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Last active April 17, 2021 23:26
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//! Autogenerated: './src/ExtractionOCaml/unsaturated_solinas' --lang Zig curve25519 64 '(auto)' 2^255-19 --internal-static --public-function-case camelCase --private-function-case camelCase --no-prefix-fiat
//! curve description: curve25519
//! machine_wordsize = 64 (from "64")
//! requested operations: (all)
//! n = 5 (from "(auto)")
//! s-c = 2^255 - [(1, 19)] (from "2^255-19")
//! tight_bounds_multiplier = 1 (from "")
//! Computed values:
//! carry_chain = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1]
//! eval z = z[0] + (z[1] << 51) + (z[2] << 102) + (z[3] << 153) + (z[4] << 204)
//! bytes_eval z = z[0] + (z[1] << 8) + (z[2] << 16) + (z[3] << 24) + (z[4] << 32) + (z[5] << 40) + (z[6] << 48) + (z[7] << 56) + (z[8] << 64) + (z[9] << 72) + (z[10] << 80) + (z[11] << 88) + (z[12] << 96) + (z[13] << 104) + (z[14] << 112) + (z[15] << 120) + (z[16] << 128) + (z[17] << 136) + (z[18] << 144) + (z[19] << 152) + (z[20] << 160) + (z[21] << 168) + (z[22] << 176) + (z[23] << 184) + (z[24] << 192) + (z[25] << 200) + (z[26] << 208) + (z[27] << 216) + (z[28] << 224) + (z[29] << 232) + (z[30] << 240) + (z[31] << 248)
//! balance = [0xfffffffffffda, 0xffffffffffffe, 0xffffffffffffe, 0xffffffffffffe, 0xffffffffffffe]
// Automatically generated Zig code.
// Work in progress...
/// The function curve25519AddcarryxU51 is an addition with carry.
/// Postconditions:
/// out1 = (arg1 + arg2 + arg3) mod 2^51
/// out2 = ⌊(arg1 + arg2 + arg3) / 2^51⌋
/// Input Bounds:
/// arg1: [0x0 ~> 0x1]
/// arg2: [0x0 ~> 0x7ffffffffffff]
/// arg3: [0x0 ~> 0x7ffffffffffff]
/// Output Bounds:
/// out1: [0x0 ~> 0x7ffffffffffff]
/// out2: [0x0 ~> 0x1]
fn curve25519AddcarryxU51(out1: *u64, out2: *u1, arg1: u1, arg2: u64, arg3: u64) callconv(.Inline) void {
const x1: u64 = ((@as(u64, arg1) + arg2) + arg3);
const x2: u64 = (x1 & 0x7ffffffffffff);
const x3: u1 = @as(u1, (x1 >> 51));
out1.* = x2;
out2.* = x3;
/// The function curve25519SubborrowxU51 is a subtraction with borrow.
/// Postconditions:
/// out1 = (-arg1 + arg2 + -arg3) mod 2^51
/// out2 = -⌊(-arg1 + arg2 + -arg3) / 2^51⌋
/// Input Bounds:
/// arg1: [0x0 ~> 0x1]
/// arg2: [0x0 ~> 0x7ffffffffffff]
/// arg3: [0x0 ~> 0x7ffffffffffff]
/// Output Bounds:
/// out1: [0x0 ~> 0x7ffffffffffff]
/// out2: [0x0 ~> 0x1]
fn curve25519SubborrowxU51(out1: *u64, out2: *u1, arg1: u1, arg2: u64, arg3: u64) callconv(.Inline) void {
const x1: i64 = @as(i64, (@as(i128, @as(i64, (@as(i128, arg2) - @as(i128, arg1)))) - @as(i128, arg3)));
const x2: i1 = @as(i1, (x1 >> 51));
const x3: u64 = @as(u64, (@as(i128, x1) & @as(i128, 0x7ffffffffffff)));
out1.* = x3;
out2.* = @as(u1, (@as(i2, 0x0) - @as(i2, x2)));
/// The function curve25519CmovznzU64 is a single-word conditional move.
