoc) │
      │   └─────────────┘                       └/────────────────────┘
      │                                         /
      │                                        /
      │   ┌───────────┐     ┌─────────────────/┐
    B │   │ list('/') ------- link('/', 'doc') │
      │   └───────────┘     └──────────────────┘

This graph permits the four operations to execute in one of three orders; the list(), link() and put() operations must happen in that order, while the get() can happen at any time before the put().

Order 1                 Order 2                 Order 3
list('/')               list('/')               get('/doc')
link('/', 'doc')        get('/doc')             list('/')
get('/doc')             link('/', 'doc')        link('/', 'doc')
put('/doc', newDoc)     put('/doc', newDoc)     put('/doc', newDoc)

remove() similarly breaks down into two lower-level operations: rm() removes the document itself, and unlink() removes an item from a directory. If removing the document from its parent directory leaves the directory empty, then that directly should itself be removed, and so on up the tree. This can be implemented by getting the list() of all the ancestor directories and performing unlink() for those that contain a single name forming a chain upward from the removed document.

In order to obey the safety condition of a document always being reachable via links in all its ancestor directories, remove() must not perform any unlink() calls before the rm() has completed. For now we'll assume that multiple unlink() calls may happen in parallel, but they must not precede the rm(). This constraint gives us the following graph:

Shard │
      │   ┌─────────────┐     ┌────────────┐
    A │   │ get('/doc') ------- rm('/doc') │
      │   └─────────────┘     └───────────\┘
      │                                    \
      │                                     \
      │   ┌───────────┐                     ┌\───────────────────┐
    B │   │ list('/') ----------------------- unlink('/', 'doc') │
      │   └───────────┘                     └────────────────────┘

(The get() here represents loading the shard containing /doc; we don't need the current state of /doc itself in order to delete it, but we do need to load the shard it resides in, in order to modify it.)

These operations can also be performed in one of three orders, which differ only in the position of the list() call relative to other operations:

Order 1                 Order 2                 Order 3
get('/doc')             get('/doc')             list('/')
rm('/doc')              list('/')               get('/doc')
list('/')               rm('/doc')              rm('/doc')
unlink('/', 'doc')      unlink('/', 'doc')      unlink('/', 'doc')

If the document has more than one ancestor directory, for example /path/to/note.txt, that doesn't fundamentally change the structure of these graphs, it just adds more link() and unlink() calls that can happen in parallel.

The key risk in implementing remove() is that it can be executed concurrently with an update() that affects the same directories, causing a race condition. For example, if we have a document named /path/to/note.txt, then an update() call will call link('/path/', 'to/') while a remove() may attempt unlink('/path/', 'to/') if it believes the /path/to/ directory will be left empty. If remove('/path/to/note.txt') is called concurrently with update('/path/to/'), then remove() might try to delete the /path/to/, /path/ and / directories entirely, believing it's deleting the only document inside them, not knowing that another document is in the process of being written.

We must therefore pay careful attention to how the operations in update() and remove() are executed. In a CAS system we can rely on the underlying adapter to raise an update conflict if two processes concurrently modify the same directory item; for example this protects us from removing directories we believe will become empty if some other process modified them since we called list() to get their current state. The question for us here is how we handle such conflicts to make sure that databases always remain in a safe state, given any possible interleaving of the operations inside an update() and a remove().

In general a CAS adapter will raise a conflict in the following cases:

  • Between a get() call to read a document, and a put() or rm() call to update that document, another process updates the shard that document resides in.

  • Between a list() call to read a directory, and a link() or unlink() call to update that directory, another process updates the shard that directory resides in.

This means a CAS adapter will definitely raise a conflict if two processes concurrently modify the same item, but it will also raise a conflict if any other item in the same shard is updated at the same time. To detect whether a conflict is actually due to our item being updated, rather than some other item in the same shard, it may be desirable to give individual items version IDs.

We'll say that a document write that comes between a get() and a put()/rm() for the same document invalidates the get(). That is, it renders the version ID returned by get() stale, and the following put()/rm() will fail with a conflict error. Similarly, a write to a directory item can invalidate a list(), causing a future link()/unlink() to fail. We need to arrange things so that any sequence of operations executed by a set of VaultDB clients does not leave the data in an unsafe state. Any operation that would lead to such a state should cause an invalidation somewhere, leading to unsafe operations being rejected with a conflict.

We can see that Order 1 for the update() and remove() functions given above is fundamentally unsafe, as follows. If an update() and remove() for /doc happen one after the other, it gives the following sequence of operations:

update remove
link('/', 'doc')
put('/doc', newDoc)
unlink('/', 'doc')

If update and remove are executed independently by different clients, then the operations within each one remain in the same order but the two sets of operations can become interleaved. For example, this order of operations is also possible:

update remove
link('/', 'doc')
unlink('/', 'doc')
put('/doc', newDoc)

None of the writes in this sequence fail, because none of the get() or list() calls are invalidated by some other write coming between them and the corresponding put()/rm() or link()/unlink(). And so we end up executing put() for the document after we called unlink() to remove it from its parent directory, violating the safety condition.

Thinking about how we'd implement Order 1 using a Locking adapter helps illustrate why it's not safe. To implement update in this order it would be sufficient to do the following:

  • Acquire a lock on the shard holding the / directory (shard B)
  • Read shard B
  • Write shard B to update the / directory
  • Release the lock on shard B
  • Acquire a lock on the shard holding the /doc document (shard A)
  • Read shard A
  • Write shard A to update the /doc document
  • Release the lock on shard A

At no point are we holding locks on both shards at the same time, and this is what allows another process to come in and make changes between our updates to / and /doc leading to a safety violation. To fix this we need to force the extent of these locks to overlap. In a CAS system, we are implicitly holding a lock from the time we read a shard, to the next time we write it -- our write succeeds as long as nobody else writes to the shard while we were looking at it.

Order 1 being unsafe means the get() in update must come before the link(); using the locking analogy, this would mean acquiring the lock on A while we're still holding the lock on B. Similarly, the list() in remove must come before the rm(). This gives us the following dependency graph for update:

Shard │
      │      ┌─────────────┐                    ┌─────────────────────┐
    A │      │ get('/doc') │                    │ put('/doc', newDoc) │
      │      └────────────\┘                    └/────────────────────┘
      │                    \                    /
      │                     \                  /
      │   ┌───────────┐     ┌\────────────────/┐
    B │   │ list('/') ------- link('/', 'doc') │
      │   └───────────┘     └──────────────────┘

And the following graph for remove; these graphs allow Orders 2 and 3 but not Order 1:

Shard │
      │   ┌─────────────┐     ┌────────────┐
    A │   │ get('/doc') ------- rm('/doc') │
      │   └─────────────┘     └/──────────\┘
      │                       /            \
      │                      /              \
      │          ┌──────────/┐              ┌\───────────────────┐
    B │          │ list('/') │              │ unlink('/', 'doc') │
      │          └───────────┘              └────────────────────┘

Now let's examine Order 2 and see what further constraints it reveals. Without interleaving, the Order 2 operation sequence for update and remove looks like this:

update remove
link('/', 'doc')
put('/doc', newDoc)
unlink('/', 'doc')

To violate safety, we need to find a way to perform a write that produces an unsafe state, but does not cause a CAS conflict, and so executes successfully. In our previous example, this happened when put() was executed after unlink():

update remove
link('/', 'doc')
unlink('/', 'doc')
put('/doc', newDoc) ⚠️

In this order of operations, put() produces a conflict, indicated by ⚠️, because an rm() occurs between the get() and put() in update, invalidating the get(). To avoid this, the get() in update would have to happen after the rm() operation, for example:

update remove
link('/', 'doc')
unlink('/', 'doc') ⚠️
put('/doc', newDoc)

We're not changing the operation order within each function, we're just changing how the two functions interleave. Placing the get() in update after rm() forces the link() call to happen after the list() in remove. It thus invalidates that list() call and causes unlink() to fail with a conflict. At no point in this execution is the database in an unsafe state, because the following three writes are successful:

  • rm() removes the document but leaves it linked in its parent directory
  • link() ensures the document is linked
  • put() writes a new version of the document

The database is never in a state where the document exists, but is not linked, so this execution is safe. While keeping get() after rm(), what other executions are possible? Only two other orderings of the link(), put() and unlink() calls are possible; either unlink() happens first:

update remove
unlink('/', 'doc')
link('/', 'doc') ⚠️
put('/doc', newDoc) ⛔️

This invalidates the list() in update and makes link() fail with a conflict, so we don't actually execute put() at all (indicated by ⛔️). This is equivalent to the remove fully completing and the update not happening at all, which is safe. The other possible ordering is that unlink() happens last:

update remove
link('/', 'doc')
put('/doc', newDoc)
unlink('/', 'doc') ⚠️

This is equivalent to the earlier case where link() causes unlink() to fail. update completes successfully, and remove partially executes but does not introduce a safety violation.

The above sequence of operations demonstrates two important constraints. First, it's important that unlink() fails here, because if it succeeded it would unlink the existing /doc document, leaving things in an unsafe state. This can only happen if we execute the link() call, even if the / directory already contains doc, purely to update the shard's version ID and cause the unlink() call to fail. We cannot skip link() calls that do not change a directory's contents as we'd earlier hoped we might. (If the CAS adapter's versioning is just a content hash, then writing the same content to it may not change its version. We can force a version change by re-encrypting the relevant directory item with new random keys, thereby changing the shard's contents, or by incrementing a counter in the shard's metadata whenever we write it. This also prevents the ABA problem from happening.)

Second, it shows that if an operation fails with a conflict, we cannot retry just that operation -- we must retry the entire function it was part of. For example, imagine we handle the above conflicted unlink() call by just re-reading the / directory and trying the unlink again:

update remove
link('/', 'doc')
put('/doc', newDoc)
unlink('/', 'doc') ⚠️
unlink('/', 'doc')

The second unlink() succeeds, but now we've caused a safety violation by unlinking /doc when it still exists. Instead we need to redo any reads affected by the conflict to (i.e. the link() call) to get their new state and version IDs, and then redo all the writes for the remove function. We don't need to redo reads for shards we've not seen a conflict on, for example, we don't need to redo the get() call here, we can continue to use the version ID we got from the rm() call, as long as there's no evidence that version is now stale.

update remove
link('/', 'doc')
put('/doc', newDoc)
unlink('/', 'doc') ⚠️
unlink('/', 'doc')

This leaves the database in a safe state because /doc is removed before being unlinked. If any other client updates / or /doc while this remove is retrying, then we will get further conflicts and we can start over once again.

Now, recall that we're trying to find executions that lead to unsafe states but don't trigger CAS conflicts. We just did this by looking at traces where get() in update is not invalidated because it occurs after rm(). The other way to avoid a conflict on the /doc shard would be for rm() to happen after put(), that is:

update remove
link('/', 'doc')
put('/doc', newDoc)
rm('/doc') ⚠️
unlink('/', 'doc') ⛔️

In this execution, the get() in remove is invalidated by the put(), causing rm() to fail with a conflict. To avoid this, the get() in remove would have to happen after put() as well:

update remove
link('/', 'doc')
put('/doc', newDoc)
unlink('/', 'doc')

But this is just the two functions executing sequentially, so no race condition is possible. Each function executes to completion, keeping the database in a safe state at all times by the way their internal operations are ordered.

