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The command line, in short…

wget -k -K -E -r -l 10 -p -N -F --restrict-file-names=windows -nH

…and the options explained

  • -k : convert links to relative
  • -K : keep an original versions of files without the conversions made by wget
  • -E : rename html files to .html (if they don’t already have an htm(l) extension)
  • -r : recursive… of course we want to make a recursive copy
  • -l 10 : the maximum level of recursion. if you have a really big website you may need to put a higher number, but 10 levels should be enough.
jeanmonet /
Last active December 4, 2021 17:05 — forked from alimanfoo/
Find runs of consecutive items in a numpy array.
# Python 3.9
from __future__ import annotations
import numpy as np
def find_runs(array: np.ndarray) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
Find runs of consecutive items in an array that are equal to each other.
Ie. find equal elements that are adjacent to each other.
jeanmonet / fix_windows.bat
Created December 27, 2020 16:35 — forked from harrisonlingren/fix_windows.bat
A script to fix Windows 10 shit
@rem *** Disable Some Service ***
sc stop DiagTrack
sc stop diagnosticshub.standardcollector.service
sc stop dmwappushservice
sc stop WMPNetworkSvc
sc stop WSearch
sc config DiagTrack start= disabled
sc config diagnosticshub.standardcollector.service start= disabled
sc config dmwappushservice start= disabled
jeanmonet / Liberal Regex Pattern for Web URLs
Created December 19, 2020 00:23 — forked from gruber/Liberal Regex Pattern for Web URLs
Liberal, Accurate Regex Pattern for Matching Web URLs
The regex patterns in this gist are intended only to match web URLs -- http,
https, and naked domains like "". For a pattern that attempts to
match all URLs, regardless of protocol, see:
# Single-line version:
jeanmonet /
Created December 13, 2020 00:01 — forked from mrpeardotnet/
HP Smart Storage Admin CLI (ssacli) installation and usage on Proxmox PVE (6.x)

HP Smart Storage Admin CLI (ssacli) installation and usage on Proxmox PVE (6.x)

Why use HP Smart Storage Admin CLI?

You can use ssacli (smart storage administrator command line interface) tool to manage any of supported HP Smart Array Controllers in your Proxmox host without need to reboot your server to access Smart Storage Administrator in BIOS. That means no host downtime when managing your storage.

CLI is not as convenient as GUI interface provided by BIOS or desktop utilities, but still allows you to fully manage your controller, physical disks and logical drives on the fly with no Proxmox host downtime.

ssacli replaces older hpssacli, but shares the same syntax and adds support for newer servers and controllers.


jeanmonet /
Created December 7, 2020 21:23 — forked from james2doyle/
Create a password with openssl passwd without asking for a prompt

You can generate a password without a prompt by piping text into openssl and passing a new flag. For example:

echo "password" | openssl passwd -apr1 -stdin

This will echo to stdout. This way you can write a script or something instead of having to use the prompt to type in the password.

If you still wanted to append the output to the /etc/nginx/.htpasswd file, then you would do the following:

jeanmonet / jinja_variables_types.yml
Created November 25, 2020 14:27 — forked from spiette/jinja_variables_types.yml
Test the variables types in jinja2 templates, used here with ansible
- hosts: all
gather_facts: no
string: "string"
- item1
- item2
key1: value1
jeanmonet /
Created November 8, 2020 13:02 — forked from bellbind/
[python3] Calc Riemann Zeta function
# complex arith for programming with other languages
# - required functions: exp(f), log(f), sin(f), cos(f), atan2(f), pow(f1, f2)
import math
# [equality for complex]
def ceq(a, b):
return a.real == b.real and a.imag == b.imag
# [add, sub, mul for complex]

What the BookCorpus?

So in the midst of all these Sesame Streets characters and robots transforming automobile era of "contextualize" language models, there is this "Toronto Book Corpus" that points to this kinda recently influential paper:

Yukun Zhu, Ryan Kiros, Rich Zemel, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Raquel Urtasun, Antonio Torralba, and Sanja Fidler. 2015. "Aligning books and movies: Towards story-like visual explanations by watching movies and reading books." In Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on computer vision, pp. 19-27.

Why do I even care, there's no translations there?

Some might know my personal pet peeve on collecting translation datasets but this BookCorpus has no translations, so why do I even care about it?

jeanmonet / .gitattributes
Created October 24, 2020 13:16 — forked from tekin/.gitattributes
An example .gitattributes file that will configure custom hunk header patterns for some common languages and file formats. See for more details.
*.c diff=cpp
*.h diff=cpp
*.c++ diff=cpp
*.h++ diff=cpp
*.cpp diff=cpp
*.hpp diff=cpp
*.cc diff=cpp
*.hh diff=cpp
*.m diff=objc
*.mm diff=objc