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MongoEngin with Pandas DataFrames

MongoEngine Documents with Pandas

This example is meant to demonstrate the separation of concerns between Data Modeling (i.e. storing things) and business logic (i.e. doing things) by creating a Python Package called InventoryDB which implements data models and can be imported into a script that implements some business logic (i.e. actual work!).


To minimize the amount of effort involved in storing a pandas DataFrame in a MongoDB Document and resroting it to another Pandas DataFrame instance, we start by definig custom field type for storing our pandas DataFrmaes, like so:

# [InventoryDB/fields/]
import mongoengine.fields 
from numpy import generic
from pandas import DataFrame, MultiIndex

class DataFrameField(mongoengine.fields.DictField):
    """A pandas DataFrame field.
    Looks to the outside world like a Pandas.DataFrame, but stores
    in the database as an using Pandas.DataFrame.to_dict("list").
    def __init__(self, orient="list", *args, **kwargs):
        if orient not in ('dict', 'list', 'series', 'split', 'records', 'index'):
            raise ValueError(u"orient must be one of ('dict', 'list', 'series', 'split', 'records', 'index') but got: %s")
        self.orient = orient
        super(DataFrameField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
    def __get__(self, instance, owner):
        print("__get__:",instance, owner)
        return DataFrame.from_dict(_as_native(super(DataFrameField, self).__get__(instance, owner)))
    def __set__(self, instance, value):
        if value is None or isinstance(value, dict):
            return super(DataFrameField, self).__set__(instance, value)
        if not isinstance(value, DataFrame):
            raise ValueError("value is not a pandas.DataFrame instance")
        if isinstance(value.index, MultiIndex):
            self.error(u'value.index is a MultiIndex; MultiIndex objects may not be stored in MongoDB.  Consider using `value.reset_index()` to flatten')
        if isinstance(value.keys(), MultiIndex):
            self.error(u'value.keys() is a MultiIndex; MultiIndex objects may not be stored in MongoDB.  Consider using `value.unstack().reset_index()` to flatten')
        obj = value.to_dict(self.orient)
        # coerce numpy objects into python objects for lack of the BSON-numpy package on windows
        for col in obj.itervalues():
            if len(col) and isinstance(col[0],generic):
                for i in range(len(col)):
                    col[i] = col[i].item()
        return super(DataFrameField, self).__set__(instance, obj)
    def to_python(self, value):
        return value	

# A helper function for coercing nested dicts and lists to python lists
# from mongoengine basedict and baselist (which throw Pandas for a loop)
def _as_native(x):
    if isinstance(x,dict):
        return dict([ (k,_as_native(v)) for k,v in x.iteritems()])
    elif  isinstance(x,list):
        return [ _as_native(v) for v in x]
        return x

and this trick lets us import the directly via from InventoryDB.fields import *: rather than the slighly obnoxious from InventoryDB.fields.DataFrameField import DataFrameField:

# [InventoryDB/fields/]
from .DataFrameField import DataFrameField 

Note, the DataFrameField above has a curious quirk.

Documents models

Next, we define some models that will be shared by all our business logic scripts. In this vignette we'll only create one Document model, but most databases would have several (or even dozens of) document models.

# [InventoryDB/documents/]
from mongoengine import *
class stock_fill_request(Document):
    req_no = IntField(default=False,required=True)
    requisition_sent = BooleanField(default=False,required=True)
    stock_data = DataFrameField(required=True)

this trick lets us import the our document classes directly from InventoryDB.documents in our business logic:

# [InventoryDB/documents/]
from .stock_fill_request import stock_fill_request 

Next, we need an file to make InventoryDB a python module

# [InventoryDB/]

-- or alternatively, we could define a connect method that contains (some of) the connection logic (host, port, db, etc.):

# [InventoryDB/]
import mongoengine # includes connect, Document, and the various fields
def connect(test=False,db="Inventory",*args,**kwargs):
    if test:
        return mongoengine.connect(db,port=12345,host="localhost")
        return mongoengine.connect(db,port=port,host=host,*args,**kwargs)

Business Logic

In this script, we'll create a new stock_fill_request Document and insert it into the stock_fill_request collection.

# []
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from mongoengine import connect # includes connect, Document, and the various fields
from InventoryDB.documents import stock_fill_request 

# CONNECT TO THE DATABASE CALLED "inventory" at the default host and port
# alternative: InventoryDB.connect(test=False) # We're dealing with real data here
# alternative: InventoryDB.connect(test=True) # Connect to the test environment

df = pd.DataFrame({
    'goods': ['a', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'b'],
    'stock': [5, 10, 30, 40, 10],
    'category': ['c1', 'c2', 'c1', 'c2', 'c1'],
    'date': pd.to_datetime(['2014-01-01', '2014-02-01', '2014-01-06', '2014-02-09', '2014-03-09'])

request_data = stock_fill_request(
        req_no = 123,

request_data.stock_data = df

-- or equivalently --

request_data = stock_fill_request(
        req_no = 123,
        stock_data = df)

# NOTE THAT because the `df` object is coerced to a python dictionary on
# assigmentmet (via a the `__set__` method of `DataFrameField`) and a new
# Pandas DataFrame is created when we access the `stock_data` (via a the
# `__get__` method of `DataFrameField`) `df` and request_data.stock_data will
# refer to separate python objects.

print df is request_data.stock_data
#> False

# []
from mongoengine import connect # includes connect, Document, and the various fields
from InventoryDB.documents import stock_fill_request 

# CONNECT TO THE DATABASE CALLED "inventory" at the default host and port
# alternative: InventoryDB.connect(test=False) # We're dealing with real data here
# alternative: InventoryDB.connect(test=True) # Connect to the test environment

# create a request for unfilled inventory requests
request = stock_fill_request.objects(requisition_sent=False)

# pull the first matching object 
cursor = request[0]

# note that the `stock_data` property of our data is an object. 
print cursor["stock_data"].__class__.__name__
print cursor["stock_data"]

-- do things -- 

cursor.requisition_sent = True

# how many requests exist

# how unfilled many requests exist

Final notes

In this example we have a custom field type, which is why we have the custom fields sub-module:


This is likely a more rare scenario, and the definition of our DataFrameField class could be moved into a separate module, which would reduce our InventoryDB to containing just an exposing the document classes, and a file for each document class, like so:

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jetuk commented Jun 25, 2018

Thanks for writing this example. What licence is this code under? Can I use it my project. Specifically the DataFrameField.

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