Other attempts to construct a safety violation without a conflict end in the same way. For example, in order for the unlink() call not to cause a conflict in the update function, it must happen either before the list() call in update (which would be a sequential, non-interleaved execution), or it must happen after the link() call, as in:

update remove
link('/', 'doc')
unlink('/', 'doc') ⚠️
put('/doc', newDoc)

Calling unlink() here would be unsafe, as it would unlink a doc that is then created via put(). Thankfully, the unlink() fails with a conflict because link() invalidates the list() in remove. To avoid this, the list() in remove would have to happen after link():

update remove
link('/', 'doc')
unlink('/', 'doc')
put('/doc', newDoc) ⚠️

This forces rm() to happen later, which causes put() to fail, or put() happens first and causes rm() to fail. Any attempt to escape a conflict either moves the conflict to somewhere else, or produces something equivalent to safe sequential execution. None of these cases lead to a safety violation without a conflict arising somewhere.

Similar arguments apply for Order 3 executions. The key thing is that by reading all the affected shards before performing any writes, and thus getting their version IDs before we try to change anything, we're essentially acquiring overlapping locks that will alert us if anything changes from the initial state while we're updating things. The update() and remove() operations are each individually constructed so that we end in a safe state if they are partially executed, and this additional ordering constraint means any concurrent execution of one of these functions will receive a conflict if they attempt to create an unsafe state.

All remove() calls will involve at least one unlink() operation, to remove the document from its parent directory. The above examples consider a document that's a direct child of the root directory /. Documents nested further down the tree will potentially require more than one unlink() call, if deleting them would leave their parent directory empty. For example, consider a database containing this tree of documents:

└─┬ path/
  ├── a.txt
  └─┬ to/
    └── b.txt

This tree contains five items:

path type value
/ directory ['path/']
/path/ directory ['a.txt', 'to/']
/path/a.txt document <blob>
/path/to/ directory ['b.txt']
/path/to/b.txt document <blob>

If we remove /path/to/b.txt, this should implicitly remove the /path/to/ directory, because b.txt is the only document in that directory. It's not a safety violation for empty directories to exist, but it reduces the efficiency of the find() and prune() operations so in general we'd like to avoid them.

When performing a remove('/path/to/b.txt') operation, we will first read all the relevant items -- the shards containing the /, /path/ and /path/to/ directories and the /path/to/b.txt document itself. We'll observe that /path/to/ only contains a single item, and removing that item would leave it empty, and so we can unlink it from its parent. In general we can continue doing this all the way up the directory tree until we find a directory with more than one item. So, this remove() call would perform the following operations:

  • rm('/path/to/b.txt')
  • unlink('/path/', 'to/')
  • unlink('/path/to/', 'b.txt')

These would leave the database in the final state...

└─┬ path/
  └── a.txt

... containing just three items:

path type value
/ directory ['path/']
/path/ directory ['a.txt']
/path/a.txt document <blob>

We must make sure that we don't delete ancestor directories that are not in fact empty -- if we remove the /path/to/ directory but it actually contains items other than b.txt, then we may leave some documents unlinked. Imagine that a call to update('/path/to/c.txt') occurs concurrently with this remove() call, consisting of the following operations:

  • link('/', 'path/')
  • link('/path/', 'to/')
  • link('/path/to/', 'c.txt')
  • put('/path/to/c.txt', doc)

From the starting state containing b.txt, this would produce the following state...

└─┬ path/
  ├── a.txt
  └─┬ to/
    ├── b.txt
    └── c.txt

... consisting of six items:

path type value
/ directory ['path/']
/path/ directory ['a.txt', 'to/']
/path/a.txt document <blob>
/path/to/ directory ['b.txt', 'c.txt']
/path/to/b.txt document <blob>
/path/to/c.txt document <blob>

Is it possible to execute these remove() and update() calls concurrently in a way that leads to an unsafe state, by incorrectly deleting the /path/to/ directory? If these are executed sequentially, this is the complete set of operations involved, where we have labelled each operation with a letter to make them easier to refer to:

update remove
A list('/')
B list('/path/')
C list('/path/to/')
D get('/path/to/b.txt')
E rm('/path/to/b.txt')
F unlink('/path/', 'to/')
G unlink('/path/to/', 'b.txt')
H list('/')
J list('/path/')
K list('/path/to/')
L get('/path/to/c.txt')
M link('/', 'path/')
N link('/path/', 'to/')
P link('/path/to/', 'c.txt')
Q put('/path/to/c.txt', doc)

The lines reading ---- denote barriers: within the update and remove calls, operations may be executed in parallel and so run in unpredictable orders, but the implementation makes sure they're not re-ordered across these barriers. First each call performs all its reads -- the list() and get() calls. update then performs a set of link() operations, and then a put() if all those succeed. remove performs rm() and then a set of unlink() calls if that succeeds. list() and get() calls may be re-ordered relative to each other, link() calls may happen in any order, as may unlink() calls. But link() cannot happen after put(), nor can rm() happen after unlink(), in order to preserve our safety condition.

Given this set of operations, is it possible for them to execute in an order such that we mistakenly call F: unlink('/path/', 'to/') and end up leaving c.txt unlinked? In a sequential execution of remove followed by update, this trivially does not happen, because update does all the necessary link() calls before writing c.txt. If the calls overlap in time, then for unlink('/path/', 'to/') to be written incorrectly, a couple of conditions must hold:

  • The call C: list('/path/to/') must return a list containing a single item, so that we decide to perform call F. This means C must happen before call P adds c.txt to this directory.

  • The call F must succeed without conflict, i.e. no conflicting link() call happens between the relevant list() and unlink() calls for /path/ in remove. That is, call N must not come between calls B and F.

It turns out there is an ordering of these operations allowed by these rules that produces a problem:

update remove
H list('/')
J list('/path/')
K list('/path/to/')
L get('/path/to/c.txt')
M link('/', 'path/')
N link('/path/', 'to/')
A list('/')
B list('/path/')
C list('/path/to/')
P link('/path/to/', 'c.txt')
Q put('/path/to/c.txt', doc)
D get('/path/to/b.txt')
E rm('/path/to/b.txt')
F unlink('/path/', 'to/')
G unlink('/path/to/', 'b.txt') ⚠️

As required, P comes after C, and N is not between B and F. However, P happens between C and G and causes G to fail with a conflict, as C has been invalidated. The update function runs to completion: calls M, N and P happen before remove performs any writes, and Q affects an item that remove does not touch. remove fails with a conflict, but only after F has run and unlinked the /path/to/ directory. This means that after F completes, the document /path/to/c.txt exists but is not fully linked since the /path/ directory does not contain to/.

We can address this by forcing unlink() calls to execute sequentially, starting with the deepest directory. That is, F must happen after G, which we'll denote by adding a barrier between them.

update remove
H list('/')
J list('/path/')
K list('/path/to/')
L get('/path/to/c.txt')
M link('/', 'path/')
N link('/path/', 'to/')
A list('/')
B list('/path/')
C list('/path/to/')
P link('/path/to/', 'c.txt')
Q put('/path/to/c.txt', doc)
D get('/path/to/b.txt')
E rm('/path/to/b.txt')
G unlink('/path/to/', 'b.txt') ⚠️
F unlink('/path/', 'to/') ⛔️

This modification to the previous execution means F will no longer execute; the barrier means that F will only run if G completes successfully. At no point in this execution do we violate the requirement that all documents are fully linked to the root directory.

To prevent the conflict on G, we would need P not to happen between C and G. Remember we only perform F if P happens after C, so the only situation worth investigating is where P happens after G:

update remove
H list('/')
J list('/path/')
K list('/path/to/')
L get('/path/to/c.txt')
M link('/', 'path/')
N link('/path/', 'to/')
A list('/')
B list('/path/')
C list('/path/to/')
D get('/path/to/b.txt')
E rm('/path/to/b.txt')
G unlink('/path/to/', 'b.txt')
P link('/path/to/', 'c.txt') ⚠️
Q put('/path/to/c.txt', doc) ⛔️
F unlink('/path/', 'to/')

Now G falls between K and P and causes P to fail with a conflict, and thus Q does not happen at all. remove runs to completion, and update fails to create the document that would have triggered a safety violation.

To avoid this conflict, K would need to happen after G. We can move K down below L, but the barrier below that necessitates moving all the other update operations after this after G as well.

update remove
H list('/')
J list('/path/')
L get('/path/to/c.txt')
A list('/')
B list('/path/')
C list('/path/to/')
D get('/path/to/b.txt')
E rm('/path/to/b.txt')
G unlink('/path/to/', 'b.txt')
K list('/path/to/')
M link('/', 'path/')
N link('/path/', 'to/')
P link('/path/to/', 'c.txt')
Q put('/path/to/c.txt', doc)
F unlink('/path/', 'to/') ⚠️

Call N now falls between B and F and causes F to fail with a conflict, and so we don't perform the problematic unlink() call and Q is safe. We can't move N up before B without also moving K before G, due to the barriers, so let's instead try moving N to happen after F.

update remove
H list('/')
J list('/path/')
L get('/path/to/c.txt')
A list('/')
B list('/path/')
C list('/path/to/')
D get('/path/to/b.txt')
E rm('/path/to/b.txt')
G unlink('/path/to/', 'b.txt')
K list('/path/to/')
M link('/', 'path/')
P link('/path/to/', 'c.txt')
F unlink('/path/', 'to/')
N link('/path/', 'to/') ⚠️
Q put('/path/to/c.txt', doc) ⛔️

F now happens between J and N, causing N to fail with a conflict and therefore Q does not happen at all and we once again have a safe execution. Avoiding this conflict would either require moving F to happen after N, which is just the preceding example, or moving it before J. Even moving J as late as possible and keeping K after G, this gives us:

update remove
H list('/')
L get('/path/to/c.txt')
A list('/')
B list('/path/')
C list('/path/to/')
D get('/path/to/b.txt')
E rm('/path/to/b.txt')
G unlink('/path/to/', 'b.txt')
K list('/path/to/')
F unlink('/path/', 'to/')
J list('/path/')
M link('/', 'path/')
P link('/path/to/', 'c.txt')
N link('/path/', 'to/')
Q put('/path/to/c.txt', doc)

This is basically the same as sequential execution. All the writes in remove succeed because update hasn't performed any writes yet. update then performs all the required link() calls to make the final write Q safe. By trying to construct an execution in which we end in an unsafe state, and then trying to avoid the resulting conflicts, we've ended up with a sequential execution.