/// Postconditions:
/// out1 = (if arg1 = 0 then arg2 else arg3)
/// Input Bounds:
/// arg1: [0x0 ~> 0x1]
/// arg2: [0x0 ~> 0xffffffffffffffff]
/// arg3: [0x0 ~> 0xffffffffffffffff]
/// Output Bounds:
/// out1: [0x0 ~> 0xffffffffffffffff]
fn curve25519CmovznzU64(out1: *u64, arg1: u1, arg2: u64, arg3: u64) callconv(.Inline) void {
const x1: u1 = (~(~arg1));
const x2: u64 = @as(u64, (@as(i128, @as(i1, (@as(i2, 0x0) - @as(i2, x1)))) & @as(i128, 0xffffffffffffffff)));
const x3: u64 = ((x2 & arg3) | ((~x2) & arg2));
out1.* = x3;
/// The function curve25519CarryMul multiplies two field elements and reduces the result.
/// Postconditions:
/// eval out1 mod m = (eval arg1 * eval arg2) mod m
/// Input Bounds:
/// arg1: [[0x0 ~> 0x18000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x18000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x18000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x18000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x18000000000000]]
/// arg2: [[0x0 ~> 0x18000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x18000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x18000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x18000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x18000000000000]]
/// Output Bounds:
/// out1: [[0x0 ~> 0x8000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x8000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x8000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x8000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x8000000000000]]
pub fn curve25519CarryMul(out1: *[5]u64, arg1: [5]u64, arg2: [5]u64) void {
const x1: u128 = (@as(u128, (arg1[4])) * @as(u128, ((arg2[4]) * 0x13)));
const x2: u128 = (@as(u128, (arg1[4])) * @as(u128, ((arg2[3]) * 0x13)));
const x3: u128 = (@as(u128, (arg1[4])) * @as(u128, ((arg2[2]) * 0x13)));
const x4: u128 = (@as(u128, (arg1[4])) * @as(u128, ((arg2[1]) * 0x13)));
const x5: u128 = (@as(u128, (arg1[3])) * @as(u128, ((arg2[4]) * 0x13)));
const x6: u128 = (@as(u128, (arg1[3])) * @as(u128, ((arg2[3]) * 0x13)));
const x7: u128 = (@as(u128, (arg1[3])) * @as(u128, ((arg2[2]) * 0x13)));
const x8: u128 = (@as(u128, (arg1[2])) * @as(u128, ((arg2[4]) * 0x13)));
const x9: u128 = (@as(u128, (arg1[2])) * @as(u128, ((arg2[3]) * 0x13)));
const x10: u128 = (@as(u128, (arg1[1])) * @as(u128, ((arg2[4]) * 0x13)));
const x11: u128 = (@as(u128, (arg1[4])) * @as(u128, (arg2[0])));
const x12: u128 = (@as(u128, (arg1[3])) * @as(u128, (arg2[1])));
const x13: u128 = (@as(u128, (arg1[3])) * @as(u128, (arg2[0])));
const x14: u128 = (@as(u128, (arg1[2])) * @as(u128, (arg2[2])));
const x15: u128 = (@as(u128, (arg1[2])) * @as(u128, (arg2[1])));
const x16: u128 = (@as(u128, (arg1[2])) * @as(u128, (arg2[0])));
const x17: u128 = (@as(u128, (arg1[1])) * @as(u128, (arg2[3])));
const x18: u128 = (@as(u128, (arg1[1])) * @as(u128, (arg2[2])));
const x19: u128 = (@as(u128, (arg1[1])) * @as(u128, (arg2[1])));
const x20: u128 = (@as(u128, (arg1[1])) * @as(u128, (arg2[0])));
const x21: u128 = (@as(u128, (arg1[0])) * @as(u128, (arg2[4])));
