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Created September 12, 2016 15:52
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// `Tuple[Natural, Natural]`
case class Integer(pos: Natural, neg: Natural) { self =>
  def unary_- = copy(neg, pos)
  def + (that: Integer): Integer = Integer(self.pos + that.pos, self.neg + that.neg)
  def - (that: Integer): Integer = this + (-that)
  def * (that: Integer): Integer = Integer(
    self.pos * that.pos + self.neg * that.neg, 
    self.neg * that.pos + self.pos * that.neg)
  def toInt: Int = pos.toInt - neg.toInt
  override def toString = toInt.toString
object Integer {
  def zero = Integer(,
  def one = Integer(,
  def of(v: Int): Integer =
   if (v < 0) of(v + 1) - one
   else if (v > 0) of(v - 1) + one 
   else zero


trait List[A] { self =>
  def fold[Z](empty: => Z, cons: Z => A => Z): Z
  def :: (head: A): List[A] = new List[A] {
  	def fold[Z](empty: => Z, cons: Z => A => Z): Z = self.fold(cons(head, empty), cons)
object List {
  def Nil[A]: List[A] = new List[A] {
  	def fold[Z](empty: => Z, cons: Z => A => Z): Z = empty

Other Data Structures

  • Boolean

    trait Boolean {
      def fold[Z](left: => Z, right: => Z): Z
  • Option

    trait Option[A] {
      def fold[Z](empty: => Z, some: A => Z): Z
  • Either

    trait Either[A, B] {
      def fold[Z](left: A => Z, right: B => Z): Z
  • Tuple

    trait Tuple[A, B] {
      def apply[Z](abz: A => B => Z): Z
  • Rational

    type Rational = Tuple[Integer, Integer]
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