Let's take an even more extreme example where the entire update operation happens between G and F, which themselves cannot be re-ordered. Is it possible for the call to G to succeed, and still have F happen erroneously?

update remove
A list('/')
B list('/path/')
C list('/path/to/')
D get('/path/to/b.txt')
E rm('/path/to/b.txt')
G unlink('/path/to/', 'b.txt')
H list('/')
J list('/path/')
K list('/path/to/')
L get('/path/to/c.txt')
M link('/', 'path/')
N link('/path/', 'to/')
P link('/path/to/', 'c.txt')
Q put('/path/to/c.txt', doc)
F unlink('/path/', 'to/') ⚠️

Here F fails with a conflict because N happens between B and F. We can move N before B, but that leaves a conflict on P because G happens first. If we move P before G then G fails instead, and prevents F from happening.

update remove
A list('/')
C list('/path/to/')
D get('/path/to/b.txt')
H list('/')
J list('/path/')
K list('/path/to/')
L get('/path/to/c.txt')
N link('/path/', 'to/')
B list('/path/')
E rm('/path/to/b.txt')
G unlink('/path/to/', 'b.txt')
M link('/', 'path/')
P link('/path/to/', 'c.txt') ⚠️
Q put('/path/to/c.txt', doc) ⛔️
F unlink('/path/', 'to/')

Or, we can move N after F, but that causes a conflict on N that prevents Q from happening.

update remove
A list('/')
B list('/path/')
C list('/path/to/')
D get('/path/to/b.txt')
E rm('/path/to/b.txt')
G unlink('/path/to/', 'b.txt')
H list('/')
J list('/path/')
K list('/path/to/')
L get('/path/to/c.txt')
M link('/', 'path/')
P link('/path/to/', 'c.txt')
F unlink('/path/', 'to/')
N link('/path/', 'to/') ⚠️
Q put('/path/to/c.txt', doc) ⛔️

We see that attempts to order events such that both F and Q execute and leave the database in an unsafe state ends up producing a conflict somewhere that prevents this state from arising. The only constraint we've had to add to the design to achieve this is that unlink() calls happen sequentially, in bottom-up order. Intuitively, this makes sense because unlink() is a conditional operation: we remove a directory from its parent if it becomes empty as a result of removing its last child. By performing G before F, we confirm that the state of /path/to/ has not changed since we read it at C, and therefore the decision to perform F is still valid.

Contrast this with link() which is unconditional: we always make sure a document is linked in its parent directories when creating or updating it. Therefore it makes sense that unlink() needs a causal/ordering constraint placed upon it while link() is allowed to execute in parallel. It's unfortunate that we have to execute unlink() calls sequentially because it will make remove() take longer to run. However, we expect remove() calls to happen much less frequently than update(), and most remove() calls will require only one unlink(), so this is a reasonable trade-off.

Now we know the general logical dependency structure for remove(). Whereas update() is structured as a put() following a set of concurrent link() calls, remove() is an rm() call followed by a sequence of one or more unlink() calls for as many parent directories would be left empty by the removal of the document.

│ rm('/a/b/doc') │
                   │ unlink('/a/b/', 'doc') │
                                              │ unlink('/a/', 'b/') │

We will briefly consider how these operations should be scheduled for execution by the Shard Manager. We always need to perform at least one unlink() call for the document's immediate parent directory, so it makes sense to read the shards for the document itself and its parent directory up front, before executing the writes.

Shard │
      │   ┌─────────────┐       ┌─────────────┐
    A │   │ READ ░░░░░░░│       │ WRITE ░░░░░░│
      │   ├─────────────┘       ├─────────────┘
      │   │                     │              \
      │   │ ┌─────────────┐     │               ┌─────────────┐
    B │   │ │ READ ░░░░░░░│     │               │ WRITE ░░░░░░│
      │   │ ├─────────────┘     │               ├─────────────┘
          │ │                   │               │
          │ └─ list('/a/b/')    │               └─ unlink('/a/b/', 'doc')
          │                     │
          └─ get('/a/b/doc')    └─ rm('/a/b/doc')

If further unlink() calls are required, we could wait until the first one succeeds and becomes empty before deciding to perform the second. This would mean the shard for the grandparent directory is not read until after the first unlink() write is complete.

Shard │
      │   ┌─────────────┐       ┌─────────────┐
    A │   │ READ ░░░░░░░│       │ WRITE ░░░░░░│
      │   ├─────────────┘       ├─────────────┘
      │   │                     │              \
      │   │ ┌─────────────┐     │               ┌─────────────┐
    B │   │ │ READ ░░░░░░░│     │               │ WRITE ░░░░░░│
      │   │ ├─────────────┘     │               ├─────────────┘
      │   │ │                   │               │              \
      │   │ │                   │               │               ┌─────────────┐   ┌─────────────┐
    C │   │ │                   │               │               │ READ ░░░░░░░│───│ WRITE ░░░░░░│
      │   │ │                   │               │               ├─────────────┘   ├─────────────┘
          │ │                   │               │               │                 │
          │ │                   │               │               └─ list('/a/')    └─ unlink('/a/', 'b/')
          │ │                   │               │
          │ └─ list('/a/b/')    │               └─ unlink('/a/b/', 'doc')
          │                     │
          └─ get('/a/b/doc')    └─ rm('/a/b/doc')

But we don't need to wait for the first unlink() call to succeed before making this decision. We know that if the /a/b/ directory contains a single item, then the /a/b/ directory itself should be removed, assuming its last remaining child is successfully unlinked. This suggests we should read the shards for all the ancestor directories up front, and plan all the required writes before the rm() is executed. The dependency chain will make sure that each write is only executed if the ones before it succeed, so we can make this plan ahead of time and still avoid performing the second unlink() if the first one fails.

Shard │
      │   ┌─────────────┐       ┌─────────────┐
    A │   │ READ ░░░░░░░│       │ WRITE ░░░░░░│
      │   ├─────────────┘       ├─────────────┘
      │   │                     │              \
      │   │ ┌─────────────┐     │               ┌─────────────┐
    B │   │ │ READ ░░░░░░░│     │               │ WRITE ░░░░░░│
      │   │ ├─────────────┘     │               ├─────────────┘
      │   │ │                   │               │              \
      │   │ │ ┌─────────────┐   │               │               ┌─────────────┐
    C │   │ │ │ READ ░░░░░░░│   │               │               │ WRITE ░░░░░░│
      │   │ │ ├─────────────┘   │               │               ├─────────────┘
          │ │ │                 │               │               │
          │ │ └─ list('/a/')    │               │               └─ unlink('/a/', 'b/')
          │ │                   │               │
          │ └─ list('/a/b/')    │               └─ unlink('/a/b/', 'doc')
          │                     │
          └─ get('/a/b/doc')    └─ rm('/a/b/doc')

This is even more beneficial if the ancestor directories reside in the same shard. If we wait for the first unlink() write to succeed before deciding to perform the second, then we end up performing two sequential writes to the same shard.

Shard │
      │   ┌─────────────┐       ┌─────────────┐
    A │   │ READ ░░░░░░░│       │ WRITE ░░░░░░│
      │   ├─────────────┘       ├─────────────┘
      │   │                     │              \
      │   │ ┌─────────────┐     │               ┌─────────────┐   ┌─────────────┐
    B │   │ │ READ ░░░░░░░│     │               │ WRITE ░░░░░░│───│ WRITE ░░░░░░│
      │   │ ├─────────────┘     │               ├─────────────┘   ├─────────────┘
          │ │                   │               │                 │
          │ │                   │               │                 └─ unlink('/a/', 'b/')
          │ │                   │               │
          │ └─ list('/a/b/')    │               └─ unlink('/a/b/', 'doc')
          │                     │
          └─ get('/a/b/doc')    └─ rm('/a/b/doc')

This is sub-optimal: it's perfectly safe to merge both unlink() calls into a single write. Either they both succeed or they both fail, but importantly the unlink() on the /a/ directory is only performed if the /a/b/ one succeeds, so the causal dependency is maintained and we don't violate our safety requirement.

Shard │
      │   ┌─────────────┐       ┌─────────────┐
    A │   │ READ ░░░░░░░│       │ WRITE ░░░░░░│
      │   ├─────────────┘       ├─────────────┘
      │   │                     │              \
      │   │ ┌─────────────┐     │               ┌─────────────┐
    B │   │ │ READ ░░░░░░░│     │               │ WRITE ░░░░░░│
      │   │ ├─────────────┘     │               ├─────────────┘
          │ │                   │               │
          │ ├─ list('/a/')      │               ├─ unlink('/a/', 'b/')
          │ └─ list('/a/b/')    │               └─ unlink('/a/b/', 'doc')
          │                     │
          └─ get('/a/b/doc')    └─ rm('/a/b/doc')

Likewise, the first unlink() can be merged into the same write with the put() if both of them target the same shard. Operations that directly depend on each other can be merged into the same write without violating causality.

The final question to address here is what do to in the case of a conflict being reported by the backing store. To handle this conflict, we could either:

  • Bail and mark the update() or remove() as failed, or
  • Resume the function by restarting it from the beginning, based on the shards' new versions.

The first option is safe, because these operations are individually crash-safe and so halting them part-way through is fine. However the second option isn't unsafe; restarting a remove() operation doesn't violate the safety requirement to make sure all existing documents are linked in their parent directories.

Rather than a safety violation, this raises a UI question: what should remove() tell the application if it detects a conflict? CAS is so far assumed to be an internal implementation detail -- we don't expose version information in the Query API, so a call to remove() can be done with no prior read, meaning the application wants the item deleted no matter what its current state is. The target use cases we have in mind include command-line credential managers that expose a "remove item" operation that doesn't ask the user for the item's current version before proceeding.

While this can be implemented on top of an API that requires an item to be read before it's deleted, just to get its current version, this isn't how we intend VaultDB to be used. update() hides the internal concurrency control by taking an update function rather than a new state, and it retries until the update succeeds. For symmetry it makes sense to treat remove() like a special kind of update and retry it until it succeeds. If the application isn't co-ordinating the update() and remove(), it can't have any expectation of them being applied in any particular order, and once it learns that an operation succeeded, it can't assume the item continues in that state as some other process might modify it immediately afterward. So, it doesn't violate any basic assumptions to have all operations retry until success, possibly with a retry or time limit, and it improves the usability for the use cases we have in mind.

If we don't expose version information in the API, then there's nothing an application could sensibly do with a rejected remove() other than make the exact decision we just did about whether to bail or retry based on a blanket policy, rather than on the state of the document in question. It would only make sense for VaultDB's Query API to expose rejection as a mode of failure if we also expose versioning and don't retry operations ourselves, which would fundamentally change the design.

prune (DirPath)

The prune() function removes all the documents that are stored under the given directory path. Logically this can be accomplished by using find() to get the names of all such documents, and then calling remove() on each one. However, it will be desirable to optimise this as a distinct operation because we can plan its execution a little better than a literal set of concurrent remove() calls. These would be likely to conflict with one another, and they would execute a lot of incremental unlink() operations to remove items from directories one at a time. If we're deleting an entire directory recursively then we know that we'll want to delete all its internal directories entirely, rather than incrementally removing their children.