const x22: u128 = (@as(u128, (arg1[0])) * @as(u128, (arg2[3])));
const x23: u128 = (@as(u128, (arg1[0])) * @as(u128, (arg2[2])));
const x24: u128 = (@as(u128, (arg1[0])) * @as(u128, (arg2[1])));
const x25: u128 = (@as(u128, (arg1[0])) * @as(u128, (arg2[0])));
const x26: u128 = (x25 + (x10 + (x9 + (x7 + x4))));
const x27: u64 = @as(u64, (x26 >> 51));
const x28: u64 = @as(u64, (x26 & @as(u128, 0x7ffffffffffff)));
const x29: u128 = (x21 + (x17 + (x14 + (x12 + x11))));
const x30: u128 = (x22 + (x18 + (x15 + (x13 + x1))));
const x31: u128 = (x23 + (x19 + (x16 + (x5 + x2))));
const x32: u128 = (x24 + (x20 + (x8 + (x6 + x3))));
const x33: u128 = (@as(u128, x27) + x32);
const x34: u64 = @as(u64, (x33 >> 51));
const x35: u64 = @as(u64, (x33 & @as(u128, 0x7ffffffffffff)));
const x36: u128 = (@as(u128, x34) + x31);
const x37: u64 = @as(u64, (x36 >> 51));
const x38: u64 = @as(u64, (x36 & @as(u128, 0x7ffffffffffff)));
const x39: u128 = (@as(u128, x37) + x30);
const x40: u64 = @as(u64, (x39 >> 51));
const x41: u64 = @as(u64, (x39 & @as(u128, 0x7ffffffffffff)));
const x42: u128 = (@as(u128, x40) + x29);
const x43: u64 = @as(u64, (x42 >> 51));
const x44: u64 = @as(u64, (x42 & @as(u128, 0x7ffffffffffff)));
const x45: u64 = (x43 * 0x13);
const x46: u64 = (x28 + x45);
const x47: u64 = (x46 >> 51);
const x48: u64 = (x46 & 0x7ffffffffffff);
const x49: u64 = (x47 + x35);
const x50: u1 = @as(u1, (x49 >> 51));
const x51: u64 = (x49 & 0x7ffffffffffff);
const x52: u64 = (@as(u64, x50) + x38);
out1[0] = x48;
out1[1] = x51;
out1[2] = x52;
out1[3] = x41;
out1[4] = x44;
/// The function curve25519CarrySquare squares a field element and reduces the result.
/// Postconditions:
/// eval out1 mod m = (eval arg1 * eval arg1) mod m
/// Input Bounds:
/// arg1: [[0x0 ~> 0x18000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x18000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x18000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x18000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x18000000000000]]
/// Output Bounds:
/// out1: [[0x0 ~> 0x8000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x8000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x8000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x8000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x8000000000000]]
pub fn curve25519CarrySquare(out1: *[5]u64, arg1: [5]u64) void {
const x1: u64 = ((arg1[4]) * 0x13);
const x2: u64 = (x1 * 0x2);
const x3: u64 = ((arg1[4]) * 0x2);
const x4: u64 = ((arg1[3]) * 0x13);
const x5: u64 = (x4 * 0x2);
const x6: u64 = ((arg1[3]) * 0x2);
const x7: u64 = ((arg1[2]) * 0x2);
const x8: u64 = ((arg1[1]) * 0x2);
const x9: u128 = (@as(u128, (arg1[4])) * @as(u128, x1));
const x10: u128 = (@as(u128, (arg1[3])) * @as(u128, x2));
const x11: u128 = (@as(u128, (arg1[3])) * @as(u128, x4));
const x12: u128 = (@as(u128, (arg1[2])) * @as(u128, x2));
const x13: u128 = (@as(u128, (arg1[2])) * @as(u128, x5));
const x14: u128 = (@as(u128, (arg1[2])) * @as(u128, (arg1[2])));
const x15: u128 = (@as(u128, (arg1[1])) * @as(u128, x2));
const x16: u128 = (@as(u128, (arg1[1])) * @as(u128, x6));
