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Last active February 16, 2019 14:14
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Analyse SQL dumps of raw EventLogging NavigationTiming data for median and p95 percentile
import numpy as np
import csv
import json
import sys
import datetime
def get_data( filename, from_ts, to_ts, metric, wiki=None, http2=None, anon=None, lazy = None ):
sample = []
f = open( filename )
delim = '\t'
headings = f.readline().split( delim )
i = 0
tsColNum = None
netspeedColNum = None
metricColNum = None
wikiCol = None
actionCol = None
mobileModeColumn = None
rangeFromTs = None
rangeUntilTs = None
isAnonCol = None
nsCol = None
http2Col = None
for heading in headings:
if heading == '"timestamp"':
tsColNum = i
elif heading == '"event_lazyLoadImages"':
netspeedColNum = i
elif heading == metric:
metricColNum = i
elif heading == '"event_isAnon"':
isAnonCol = i
elif heading == '"event_namespaceId"':
nsCol = i
elif heading == '"wiki"':
wikiCol = i
elif heading == '"event_mobileMode"':
mobileModeColumn = i
elif heading == '"event_action"':
actionCol = i
elif heading == '"event_isHttp2"':
http2Col = i
with open(filename, 'rb') as csvfile:
reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=delim, quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)
for cols in reader:
ts = cols[tsColNum]
if ts == 'timestamp':
if rangeFromTs is None or ts < rangeFromTs:
rangeFromTs = ts
if rangeUntilTs is None or ts > rangeUntilTs:
rangeUntilTs = ts
val = cols[metricColNum]
forwiki = cols[wikiCol]
action = cols[actionCol]
ns = cols[nsCol]
isAnon = cols[isAnonCol]
allowed = True
if http2 and cols[http2Col] != http2:
allowed = False
if lazy and lazy != cols[netspeedColNum]:
allowed = False
if action != 'view':
allowed = False
if val == '0' or val == '1' or val == 'NULL':
allowed = False
if ns != '0':
allowed = False
if anon and isAnon != anon:
allowed = False
if ts > from_ts and ts < to_ts:
if allowed:
sample.append( int( val ) )
except IndexError:
print '!'
#print '%s to %s'%(rangeFromTs,rangeUntilTs)
return sample
def data( filenames, from_ts, to_ts, colNum, wiki=None, http2=None, lazy = None, label='', anon=None ):
sample = []
for filename in filenames:
sample.extend( get_data( filename, from_ts, to_ts, colNum, wiki=wiki, http2=http2, anon=anon, lazy=lazy ) )
if len( sample ) > 0:
a = np.array(sample)
p = np.percentile(a, 95)
median = np.percentile(a, 50)
print '|-\n| %s || %s || %s || %s'%(label, len(sample),p,median)
def table_open():
return '{| class="wikitable"\n|-\n! Label !! Sample Size !! 95th percentile !! median'
def table_close():
return '|}'
# get arguments
filename = sys.argv[1]
changedAt = sys.argv[2]
days = sys.argv[3]
wiki = None
files = [ filename ]
dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(changedAt,'%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
delta = datetime.timedelta(days=int(days))
fromTs = (dt - delta).strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
endTs = (dt + delta).strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
except IndexError:
print 'Usage: `python filename.tsv 20160713001400 8`'
print "\nFully loaded"
event = '"event_loadEventEnd"'
print table_open()
data( files, fromTs, changedAt, event, wiki, label='Before change' )
data( files, changedAt, endTs, event, wiki, label='After change')
data( files, fromTs, changedAt, event, wiki, anon='1', label='Before change (anons)' )
data( files, changedAt, endTs, event, wiki, anon='1', label='After change (anons)')
data( files, fromTs, changedAt, event, wiki, http2='1', label='Before change (http2)' )
data( files, changedAt, endTs, event, wiki, http2='1', label='After change (http2)')
data( files, fromTs, changedAt, event, wiki, http2='0', label='Before change (http1)' )
data( files, changedAt, endTs, event, wiki, http2='0', label='After change (http1)')
print table_close()
print "\nFirst paint"
print table_open()
data( files, fromTs, changedAt, '"event_firstPaint"', label='Before change' )
data( files, changedAt, endTs, '"event_firstPaint"', label='After change' )
print table_close()
print "\nDomInteractive"
print table_open()
data( files, fromTs, changedAt, '"event_domInteractive"', label='Before change' )
data( files, changedAt, endTs, '"event_domInteractive"', label='After change' )
print table_close()
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