To perform prune(dir), we still perform a find(dir) call for the directory to locate all the documents to remove, and to load the shards containing all the intermediate directories into the cache. We then plan a set of rm() calls for those documents and any directories inside dir. We delete the directory tree bottom-up starting with the leaf documents; an item can be removed once all its children are removed. For example, consider the tree we saw earlier:

└─┬ path/
  ├── a.txt
  └─┬ to/
    ├── b.txt
    └── c.txt

A call to prune('/path/') would first call find('/path/'), returning the list ['/path/a.txt', '/path/to/b.txt', '/path/to/c.txt']. We immediately schedule an rm() for each of these; we'll give each operation an identifying label:

  • A: rm('/path/a.txt')
  • B: rm('/path/to/b.txt')
  • C: rm('/path/to/c.txt')

There is one internal directory in this tree: /path/to/. This can be removed once all its documents have been removed:

  • D: rm('/path/to/'), depends on B and C

Finally /path/ itself can be removed once its direct children have been removed:

  • E: rm('/path/'), depends on A and D

The removal must be planned bottom-up for the same reason that the unlink() calls in remove() must go bottom-up. In a tree containing a single document, /path/to/file.txt, a call to prune('/path/') will perform basically the same operations as remove('/path/to/file.txt'), and they'll be prone to the same race conditions unless we make the removal of a directory dependent on the removal of its children.

If any of the writes encounters a conflict, the whole operation should restart from the initial find() call. A successful execution of prune() should end with nothing inside the given directory, so if a concurrent update() occurs on a path inside the directory, we must call find() again to get an updated view of the directory's contents. This find() call may happen when the directory has been partially deleted, which is another reason to make sure deletion goes bottom-up. prune() should be considered successful if all its writes after the initial find() complete without conflicts.

Once all the rm() calls have been completed, prune() can perform the same check that remove() does for empty parent directories. It should at least unlink() the pruned directory from its parent, and may perform further unlink() calls if this leaves the parent directory empty, and so on.

Putting all this together, the full execution of prune('/path/') on the above tree produces the following graph.

                     │ rm('/path/a.txt') │
┌──────────────────────┐                 ┌\─────────────┐   ┌──────────────────────┐
│ rm('/path/to/b.txt') │                 │ rm('/path/') ----- unlink('/', 'path/') │
└─────────────────────\┘                 └/─────────────┘   └──────────────────────┘
                       \                 /
                       │ rm('/path/to/') │
│ rm('/path/to/c.txt') │


In addition to the core operations, we need one further special function for dealing with the root key file. The first time the database is used, we need to generate some random keys, encrypt them with the root passphrase, and write them to storage. If a root key is already set, we need to read and decrypt it, and we must not overwrite it.

For Locking adapters, this can be accomplished in one of two ways:

  1. Using the base Locking interface, by locking the filename for the root keys and attempting to read it; if this fails then some new keys are generated and written, and the lock is released.

  2. A more optimal solution can be provided by opening the root key file directly using O_CREAT | O_EXCL; this will fail if the file already exists and it can be read instead.

In the average case where the root keys already exist, both techniques require a single open() call and a read of the file, but version 1 requires an additional call to remove the lock.

For CAS adapters, this can be accomplished by attempting a write with no version, which will fail if the file already exists, at which point we can read it. Or, we can read it, and then attempt a write with no version if that fails, which requires one less network call in the average case. Both versions require retrying if the second request fails. There is no more optimal implementation than this, so it may be of marginal benefit requiring Locking adapters to provide a custom implementation of this function.

Doing the read first means we may not need to generate keys at all, so the input to this function should possibly be a function that can produce the new value if required, and is not called otherwise.

Operation scheduling

High-level write operations in VaultDB perform a set of multiple writes to individual items inside shard files. For example, update('/my/note') breaks down into the following writes to individual items:

  • put('/my/note') to update the document item itself
  • link('/my/', 'note') to ensure note is listed in the /my/ directory
  • link('/', 'my/') to ensure my/ is listed in the / directory

In general we expect access to the storage to be done over the network, often to a remote internet server, and therefore to be unreliable and slow. That is, requests may fail, and they will probably take a long time on average and be highly variable. A simple update() may require only a couple of changes to items, but more complex operations like a bulk insert or a recursive delete could require dozens of changes. When multiple operations target the same shard, it would be desirable to batch them into a smaller number of requests, to reduce the total time taken to complete an action.

However, we cannot simply group all the operations for each shard into a single request, as the order in which changes are applied may be important. For update() to be safe, we must only execute the put() operation after all the link() operations are completed successfully. Otherwise, if we perform the put() but one of the link() requests fails, we create a document that is not listed in its parent directories, and that stops recursive deletion from working.

Earlier we saw an example of an optimised update('/my/note') call where the document item and one of the directory items reside in the same shard:

Shard │
      │   ┌─────────────────┐                           ┌───────────────────┐
    A │   │ READ ░░░░░░░░░░░│                           │ WRITE 2 ░░░░░░░░░░│
      │   ├─────────────────┘                           ├───────────────────┘
      │   │                                             │
      │   │ ┌─────────────────┐   ┌─────────────────┐   ├─ link('/my/', 'note')
    B │   │ │ READ ░░░░░░░░░░░│   │ WRITE 1 ░░░░░░░░│   └─ put('/my/note')
      │   │ ├─────────────────┘   ├─────────────────┘
          │ │                     │
          │ └─ list('/')          └─ link('/', 'my/')
          ├─ list('/my/')
          └─ get('/my/note')

This is safe because write 2 is only executed if write 1 succeeds, so we only execute the put() if all the required link() operations are also done. If write 2 fails, the database is inconsistent in that the / directory contains the item my/ which may not in fact contain any documents. But it is not unsafe in that we have not created any documents that are unreachable via directory lists and therefore cannot be deleted. We've optimised the I/O by grouping two operations into write 2, but without violating their dependency order so that the database is left in a safe state at the end of every write. If writes 1 and 2 were done in parallel, it would be possible for write 1 to fail but write 2 to succeed, creating an unsafe state.

We have examined the inner workings of the update(), remove() and prune() functions and determined how the individual changes they make must be ordered to ensure safety. We would like for the Shard Manager to execute all these operations, and any others we may add later, using as few network requests as possible, while making sure that if any request fails, the database is left in a safe state. Rather than optimising each of the Query functions specifically, we would like to come up with a general way of optimising a set of writes to the shards.

In general, given a set of operations and their dependencies, we want to produce a plan for executing those operations. This planning process will produce a directed graph of write groups, where each group targets a single shard and contains one or more changes to apply to the shard's data. The writes are executed in the order dictated by the graph, and writes may be executed in parallel when no causal dependency exists between them.

These graphs will be characterised by two metrics:

  • N, the total number of write groups
  • D, the graph's depth, which is the length of the longest chain of dependent groups that must be executed sequentially

We'd like both to be as small as possible but in general it will be hard to optimise for both at once. It may also be computationally expensive to find the graph that produces the smallest possible number for one of these metrics. Instead we'd like an efficient method for constructing a write graph from a set of operations that will tend to produce improved performance compared to executing each operation individually in its own write request. We will use some heuristics based on examples and our knowledge of the likely shape of operation dependencies in VaultDB.

Rules required for correctness

Let's start with an example that models the above update() call:

  • Operation w1 targets shard B and has no dependencies
  • Operation w2 targets shard A and has no dependencies
  • Operation w3 targets shard A and depends on w1 and w2.

We can imagine building up a graph of these operations while trying to group operations on the same shard. We'll start by placing w1 in the graph in a new group for shard B.

Shard │
    A │
      │   ┌────┐
    B │   │ w1 │
      │   └────┘

Next, we place w2, which targets shard A, so we create a new group for that shard:

Shard │
      │   ┌────┐
    A │   │ w2 │
      │   └────┘
      │   ┌────┐
    B │   │ w1 │
      │   └────┘

Finally, we need to add w3, which depends on the other two operations. It must therefore be executed either after or at the same time as these operations to achieve safety. It targets shard A, so our question is: can we put it in the existing group containing w1, or must we create a new group? In this case, w3 depends directly on w1 and it is safe to place it in the same group, meaning w1 and w3 will be applied in the same write request.

We add w3 to the graph in the group with w1 and make dependency links between the operations:

Shard │
      │   ┌────────────┐
    A │   │ w2 ---- w3 │
      │   └────────/───┘
      │           /
      │      ┌───/┐
    B │      │ w1 │
      │      └────┘

The finished graph has a dependency between the [w2, w3] group and the [w1] group, forcing the writes to be executed in that order:

Shard │
      │                         ┌─────────────────┐
    A │                         │ WRITE ░░░░░░░░░░│
      │                         ├─────────────────┘
      │                         └─ w2, w3
      │   ┌─────────────────┐
    B │   │ WRITE ░░░░░░░░░░│
      │   ├─────────────────┘
          └─ w1

Now imagine that we add a fourth operation w4 that targets B and depends on w3. Can we put it in the same group as w1? No, we cannot: this would mean executing w1 and w4 in one write, and then w2 and w3 in another. w3 happens after w4, or possibly not at all if the second write fails, so we've violated the dependency order of w4 on w3. Therefore w4 needs to be put in its own group, separate from w1.

Shard │
      │   ┌────────────┐
    A │   │ w2 ---- w3 │
      │   └────────/──\┘
      │           /    \
      │      ┌───/┐    ┌\───┐
    B │      │ w1 │    │ w4 │
      │      └────┘    └────┘

That gives us the following write sequence:

Shard │
      │                       ┌─────────────────┐
    A │                       │ WRITE ░░░░░░░░░░│
      │                       ├─────────────────┘
      │                       └─ w2, w3
      │   ┌─────────────────┐                     ┌─────────────────┐
    B │   │ WRITE ░░░░░░░░░░│                     │ WRITE ░░░░░░░░░░│
      │   ├─────────────────┘                     ├─────────────────┘
          └─ w1                                   └─ w4

This small example has given us some useful constraints for building graphs:

  • If no write groups exist for a shard, a new group must be created.

  • If operations P and Q target the same shard, and P depends directly on Q, then P may be placed in the same group as Q, but must not be placed in any earlier group.

  • If an operation P depends indirectly on another operation Q, that is it depends on Q via an operation on another shard, then P must be placed in a later group than Q.

  • Otherwise, operations may be assigned to any group we choose without breaking causality, assuming we record dependencies to force the groups to execute in the correct order.

Assignment to the earliest group

If there are multiple groups that we're allowed to add an operation to, which one do we choose? In general, it seems wise to choose the earliest-scheduled group, that is the leftmost one in the graph. To see why, consider the following example. Imagine we've built up the following graph, where:

  • The operation w1 targets shard B.
  • w2 targets shard A and depends on w1.
  • w3 targets B and has no dependencies.
  • w4 targets C and depends on w3.
  • w5 targets B and depends on w4.