const x17: u128 = (@as(u128, (arg1[1])) * @as(u128, x7));
const x18: u128 = (@as(u128, (arg1[1])) * @as(u128, (arg1[1])));
const x19: u128 = (@as(u128, (arg1[0])) * @as(u128, x3));
const x20: u128 = (@as(u128, (arg1[0])) * @as(u128, x6));
const x21: u128 = (@as(u128, (arg1[0])) * @as(u128, x7));
const x22: u128 = (@as(u128, (arg1[0])) * @as(u128, x8));
const x23: u128 = (@as(u128, (arg1[0])) * @as(u128, (arg1[0])));
const x24: u128 = (x23 + (x15 + x13));
const x25: u64 = @as(u64, (x24 >> 51));
const x26: u64 = @as(u64, (x24 & @as(u128, 0x7ffffffffffff)));
const x27: u128 = (x19 + (x16 + x14));
const x28: u128 = (x20 + (x17 + x9));
const x29: u128 = (x21 + (x18 + x10));
const x30: u128 = (x22 + (x12 + x11));
const x31: u128 = (@as(u128, x25) + x30);
const x32: u64 = @as(u64, (x31 >> 51));
const x33: u64 = @as(u64, (x31 & @as(u128, 0x7ffffffffffff)));
const x34: u128 = (@as(u128, x32) + x29);
const x35: u64 = @as(u64, (x34 >> 51));
const x36: u64 = @as(u64, (x34 & @as(u128, 0x7ffffffffffff)));
const x37: u128 = (@as(u128, x35) + x28);
const x38: u64 = @as(u64, (x37 >> 51));
const x39: u64 = @as(u64, (x37 & @as(u128, 0x7ffffffffffff)));
const x40: u128 = (@as(u128, x38) + x27);
const x41: u64 = @as(u64, (x40 >> 51));
const x42: u64 = @as(u64, (x40 & @as(u128, 0x7ffffffffffff)));
const x43: u64 = (x41 * 0x13);
const x44: u64 = (x26 + x43);
const x45: u64 = (x44 >> 51);
const x46: u64 = (x44 & 0x7ffffffffffff);
const x47: u64 = (x45 + x33);
const x48: u1 = @as(u1, (x47 >> 51));
const x49: u64 = (x47 & 0x7ffffffffffff);
const x50: u64 = (@as(u64, x48) + x36);
out1[0] = x46;
out1[1] = x49;
out1[2] = x50;
out1[3] = x39;
out1[4] = x42;
/// The function curve25519Carry reduces a field element.
/// Postconditions:
/// eval out1 mod m = eval arg1 mod m
/// Input Bounds:
/// arg1: [[0x0 ~> 0x18000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x18000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x18000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x18000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x18000000000000]]
/// Output Bounds:
/// out1: [[0x0 ~> 0x8000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x8000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x8000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x8000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x8000000000000]]
pub fn curve25519Carry(out1: *[5]u64, arg1: [5]u64) void {
const x1: u64 = (arg1[0]);
const x2: u64 = ((x1 >> 51) + (arg1[1]));
const x3: u64 = ((x2 >> 51) + (arg1[2]));
const x4: u64 = ((x3 >> 51) + (arg1[3]));
const x5: u64 = ((x4 >> 51) + (arg1[4]));
const x6: u64 = ((x1 & 0x7ffffffffffff) + ((x5 >> 51) * 0x13));
const x7: u64 = (@as(u64, @as(u1, (x6 >> 51))) + (x2 & 0x7ffffffffffff));
const x8: u64 = (x6 & 0x7ffffffffffff);
const x9: u64 = (x7 & 0x7ffffffffffff);
const x10: u64 = (@as(u64, @as(u1, (x7 >> 51))) + (x3 & 0x7ffffffffffff));
const x11: u64 = (x4 & 0x7ffffffffffff);
const x12: u64 = (x5 & 0x7ffffffffffff);
out1[0] = x8;
out1[1] = x9;
out1[2] = x10;
out1[3] = x11;
out1[4] = x12;
/// The function curve25519Add adds two field elements.
