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Last active September 17, 2019 06:58
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Ray tracer in Julia
// Translated from the Ray Tracer Language Comparison
import Printf
struct Hit
l ::Float64
d ::Array{Float64, 1}
struct Scene
c ::Array{Float64, 1}
r ::Float64
ss ::Array{Scene, 1}
function dot(u, v)
d = 0
for i in 1:size(u, 1)
d = d + u[i] * v[i]
return d
unitise(u) = 1/sqrt(dot(u, u)) * u
function inter(o, d, hit, s)
v = s.c - o
b = dot(v, d)
disc = b^2 - dot(v, v) + s.r^2
disc = (disc < 0. ? NaN : sqrt(disc))
t1 = b - disc
t2 = b + disc
l = (t2 > 0. ? (t1 > 0. ? t1 : t2) : Inf)
if l > hit.l
return hit
if size(, 1) == 0
return Hit(l, unitise(o + l*d - s.c))
for s in
hit = inter(o, d, hit, s)
return hit
light = unitise([1, 3, -2])
ss = 4
function create(level, c, r)
obj = Scene(c, r, [])
if level == 1
return obj
a = 3*r/sqrt(12)
aux(x, z) = create(level-1, c + [x, a, z], r/2)
Scene(c, 3*r, [obj, aux(-a, -a), aux(a, -a), aux(-a, a), aux(a, a)])
level = 9
n = 512
scene = create(level, [0, -1, 4], 1)
zero3 = [0., 0., 0.]
hit0 = Hit(Inf, zero3)
function raytrace(dir)
hit = inter(zero3, dir, hit0, scene)
g = dot(hit.d, light)
if g < 0.
return 0
p = hit.l * dir + sqrt(eps(1.0)) * hit.d
return (inter(p, light, hit0, scene).l < Inf ? 0 : g)
aux(x, d) = x - n/2 + d/ss
Printf.@printf("P5\n%d %d\n255", n, n)
for y in n-1:-1:0
for x in 0:n-1
g = 0
for d in 0:ss^2-1
g = g + raytrace(unitise([aux(x, d%ss), aux(y, d/ss), convert(Float64, n)]))
g = round(255*g/ss^2)
write(stdout, (isnan(g) ? 0x00 : convert(UInt8, g)))
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alyst commented Jan 7, 2019

The good Julian practice is to put your struct and function declarations into a module (e.g. separate file raytracer.jl with all declarations inside module RayTracer ... end block), which you include (include("raytracer.jl")) from your benchmark_raytracer.jl script. That allows e.g. redefining the structures without restarting julia (to update your code, you just need to include("raytracer.jl")). Also take a look at Revise.jl.

  • L89: you can use tuples ((aux(x, ...), aux(y, ...), Float64(n))) or StaticArrays.jl package to avoid array allocation at each iteration. Same for L8, L12, L66, L68 etc.
  • You can use dot(x,y) from LinearAlgebra base package. Alternatively, you can speed up your dot() by annotating the for-loop with @inbounds (drops bounds checks that happen every time your are doing _[i])
  • L87-91 deserves to be a function of (x,y) returning g. That will help to compile fast code using properly inferred types. Also take a look at sum(f, <range>) function.
  • L78: ifelse() is recommended over ? : when calculating both branches is inexpensive

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