This gives us the following graph according to the above rules:

Shard │
      │                 ┌────┐
    A │          .------- w2 │
      │         /       └────┘
      │        /
      │   ┌───/────────┐    ┌────┐
    B │   │ w1      w3 │    │ w5 │
      │   └───────────\┘    └/───┘
      │                \    /
      │                ┌\──/┐
    C │                │ w4 │
      │                └────┘

w1 and w3 have been merged into a group because they do not depend on each other, so it is safe to execute them together as long as the other writes start after the write to B is complete. The indirect dependency of w5 on w3 means it cannot be merged with w3 and must start a new group, otherwise it would be committed before w4.

Now say we have another operation targeting B, w6. It has no dependencies and we decide to merge it into the group with w5.

Shard │
      │                 ┌────┐
    A │          .------- w2 │
      │         /       └────┘
      │        /
      │   ┌───/────────┐    ┌────────────┐
    B │   │ w1      w3 │    │ w5      w6 │
      │   └───────────\┘    └/───────────┘
      │                \    /
      │                ┌\──/┐
    C │                │ w4 │
      │                └────┘

Next we add w7, targeting A and depending on w6. We can merge this with w2 safely, with the effect that this group is now scheduled after all the others.

Shard │
      │                          ┌────────────┐
    A │          .---------------- w2      w7 │
      │         /                └────────/───┘
      │        /                         /
      │   ┌───/────────┐    ┌───────────/┐
    B │   │ w1      w3 │    │ w5      w6 │
      │   └───────────\┘    └/───────────┘
      │                \    /
      │                ┌\──/┐
    C │                │ w4 │
      │                └────┘

Finally we add w8 which targets B and depends on w4 and w7. Its indirect dependencies on w3 and w6 mean it cannot be merged into any existing group without violating causality, and must be put in a group by itself.

Shard │
      │                          ┌────────────┐
    A │          .---------------- w2      w7 │
      │         /                └────────/──\┘
      │        /                         /    \
      │   ┌───/────────┐    ┌───────────/┐    ┌\───┐
    B │   │ w1      w3 │    │ w5      w6 │    │ w8 │
      │   └───────────\┘    └/───────────┘    └/───┘
      │                \    /                 /
      │                ┌\──/┐                /
    C │                │ w4 ----------------'
      │                └────┘

This gives us the following execution for this set of writes, which preserves the required ordering so that we do not start writing an operation until after all its dependencies are successfully committed.

Shard │
      │                                                   ┌─────────────┐
    A │                                                   │ WRITE ░░░░░░│
      │                                                   ├─────────────┘
      │                                                   └─ w2, w7
      │   ┌─────────────┐                 ┌─────────────┐                 ┌─────────────┐
    B │   │ WRITE ░░░░░░│                 │ WRITE ░░░░░░│                 │ WRITE ░░░░░░│
      │   ├─────────────┘                 ├─────────────┘                 ├─────────────┘
      │   └─ w1, w3                       └─ w5, w6                       └─ w8
      │                   ┌─────────────┐
    C │                   │ WRITE ░░░░░░│
      │                   ├─────────────┘
                          └─ w4

However, this execution is not optimal; we perform a total of five writes, all sequentially, and w2 is scheduled much later than necessary, considering it only depends on w3 being committed. What if instead we put w6 in the first group, with w1 and w3?

Shard │
      │                 ┌────┐
    A │          .------- w2 │
      │         /       └────┘
      │        /
      │   ┌───/────────────────┐    ┌────┐
    B │   │ w1      w3      w6 │    │ w5 │
      │   └───────────\────────┘    └/───┘
      │                \            /
      │                ┌\───┐      /
    C │                │ w4 ------'
      │                └────┘

Now, w7 can again be merged with w2, but now we do not delay w2 until after w5 is committed.

Shard │
      │                 ┌───────────┐
    A │          .------- w2     w7 │
      │         /       └───────/───┘
      │        /               /
      │   ┌───/───────────────/┐    ┌────┐
    B │   │ w1      w3      w6 │    │ w5 │
      │   └───────────\────────┘    └/───┘
      │                \            /
      │                ┌\───┐      /
    C │                │ w4 ------'
      │                └────┘

When we plan w8, we can now put it in the group with w5, on which it does not depend. We cannot place w8 any earlier because of its indirect dependencies on w3 and w6.

Shard │
      │                 ┌───────────┐
    A │          .------- w2     w7 ------.
      │         /       └───────/───┘      \
      │        /               /            \
      │   ┌───/───────────────/┐    ┌────────\───┐
    B │   │ w1      w3      w6 │    │ w5      w8 │
      │   └───────────\────────┘    └/───────/───┘
      │                \            /       /
      │                ┌\───┐      /       /
    C │                │ w4 ------'-------'
      │                └────┘

We now have four writes rather than five, and two of them can be performed concurrently whereas our previous plan required all writes to happen sequentially, so the depth has been reduced from five to three.

Shard │
      │                     ┌───────────────┐
    A │                     │ WRITE ░░░░░░░░│
      │                     ├───────────────┘
      │                     └─ w2, w7
      │   ┌───────────────┐                   ┌───────────────┐
    B │   │ WRITE ░░░░░░░░│                   │ WRITE ░░░░░░░░│
      │   ├───────────────┘                   ├───────────────┘
      │   └─ w1, w3, w6                       └─ w5, w8
      │                     ┌───────────────┐
    C │                     │ WRITE ░░░░░░░░│
      │                     ├───────────────┘
                            └─ w4

This suggests that when trying to merge an operation into an existing group, the earliest or "leftmost" eligible group in the graph should be chosen, to reduce the likely total depth of the graph. For "leaf" operations with no dependencies, this means picking the first group at all times, but non-leaf operations must be placed in groups to the right of any operations they depend on. In general, operations should be scheduled as early as possible, but no earlier.

There is another important property at work here. Look again at the graph state before we add w6:

Shard │
      │                 ┌────┐
    A │          .------- w2 │
      │         /       └────┘
      │        /
      │   ┌───/────────┐    ┌────┐
    B │   │ w1      w3 │    │ w5 │
      │   └───────────\┘    └/───┘
      │                \    /
      │                ┌\──/┐
    C │                │ w4 │
      │                └────┘

The [w1, w3] group is already depended upon by the [w2] group, and so adding w6 and w7 to these groups respectively does not create any new inter-group dependencies that would block admission of new operations into the first B group. It was already impossible for anything depending on the [w2] group to enter the [w1, w3] group, and the addition of w6 and w7 has not changed that.

Shard │
      │                 ┌───────────┐
    A │          .------- w2     w7 │
      │         /       └───────/───┘
      │        /               /
      │   ┌───/───────────────/┐    ┌────┐
    B │   │ w1      w3      w6 │    │ w5 │
      │   └───────────\────────┘    └/───┘
      │                \            /
      │                ┌\───┐      /
    C │                │ w4 ------'
      │                └────┘

So it is tempting to try to plan execution by avoiding the creation of new inter-group dependencies, if possible. However, if we're considering each operation one at a time while building the graph, when w6 is added we do not yet know what other operations might come to depend on it.

Shard │
      │                 ┌────┐
    A │          .------- w2 │
      │         /       └────┘
      │        /
      │   ┌───/────────────────┐    ┌────┐
    B │   │ w1      w3      w6 │    │ w5 │
      │   └───────────\────────┘    └/───┘
      │                \            /
      │                ┌\───┐      /
    C │                │ w4 ------'
      │                └────┘

Doing this sort of analysis requires comparing whole dependency sets and their possible intersections, and every possible combination of groups they could form, rather than building the graph one operation at a time, and is likely to be more computationally expensive and harder to define an algorithm for it. So for now we will take the simpler option of preferring to place each operation in the earliest possible group.

Avoiding excessively deep graphs

In VaultDB, operations will tend to have short dependency chains, typically with only two levels, for example a put() depending on a set of link() calls. remove() and prune() graphs may be deeper but these will normally be executed rarely relative to update(). Despite this, it is possible to form highly sub-optimal plans by following the rules we have so far. For example, we could form a chain like the following:

Shard │
      │   ┌────┐
    A │   │ w1 │
      │   └───\┘
      │        \
      │        ┌\──────────┐
    B │        │ w2     w3 │
      │        └──────────\┘
      │                    \
      │                    ┌\──────────┐
    C │                    │ w4     w5 │
      │                    └──────────\┘
      │                                \
      │                                ┌\──────────┐
    D │                                │ w6     w7 │
      │                                └──────────\┘
      │                                            \
      │                                            ┌\───┐
    E │                                            │ w8 │
      │                                            └────┘

This is constructed by following the rules for w2 depending on w1, w4 on w3 and so on, and placing each new operation in the earliest existing group for its shard. To complete eight operations we have N = 5 and D = 5, the graph is completely sequential. While reducing N is desirable, it is also good to run requests in parallel where possible.

One way we could achieve this is by deciding to place w5 in a new group before that containing w4, giving us the following plan with N = 6 and D = 3.

Shard │
      │   ┌────┐
    A │   │ w1 │
      │   └───\┘
      │        \
      │        ┌\──────────┐
    B │        │ w2     w3 │
      │        └──────────\┘
      │                    \
      │   ┌────┐           ┌\───┐
    C │   │ w5 │           │ w4 │
      │   └───\┘           └────┘
      │        \
      │        ┌\──────────┐
    D │        │ w6     w7 │
      │        └──────────\┘
      │                    \
      │                    ┌\───┐
    E │                    │ w8 │
      │                    └────┘

We still have some batched operations, but the graph is flatter and likely to take less time to execute. It also allows for opportunistic merging; if the request for group [w5] fails and must be retried, and we retry it after the request for [w2, w3] completes, we can then fold w5 into the request for [w4] because all the dependencies for w4 have completed. This is very much a niche optimisation though, as normally shards have multiple groups as a result of their dependencies preventing the groups from merging, so a group is only executed if all its previous groups were successfully committed. This dynamic merging is only possible for disconnected subsets of the graph.

How would we implement this? We could keep track if the depth position of each group, that is the length of the dependency chain to the left of a given group. [w1] has depth 0 as it has no dependencies, [w2, w3] is depth 1, and [w4] has depth 2. When we come to consider w5, we may decide not to add it to a group of depth 2, but instead start a new depth-0 group for the same shard.

Whether to allow leaf operations to join depth-1 groups is a heuristic choice. If we only place leaf operations in depth-0 groups, then we'd get the following plan up to w4:

Shard │
      │       ┌────┐                    N = 4, D = 2
    A │       │ w1 │
      │       └───\┘
      │            \
      │   ┌────┐   ┌\───┐
    B │   │ w3 │   │ w2 │
      │   └───\┘   └────┘
      │        \
      │        ┌\───┐
    C │        │ w4 │
      │        └────┘

Whereas if we allow leaf operations in depth-1 groups, then we get some group merging without the long chain of stacked requests.