/// Postconditions:
/// eval out1 mod m = (eval arg1 + eval arg2) mod m
/// Input Bounds:
/// arg1: [[0x0 ~> 0x8000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x8000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x8000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x8000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x8000000000000]]
/// arg2: [[0x0 ~> 0x8000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x8000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x8000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x8000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x8000000000000]]
/// Output Bounds:
/// out1: [[0x0 ~> 0x18000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x18000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x18000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x18000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x18000000000000]]
pub fn curve25519Add(out1: *[5]u64, arg1: [5]u64, arg2: [5]u64) void {
const x1: u64 = ((arg1[0]) + (arg2[0]));
const x2: u64 = ((arg1[1]) + (arg2[1]));
const x3: u64 = ((arg1[2]) + (arg2[2]));
const x4: u64 = ((arg1[3]) + (arg2[3]));
const x5: u64 = ((arg1[4]) + (arg2[4]));
out1[0] = x1;
out1[1] = x2;
out1[2] = x3;
out1[3] = x4;
out1[4] = x5;
/// The function curve25519Sub subtracts two field elements.
/// Postconditions:
/// eval out1 mod m = (eval arg1 - eval arg2) mod m
/// Input Bounds:
/// arg1: [[0x0 ~> 0x8000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x8000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x8000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x8000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x8000000000000]]
/// arg2: [[0x0 ~> 0x8000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x8000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x8000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x8000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x8000000000000]]
/// Output Bounds:
/// out1: [[0x0 ~> 0x18000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x18000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x18000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x18000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x18000000000000]]
pub fn curve25519Sub(out1: *[5]u64, arg1: [5]u64, arg2: [5]u64) void {
const x1: u64 = ((0xfffffffffffda + (arg1[0])) - (arg2[0]));
const x2: u64 = ((0xffffffffffffe + (arg1[1])) - (arg2[1]));
const x3: u64 = ((0xffffffffffffe + (arg1[2])) - (arg2[2]));
const x4: u64 = ((0xffffffffffffe + (arg1[3])) - (arg2[3]));
const x5: u64 = ((0xffffffffffffe + (arg1[4])) - (arg2[4]));
out1[0] = x1;
out1[1] = x2;
out1[2] = x3;
out1[3] = x4;
out1[4] = x5;
/// The function curve25519Opp negates a field element.
/// Postconditions:
/// eval out1 mod m = -eval arg1 mod m
/// Input Bounds:
/// arg1: [[0x0 ~> 0x8000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x8000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x8000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x8000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x8000000000000]]
/// Output Bounds:
/// out1: [[0x0 ~> 0x18000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x18000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x18000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x18000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x18000000000000]]
pub fn curve25519Opp(out1: *[5]u64, arg1: [5]u64) void {
const x1: u64 = (0xfffffffffffda - (arg1[0]));
const x2: u64 = (0xffffffffffffe - (arg1[1]));
const x3: u64 = (0xffffffffffffe - (arg1[2]));
const x4: u64 = (0xffffffffffffe - (arg1[3]));
const x5: u64 = (0xffffffffffffe - (arg1[4]));
out1[0] = x1;
out1[1] = x2;
out1[2] = x3;
out1[3] = x4;
out1[4] = x5;
/// The function curve25519Selectznz is a multi-limb conditional select.