Shard │
      │   ┌────┐                        N = 3, D = 3
    A │   │ w1 │
      │   └───\┘
      │        \
      │        ┌\──────────┐
    B │        │ w2     w3 │
      │        └──────────\┘
      │                    \
      │                    ┌\───┐
    C │                    │ w4 │
      │                    └────┘

This is especially useful in the case of "crossed" dependencies where we want to update two documents where each document's parent directory is in the same shard as the other document. For example:

  • Shard A contains document item /alice/note and directory item /bob/
  • Shard B contains document item /bob/note and directory item /alice/

We cannot complete these updates via a single write to each shard without violating causality, but we can accomplish it in three requests:

  • w1 represents link('/alice/', 'note') and targets shard B
  • w2 represents put('/alice/note') and targets shard A; it depends on w1
  • w3 represents link('/bob/', 'note') and targets shard A
  • w4 represents put('/bob/note') and targets shard B; it depends on w3

These operations produce this graph if we allow leaf operations in depth-1 groups:

Shard │
      │        ┌───────────┐
    A │        │ w2     w3 │
      │        └/─────────\┘
      │        /           \
      │   ┌───/┐           ┌\───┐
    B │   │ w1 │           │ w4 │
      │   └────┘           └────┘

If we don't allow leaf operations in depth-1 groups, then we still end up with an N = 3 graph because even though we will place w3 in its own group before w2, we will merge w4 into the group with w1.

Shard │
      │   ┌────┐           ┌────┐
    A │   │ w3 │           │ w2 │
      │   └───\┘           └/───┘
      │        \           /
      │        ┌\─────────/┐
    B │        │ w4     w1 │
      │        └───────────┘

The leaf operation w1 has ended up in a depth-1 group because we merged w4 with it, and w4 depends on w3. So we may as well allow leaf operations to be placed in depth-1 groups to begin with.

This works because w1 and w4 target the same shard; if they targeted different shards then we'd get the stair-step pattern we saw above. The particular way the operations are grouped and ordered is affected by whether we allow leaf operations into depth-1 groups or not, and this will affect how future operations merge into the graph. Again, we don't want to try every possible combination but instead pick rules that produce a reasonable plan with a single pass over the set of operations.

We may also want to place restrictions on merging non-leaf operations into existing groups. For example, consider a variation of an earlier example where we've built the following graph, and we're about to add w8 which targets C and depends on w7.

Shard │
      │   ┌────┐
    A │   │ w5 │
      │   └───\┘
      │        \
      │        ┌\──────────┐
    B │        │ w6     w7 │
      │        └──────────\┘
      │                    \
      │   ┌────┐           ┌\   ┐
    C │   │ w1 │             w8
      │   └───\┘           └    ┘
      │        \
      │        ┌\──────────┐
    D │        │ w2     w3 │
      │        └──────────\┘
      │                    \
      │                    ┌\───┐
    E │                    │ w4 │
      │                    └────┘

If we merge w8 into the [w1] group, that will have the effect of delaying all the groups for shards C, D and E, and increase the graph's total depth from 3 to 5. We may decide to place w8 in its own group of depth 2 than to merge it into a depth-0 group, thereby increasing the depth of a bunch of existing groups.

What if the operations on shards D and E didn't exist?

Shard │
      │   ┌────┐
    A │   │ w2 │
      │   └───\┘
      │        \
      │        ┌\──────────┐
    B │        │ w3     w4 │
      │        └──────────\┘
      │                    \
      │   ┌────┐           ┌\   ┐
    C │   │ w1 │             w5
      │   └────┘           └    ┘

In this case, we'd probably want to merge w5 into the [w1] group, as doing that doesn't increase the graph's total depth and it reduces the number of groups by one. It's hard to make this call while building the graph, because we don't know what further operations might be built on top of w1. Perhaps this is an operation we could apply when we've finished building the graph, to merge adjacent groups as long as one does not depend on the other, and merging them doesn't increase the graph's total depth.

For example, if w5 is the final operation and we end up with a graph like this:

Shard │
      │   ┌────┐
    A │   │ w2 │
      │   └───\┘
      │        \
      │        ┌\──────────┐
    B │        │ w3     w4 │
      │        └──────────\┘
      │                    \
      │   ┌────┐           ┌\───┐
    C │   │ w1 │           │ w5 │
      │   └────┘           └────┘

Then we can reduce N without affecting D by merging the [w1] and [w5] groups:

Shard │
      │   ┌────┐
    A │   │ w2 │
      │   └───\┘
      │        \
      │        ┌\──────────┐
    B │        │ w3     w4 │
      │        └──────────\┘
      │                    \
      │                    ┌\──────────┐
    C │                    │ w5     w1 │
      │                    └───────────┘

But suppose further operations are added after w5 that depend on w1 and target another shard:

Shard │
      │   ┌────┐
    A │   │ w2 │
      │   └───\┘
      │        \
      │        ┌\──────────┐
    B │        │ w3     w4 │
      │        └──────────\┘
      │                    \
      │   ┌────┐           ┌\───┐
    C │   │ w1 │           │ w5 │
      │   └───\┘           └────┘
      │        \
      │        ┌\───┐
    D │        │ w6 │
      │        └────┘

In this case, merging the [w1] and [w5] groups would reduce N by 1, but would also increase D by 1:

Shard │
      │   ┌────┐
    A │   │ w2 │
      │   └───\┘
      │        \
      │        ┌\──────────┐
    B │        │ w3     w4 │
      │        └──────────\┘
      │                    \
      │                    ┌\──────────┐
    C │                    │ w5     w1 │
      │                    └──────────\┘
      │                                \
      │                                ┌\───┐
    D │                                │ w6 │
      │                                └────┘

This suggests that it would be profitable to avoid merging groups whose depth differs by 2 or more (for example adding w5 to the [w1] group) while adding operations to the graph. Once all operations have been added, we could look for opportunities to merge groups for the same shard, as long as this does not increase the graph's total depth, or increases it by less than some threshold if we believe that reducing N is worth increasing D somewhat.

We could also consider approaches based on building the graph only after we have all the dependency information for all writes, rather than attempting to build the graph incrementally. Any graph-building algorithm will necessarily involve an incremental phase to slot operations into the graph one by one, but can we apply any analysis to the operations before starting this process that leads to a better result?

For example, we could decide to sort the operations by their depth: leaf operations are depth 0, operations that depend only on leaves are depth 1, and so on. Take our stair-step plan from above:

Shard │
      │   ┌────┐
    A │   │ w1 │
      │   └───\┘
      │        \
      │        ┌\──────────┐
    B │        │ w2     w3 │
      │        └──────────\┘
      │                    \
      │                    ┌\──────────┐
    C │                    │ w4     w5 │
      │                    └──────────\┘
      │                                \
      │                                ┌\──────────┐
    D │                                │ w6     w7 │
      │                                └──────────\┘
      │                                            \
      │                                            ┌\───┐
    E │                                            │ w8 │
      │                                            └────┘

Imagine we instead try to build a graph by adding all the depth-0 operations to it first. These have no dependencies and will all produce a single group for their respective shard.

Shard │
      │   ┌────┐
    A │   │ w1 │
      │   └────┘
      │   ┌────┐
    B │   │ w3 │
      │   └────┘
      │   ┌────┐
    C │   │ w5 │
      │   └────┘
      │   ┌────┐
    D │   │ w7 │
      │   └────┘
    E │

Then we could handle the depth-1 operations. w2 depends on w1 and targets shard B, so we can merge it into the [w3] group, increasing that group's depth from 0 to 1. w4 depends on w3 and targets C, forcing the creation of a depth-2 group. We don't merge w4 into the [w5] group because that would increase the group's depth by 2.

Shard │
      │   ┌────┐
    A │   │ w1 │
      │   └───\┘
      │        \
      │        ┌\──────────┐
    B │        │ w2     w3 │
      │        └──────────\┘
      │                    \
      │   ┌────┐           ┌\───┐
    C │   │ w5 │           │ w4 │
      │   └────┘           └────┘
      │   ┌────┐
    D │   │ w7 │
      │   └────┘
    E │

We can see how following this pattern produces a similar result to what we saw above. It doesn't seem like sorting by operation depth produced a radically different approach; graph-building decisions are still guided by the relative depth of write groups. Since dependency chains in VaultDB are typically short and msot operations have a depth of either 0 or 1, sorting them by depth doesn't meaningfully change the graph building process. It just adds delay to the start of the process, since we can't start building the graph until we have information for all operations and we've sorted them. It also prevents graphs being dynamically updated or optimised during execution, which is necessarily for dealing with failed requests.

So far the best candidates for constraints to add to our rule set are:

  • Do not add a leaf operation to the leftmost existing group if that group's current depth is greater than 1. Instead, create a new depth-0 group for the target shard.

  • Do not add any operation to an existing group if doing so would increase the group's depth by more than 1. Instead, start a new group for the operation.

  • Once all operations are known, attempt to merge any groups for a shard that are not mutually dependent. Merge groups as long as it does not increase the total graph depth unacceptably.

Prioritising the longest chains

Let's consider another example where we'd want to constrain merging based on group depth. Imagine we have the following graph:

Shard │
      │        ┌───────────┐
    A │        │ w2     w3 │
      │        └/─────────\┘
      │        /           \
      │   ┌───/┐           ┌\───┐
    B │   │ w1 │           │ w4 │
      │   └────┘           └───\┘
      │                         \
      │                         ┌\───┐
    C │                         │ w5 │
      │                         └────┘

Now say we have operation w6 targeting C, and it has no dependencies. We decide not to merge it with the [w5] group, since that has depth 3, and we instead start a new depth-0 group for it.

Shard │
      │        ┌───────────┐
    A │        │ w2     w3 │
      │        └/─────────\┘
      │        /           \
      │   ┌───/┐           ┌\───┐
    B │   │ w1 │           │ w4 │
      │   └────┘           └───\┘
      │                         \
      │   ┌────┐                ┌\───┐
    C │   │ w6 │                │ w5 │
      │   └────┘                └────┘

Again, if no further operations are added to this graph, we'd consider merging the [w6] and [w5] groups to reduce the number of groups without increasing depth. But imagine instead that we now add w7, which targets B and depends on w6. Which group do we add w7 to?

w7 does not depend in any way on w1 or w4, so we can add it to either of their groups. If we pick the earlier group, the [w1] one, then link that group to [w6], we end up increasing the depth of the graph to 5.

Shard │
      │                     ┌───────────┐
    A │                     │ w2     w3 │
      │                     └/─────────\┘
      │                     /           \
      │        ┌───────────/┐           ┌\───┐
    B │        │ w7      w1 │           │ w4 │
      │        └/───────────┘           └───\┘
      │        /                             \
      │   ┌───/┐                             ┌\───┐
    C │   │ w6 │                             │ w5 │
      │   └────┘                             └────┘

However, if we placed w7 in the [w4] group, then linking this group to [w6] does not increase the graph's depth and it remains at 4.

Shard │
      │        ┌───────────┐
    A │        │ w2     w3 │
      │        └/─────────\┘
      │        /           \
      │   ┌───/┐   ┌────────\───┐
    B │   │ w1 │   │ w7      w4 │
      │   └────┘   └/──────────\┘
      │            /            \
      │       ┌───/┐            ┌\───┐
    C │       │ w6 │            │ w5 │
      │       └────┘            └────┘

Therefore when merging a non-leaf operation, we should pick a group whose depth is greater than that of any of the groups the operation depends on. Remember that it's the depth of groups that matters here for the shape of the graph, not the depth of operations within their own local dependency relationships. This graph produces the following partly parallelised write sequence, and has N = 5 and D = 4.

Shard │
      │                   ┌─────────────┐
    A │                   │ WRITE ░░░░░░│
      │                   ├─────────────┘
      │                   └─ w2, w3
      │   ┌─────────────┐                 ┌─────────────┐
    B │   │ WRITE ░░░░░░│                 │ WRITE ░░░░░░│
      │   ├─────────────┘                 ├─────────────┘
      │   └─ w1                           └─ w7, w4
      │   ┌─────────────┐                                 ┌─────────────┐
    C │   │ WRITE ░░░░░░│                                 │ WRITE ░░░░░░│
      │   ├─────────────┘                                 ├─────────────┘
          └─ w6                                           └─ w5

This is a shorter graph depth than if we'd decided to merge w6 with w5, thus pushing w7 into its own group, or than if we'd merged w7 with w1 as described above. Both these other graphs would be fully sequential.

The results we end up with are sensitive to the order in which operations are added, and the merging decisions we make as a result. Imagine that in this example we'd instead ended up merging w1 and w4, rather than w2 and w3, which is perfectly allowed by their dependency relationships.

Shard │
      │   ┌────┐           ┌────┐
    A │   │ w3 │           │ w2 │
      │   └───\┘           └/───┘
      │        \           /
      │        ┌\─────────/┐
    B │        │ w4     w1 │
      │        └───────────┘
    C │

With the information up to w4, there's no reason to prefer this over the previous plan, they're structurally equivalent. The difference only becomes apparent when we add more operations.

We then add w5, creating a group of depth 2 that depends on the depth-1 [w4, w1] group, and we add w6 in its own depth-0 group rather than adding it to the depth-2 [w5] group.

Shard │
      │   ┌────┐           ┌────┐
    A │   │ w3 │           │ w2 │
      │   └───\┘           └/───┘
      │        \           /
      │        ┌\─────────/┐
    B │        │ w4     w1 │
      │        └───\───────┘
      │             \
      │   ┌────┐    ┌\───┐
    C │   │ w6 │    │ w5 │
      │   └────┘    └────┘

Then we add w7, which we can merge into the [w4, w1] group, linking that group to [w6] creating a graph with N = 5 and D = 3.

Shard │
      │          ┌────┐          ┌────┐
    A │          │ w3 │          │ w2 │
      │          └───\┘          └/───┘
      │               \          /
      │        ┌───────\────────/┐
    B │        │ w7     w4    w1 │
      │        └/─────────\──────┘
      │        /           \
      │   ┌───/┐           ┌\───┐
    C │   │ w6 │           │ w5 │
      │   └────┘           └────┘

This graph has N = 5 like the ones before it, but now performs more of the writes in parallel. The difference isn't big enough to be worth trying every possible grouping of operations, it's more important to have an algorithm that can make some reasonable optimisations that runs in linear time relative to the number of operations. Sometimes we'll miss a slightly more optimal solution, but that's preferable to making the optimiser much more complicated or have super-linear performance scaling.

Shard │
      │   ┌───────────────┐                       ┌───────────────┐
    A │   │ WRITE ░░░░░░░░│                       │ WRITE ░░░░░░░░│
      │   ├───────────────┘                       ├───────────────┘
      │   └─ w3                                   └─ w2
      │                       ┌───────────────┐
    B │                       │ WRITE ░░░░░░░░│
      │                       ├───────────────┘
      │                       └─ w1, w4, w7
      │   ┌───────────────┐                       ┌───────────────┐
    C │   │ WRITE ░░░░░░░░│                       │ WRITE ░░░░░░░░│
      │   ├───────────────┘                       ├───────────────┘
          └─ w6                                   └─ w5

Is there a method we could use to convert the D = 4 solution for this set of operations into the D = 3 graph? Consider the graph shape we ended up with for D = 4:

Shard │
      │        ┌───────────┐
    A │        │ w2     w3 │
      │        └/─────────\┘
      │        /           \
      │   ┌───/┐   ┌────────\───┐
    B │   │ w1 │   │ w7      w4 │
      │   └────┘   └/──────────\┘
      │            /            \
      │       ┌───/┐            ┌\───┐
    C │       │ w6 │            │ w5 │
      │       └────┘            └────┘

We can observe that the longest dependency chain between single operations is the one connecting w3, w4 and w5. Imagine that we construct a new graph containing just those operations, and split out the other operations into their own sub-graphs:

Shard │                                     │
      │   ┌────┐                            │        ┌────┐
    A │   │ w3 │                            │        │ w2 │
      │   └───\┘                            │        └/───┘
      │        \                            │        /
      │        ┌\───┐                       │   ┌───/┐      ┌────┐
    B │        │ w4 │                       │   │ w1 │      │ w7 │
      │        └───\┘                       │   └────┘      └/───┘
      │             \                       │               /
      │             ┌\───┐                  │          ┌───/┐
    C │             │ w5 │                  │          │ w6 │
      │             └────┘                  │          └────┘

We can then add the remaining operations back into the graph on the left. We start by merging w1 into the [w4] group, since w1 has no dependencies and the [w4] group has depth 1. Then we create a new group for w2 which depends on w1:

Shard │                                     │
      │   ┌────┐           ┌────┐           │
    A │   │ w3 │           │ w2 │           │
      │   └───\┘           └/───┘           │
      │        \           /                │
      │        ┌\─────────/┐                │               ┌────┐
    B │        │ w4     w1 │                │               │ w7 │
      │        └───\───────┘                │               └/───┘
      │             \                       │               /
      │             ┌\───┐                  │          ┌───/┐
    C │             │ w5 │                  │          │ w6 │
      │             └────┘                  │          └────┘

This leaves w6 and w7 to merge into the main graph. w6 gets a new group, rather than adding it to the [w5] group which has depth 2. w7 can be added to the [w4, w1] group and linked to the [w6] group.

Shard │
      │          ┌────┐          ┌────┐
    A │          │ w3 │          │ w2 │
      │          └───\┘          └/───┘
      │               \          /
      │        ┌───────\────────/┐
    B │        │ w7     w4    w1 │
      │        └/─────────\──────┘
      │        /           \
      │   ┌───/┐           ┌\───┐
    C │   │ w6 │           │ w5 │
      │   └────┘           └────┘

By extracting the longest dependency chain between individual operations and building the graph by starting with that chain, we reduce the total depth of the graph. Here's another example of a graph that could be optimised in this way:

Shard │
      │   ┌────┐            ┌────┐
    A │   │ w1 │            │ w6 │
      │   └───\┘            └/──\┘
      │        \            /    \
      │        ┌\──────────/┐    ┌\───┐
    B │        │ w2      w5 │    │ w7 │
      │        └────────/───┘    └────┘
      │                /
      │           ┌───/┐
    C │           │ w4 │
      │           └/───┘
      │           /
      │      ┌───/┐
    D │      │ w3 │
      │      └────┘

The dominant chain in this graph is the set of operations [w3, w4, w5, w6, w7]. If we rebuild the graph starting with these operations, and then add w1 and w2 back in, we end up with the following graph where w1 and w2 are in their own groups because the existing groups for their shards have too high a depth.

Shard │
      │   ┌────┐               ┌────┐
    A │   │ w1 │               │ w6 │
      │   └───\┘               └/──\┘
      │        \               /    \
      │        ┌\───┐     ┌───/┐    ┌\───┐
    B │        │ w2 │     │ w5 │    │ w7 │
      │        └────┘     └/───┘    └────┘
      │                   /
      │              ┌───/┐
    C │              │ w4 │
      │              └/───┘
      │              /
      │         ┌───/┐
    D │         │ w3 │
      │         └────┘

However we could then merge the [w1] and [w6] groups without increasing the total depth of the graph; the [w2] and [w7] groups both have depth 4 after this merge.

Shard │
      │                  ┌──────────────┐
    A │                  │ w6        w1 │
      │                  └/──\─────────\┘
      │                  /    \         \
      │             ┌───/┐    ┌\───┐    ┌\───┐
    B │             │ w5 │    │ w7 │    │ w2 │
      │             └/───┘    └────┘    └────┘
      │             /
      │        ┌───/┐
    C │        │ w4 │
      │        └/───┘
      │        /
      │   ┌───/┐
    D │   │ w3 │
      │   └────┘

Then we can also merge the [w7] and [w2] groups, because these operations are independent. We're left with this graph that's reduced N by 1 compared to the graph we started with.

Shard │
      │                  ┌───────────┐
    A │                  │ w6     w1 │
      │                  └/──\──────\┘
      │                  /    \      \
      │             ┌───/┐    ┌\──────\───┐
    B │             │ w5 │    │ w7     w2 │
      │             └/───┘    └───────────┘
      │             /
      │        ┌───/┐
    C │        │ w4 │
      │        └/───┘
      │        /
      │   ┌───/┐
    D │   │ w3 │
      │   └────┘

This type of optimisation assumes the total graph depth will be dominated by one or a few long operation chains; in VaultDB this won't be especially useful since most writes involve chains of just two operations, but this could be useful for applying this planning algorithm to other problems. It might be useful to make this optimisation an optional task to perform once the initial graph is built, and before attempting to merge groups.

Merging the final groups

For example, consider these two graphs, which are almost identical except that in the first, w6 targets shard D and in the second in targets B. In the second graph, w6 has been placed in its own group rather than merging it into the [w1] group, because according to the above discussion we should place w6 in a group whose depth is at least 1.

Shard │
      │        ┌───────────┐
    A │        │ w2     w3 │
      │        └/─────────\┘
      │        /           \
      │   ┌───/┐            \
    B │   │ w1 │             \
      │   └────┘              \
      │                        \
      │   ┌────┐               ┌\───┐
    C │   │ w5 │               │ w4 │
      │   └───\┘               └────┘
      │        \
      │        ┌\───┐
    D │        │ w6 │
      │        └────┘

Shard │
      │        ┌───────────┐
    A │        │ w2     w3 │
      │        └/─────────\┘
      │        /           \
      │   ┌───/┐    ┌────┐  \
    B │   │ w1 │    │ w6 │   \
      │   └────┘    └/───┘    \
      │             /          \
      │   ┌────┐   /           ┌\───┐
    C │   │ w5 ───'            │ w4 │
      │   └────┘               └────┘

In both these graphs, the [w5] and [w4] groups can be merged at the cost of increasing D from three to four. In the second graph it is possible to instead merge the [w1] and [w6] groups, which also increases D to four. That is, we could end up with either of these graphs after performing group merging on the second graph:

Shard │
      │        ┌───────────┐
    A │        │ w2     w3 │
      │        └/─────────\┘
      │        /           \
      │   ┌───/┐            \              ┌────┐
    B │   │ w1 │             \             │ w6 │
      │   └────┘              \            └/───┘
      │                        \           /
      │                        ┌\─────────/┐
    C │                        │ w4     w5 │
      │                        └───────────┘

Shard │
      │                     ┌───────────┐
    A │                     │ w2     w3 │
      │                     └/─────────\┘
      │                     /           \
      │        ┌───────────/┐            \
    B │        │ w6      w1 │             \
      │        └/───────────┘              \
      │        /                            \
      │   ┌───/┐                            ┌\───┐
    C │   │ w5 │                            │ w4 │
      │   └────┘                            └────┘

There's no reason to prefer either of these as they have the same N and D values. What's important to note is that the decision to merge [w1] and [w6], or to merge [w4] and [w5] are mutually exclusive; once one of these merges has been done, the other is illegal without violating causality.

Handling failed requests

These graphs represent a plan for executing a set of requests so that their effects don't violate any consistency requirements. Each request in the graph is only executed after all its dependencies have successfully completed. By the construction of the different write operations it is safe to stop executing the graph at any point, because it is safe to partially execute any of the writes they represent.

So, when any request fails, it is safe to simply stop executing the plan at that point, so that any requests dependending on it do not execute. However, we would like to handle some kinds of failure so that our execution recovers from the failure if possible.

The simplest type of failure to handle is one where retrying the request is not likely to succeed. For example, an authorization failure most likely indicates that your credentials are not valid, and repeating the request with the same credentials will not work. This sort of failure should be reported to the application as an exception so that appropriate action can be taken. VaultDB itself should not attempt to recover from the failure, it should just stop executing the current task. All calls to the Query API that are part of the current task should fail with an exception. It's possible that this means some operations are partially executed, but we have tried to design things such that this is safe.

A more complex type of failure is when we don't receive a response, because of a network failure during the request. If the request did not reach the server, then from the server's point of view it's like the request never happened, and so it's safe to retry it. If the request did reach the server but the response didn't reach the client, then the request may have been processed but the client has no idea. If it retries the request it may get a conflict from a CAS adapter, because the previous successful request changed the shard's version ID. The client should handle this like it would normally handle a conflict, as detailed below.

This type of failure can be difficult to detect. In some cases an explicit exception will be raised indicating a network error -- a DNS failure, a failure to make a TCP connection, a TLS certificate failure, a connection reset, etc. If this happens then the client can immediately retry. But sometimes this failure manifests as the request just hanging, never returning a response or raising an exception. To deal with this, a timeout mechanism should be used so that if we don't get a response within a certain amount of time, we assume the request failed. Not knowing why the request failed, or even that it may have succeeded, we may end up repeating a successful request and thereby generating a CAS conflict, as we've already discussed.

Network failures can be handled by retrying the same literal request again, and can therefore be handled inside the HTTP client machinery without the Shard Manager even knowing they're happening. These failures should not result in an immediate retry. The client should wait some amount of time before attempting the request again, possibly making use of browser APIs to detect when the client is online again. Immediate retries while the client is offline are liable to drain the device's battery with requests that are not likely to succeed. The client should employ a back-off strategy so that it waits an increasing amount of time on repeat failures. It should employ a retry limit so that the request eventually fails outright after a certain number of attempts or after a time limit has elapsed.

All the above failures can be dealt with entirely inside the adapter-specific code that actually interacts with the storage. It either retries the request transparently, or it throws an exception that should bubble all the way back to the application. The most complex type of failure we need to deal with is a conflict in a CAS adapter. This happens when a request is syntactically valid, is presented with valid credentials, but is rejected because it carries a version ID that doesn't match the shard's current version, indicating another process modified the shard since we last read it.

As we discussed under the description of the remove() function, a conflict must result in the entire high-level Query procedure being restarted from the beginning, not just repeating the most recent item-level change. That means that writes that have already succeeded may need to be redone, and the writes we have queued up in the graph might change.

For example, imagine we have the following set of three Query operations to execute, where each is listed with the item-level changes it entails:

  • O1: update('/a.txt'), w1 = link('/', 'a.txt'), w2 = put('/a.txt')
  • O2: update('/b.txt'), w3 = link('/', 'b.txt'), w4 = put('/b.txt')
  • O3: remove('/c.txt'), w5 = rm('/c.txt'), w6 = unlink('/', 'c.txt')

Suppose that we plan those operations out and it produces the following graph:

Shard │
      │                ┌────────────┐
    A │                │ w4      w5 │
      │                └/──────────\┘
      │                /            \
      │   ┌───────────/┐            ┌\───┐
    B │   │ w1      w3 │            │ w6 │
      │   └───\────────┘            └────┘
      │        \
      │        ┌\───┐
    C │        │ w2 │
      │        └────┘

Some operations, like update(), can plan their item-level writes without reading the shards first -- it always plans the same set of link() and put() calls regardless of the current database state. Others, like remove(), need to look at the current state in order to decide which unlink() calls they want to make.

But even for unconditional operations like update(), we saw earlier that all the shards they want to update must be loaded into memory before any writes are initiated, so that we know the version IDs of the shards before any of them were changed. That means that execution of the above plan must begin with a read for each affected shard, and only once those are complete can we being executing the writes according to their dependency order. If this plan all executes without failures, we get the following trace of requests:

Shard │
      │   ┌─────────────┐                   ┌─────────────┐
    A │   │ READ ░░░░░░░│                   │ WRITE ░░░░░░│
      │   └─────────────┘                   ├─────────────┘
      │                                     └- w4, w5
      │   ┌─────────────┐   ┌─────────────┐                 ┌─────────────┐
    B │   │ READ ░░░░░░░│   │ WRITE ░░░░░░│                 │ WRITE ░░░░░░│
      │   └─────────────┘   ├─────────────┘                 ├─────────────┘
      │                     └- w1, w3                       └- w6
      │   ┌─────────────┐                   ┌─────────────┐
    C │   │ READ ░░░░░░░│                   │ WRITE ░░░░░░│
      │   └─────────────┘                   ├─────────────┘
                                            └- w2

Now supposed that the request for the [w4, w5] fails with a conflict. We don't know which of w4 or w5 are actually involved in the conflicted item, we just know someone else updated this shard while we were using it. This is one downside of trying to bundle more changes into the same request. We must assume that w4 and w5 were unsuccessful, and that the operations they belong to, O2 and O3, have halted with a conflict.

At this point, the first thing we must do is re-read shard A to obtain its new version ID. We can assume the version IDs we hold for the other shards are still valid without re-reading them. Once shard A is reloaded, we need to replan all the affected operations. Each operation needs to re-run its setup procedure -- O3, being a remove() call, might plan a different set of item changes given the updated state of shard A. Therefore we throw all the planned writes for these operations -- w3, w4, w5, w6 -- away, and generate new ones by re-running the update() or remove() setup routine for each operation. In this case, O2 will produce identical changes because update() is unconditional, and let's say O3 also plans the same changes since it's changing a child of the root directory so cannot do any more than one unlink() call.

  • O2: update('/b.txt'), w7 = link('/', 'b.txt'), w8 = put('/b.txt')
  • O3: remove('/c.txt'), w9 = rm('/c.txt'), w10 = unlink('/', 'c.txt')

The new set of planned writes creates a new graph:

Shard │
      │        ┌────────────┐
    A │        │ w8      w9 │
      │        └/──────────\┘
      │        /            \
      │   ┌───/┐            ┌\────┐
    B │   │ w7 │            │ w10 │
      │   └────┘            └─────┘

Once the conflicted shard has been reloaded and the remaining operations have been replanned, we can begin executing the plan again. The full execution of this scenario looks like this:

Shard │                                                       │
      │   ┌─────────┐               ┌─────────┐   ┌─────────┐ │             ┌─────────┐
    A │   │ READ ░░░│               │ WRITE ░░│   │ READ ░░░│ │             │ WRITE ░░│
      │   └─────────┘               ├─────────┘   └─────────┘ │             ├─────────┘
      │                             └─ w4, w5 (conflict)      │             └─ w8, w9
      │   ┌─────────┐   ┌─────────┐                           │ ┌─────────┐             ┌─────────┐
    B │   │ READ ░░░│   │ WRITE ░░│                           │ │ WRITE ░░│             │ WRITE ░░│
      │   └─────────┘   ├─────────┘                           │ ├─────────┘             ├─────────┘
      │                 └─ w1, w3                             │ └─ w7                   └─ w10
      │   ┌─────────┐               ┌─────────┐               │
    C │   │ READ ░░░│               │ WRITE ░░│               │
      │   └─────────┘               ├─────────┘               │
                                    └─ w2                     │
                                                              └─ replan

Note that w1 does not need to be replanned, even though it was in a request with an affected operation w3. Only operations that belong to the same update()/remove() calls as those in the conflicted request need to be replanned. So, the second write request for shard B contains a single write w7, the replacement for w3.

Also note that, if the write request for w2 has not been started at the time the replan happens, then w2 should remain part of the planned graph. The operation it belongs to, O1, has not been invalidated by a conflict and so we can assume its planned writes are still valid. Therefore the complete process for handling a conflict is:

  • Re-read the affected shard(s) to get their new version ID.
  • Let Δ be the set of high-level Query calls that have item-level writes included in the conflicted request.
  • Let δ be the set of item-level writes belonging to the operations in Δ.
  • Let ω be the set of item-level writes that are in parts of the graph that have not begun to execute yet.
  • Rerun the setup procedure for the operations in Δ, generating a new set of item-level writes ε.
  • Build a new plan graph for the combined set of operations ω + ε - δ.
  • Continue executing the modified plan.

In general, the replanning phase may be asynchronous. Consider our three write operations:

  • update() always performs the same set of link() and put() calls, without needing to read the shards first. It only needs the shards loaded into memory to prevent the race conditions with concurrent remove() calls.

  • remove() needs to read the shards in order to plan which items it needs to unlink(). However, the set of shards it needs to read is always predictable: it needs to load the shards containing the document itself and all its ancestor directories.

  • prune() needs to read an unpredictable set of shards by performing a find() call to discover all the documents it needs to delete. This may include loading shards that aren't already in the task's cache, because the conflict was caused by an update() adding new documents to the directory.

Once the conflicted shard has been reloaded, update() and remove() should not cause any new shard reads to happen, and any information they need can be read quickly from data in the task's shard cache. However, resetting a prune() operation may incur additional I/O to read new shards. We would rather not pause execution of all requests while we're waiting for this I/O and so the above rules need a small amendment:

  • When the conflict is first detected, immediately remove the operations δ from the pending graph so that it only contains operations for unconflicted Query calls. It may be simpler to build a fresh graph out of the operations in ω - δ than to actually remove δ operations from the existing graph.

  • Once a conflicted operation's setup phase is complete and it generates a new set of item-level writes ε, we can incrementally add ε to the pending graph using the normal rules for adding operations. The pending graph may be different from what it was when the conflict first occurred, if some planned requests have begun executing since the conflict.

When adding new operations to a graph that's begun executing, we must only add operations to groups that have not started executing yet. Once a request is started for a write group, it should be locked and no further operations can be added to it.

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