/// Postconditions:
/// eval out1 = (if arg1 = 0 then eval arg2 else eval arg3)
/// Input Bounds:
/// arg1: [0x0 ~> 0x1]
/// arg2: [[0x0 ~> 0xffffffffffffffff], [0x0 ~> 0xffffffffffffffff], [0x0 ~> 0xffffffffffffffff], [0x0 ~> 0xffffffffffffffff], [0x0 ~> 0xffffffffffffffff]]
/// arg3: [[0x0 ~> 0xffffffffffffffff], [0x0 ~> 0xffffffffffffffff], [0x0 ~> 0xffffffffffffffff], [0x0 ~> 0xffffffffffffffff], [0x0 ~> 0xffffffffffffffff]]
/// Output Bounds:
/// out1: [[0x0 ~> 0xffffffffffffffff], [0x0 ~> 0xffffffffffffffff], [0x0 ~> 0xffffffffffffffff], [0x0 ~> 0xffffffffffffffff], [0x0 ~> 0xffffffffffffffff]]
pub fn curve25519Selectznz(out1: *[5]u64, arg1: u1, arg2: [5]u64, arg3: [5]u64) void {
var x1: u64 = undefined;
curve25519CmovznzU64(&x1, arg1, (arg2[0]), (arg3[0]));
var x2: u64 = undefined;
curve25519CmovznzU64(&x2, arg1, (arg2[1]), (arg3[1]));
var x3: u64 = undefined;
curve25519CmovznzU64(&x3, arg1, (arg2[2]), (arg3[2]));
var x4: u64 = undefined;
curve25519CmovznzU64(&x4, arg1, (arg2[3]), (arg3[3]));
var x5: u64 = undefined;
curve25519CmovznzU64(&x5, arg1, (arg2[4]), (arg3[4]));
out1[0] = x1;
out1[1] = x2;
out1[2] = x3;
out1[3] = x4;
out1[4] = x5;
/// The function curve25519ToBytes serializes a field element to bytes in little-endian order.
/// Postconditions:
/// out1 = map (λ x, ⌊((eval arg1 mod m) mod 2^(8 * (x + 1))) / 2^(8 * x)⌋) [0..31]
/// Input Bounds:
/// arg1: [[0x0 ~> 0x8000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x8000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x8000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x8000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x8000000000000]]
/// Output Bounds:
/// out1: [[0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0x7f]]
pub fn curve25519ToBytes(out1: *[32]u8, arg1: [5]u64) void {
var x1: u64 = undefined;
var x2: u1 = undefined;
curve25519SubborrowxU51(&x1, &x2, 0x0, (arg1[0]), 0x7ffffffffffed);
var x3: u64 = undefined;
var x4: u1 = undefined;
curve25519SubborrowxU51(&x3, &x4, x2, (arg1[1]), 0x7ffffffffffff);
var x5: u64 = undefined;
var x6: u1 = undefined;
curve25519SubborrowxU51(&x5, &x6, x4, (arg1[2]), 0x7ffffffffffff);
var x7: u64 = undefined;
var x8: u1 = undefined;
curve25519SubborrowxU51(&x7, &x8, x6, (arg1[3]), 0x7ffffffffffff);
var x9: u64 = undefined;
var x10: u1 = undefined;
curve25519SubborrowxU51(&x9, &x10, x8, (arg1[4]), 0x7ffffffffffff);
var x11: u64 = undefined;
curve25519CmovznzU64(&x11, x10, @as(u64, 0x0), 0xffffffffffffffff);
var x12: u64 = undefined;
var x13: u1 = undefined;
curve25519AddcarryxU51(&x12, &x13, 0x0, x1, (x11 & 0x7ffffffffffed));
var x14: u64 = undefined;
var x15: u1 = undefined;
curve25519AddcarryxU51(&x14, &x15, x13, x3, (x11 & 0x7ffffffffffff));
var x16: u64 = undefined;
var x17: u1 = undefined;
curve25519AddcarryxU51(&x16, &x17, x15, x5, (x11 & 0x7ffffffffffff));
var x18: u64 = undefined;
var x19: u1 = undefined;
curve25519AddcarryxU51(&x18, &x19, x17, x7, (x11 & 0x7ffffffffffff));
var x20: u64 = undefined;
var x21: u1 = undefined;
curve25519AddcarryxU51(&x20, &x21, x19, x9, (x11 & 0x7ffffffffffff));
const x22: u64 = (x20 << 4);
const x23: u64 = (x18 * @as(u64, 0x2));
const x24: u64 = (x16 << 6);
const x25: u64 = (x14 << 3);
const x26: u8 = @as(u8, (x12 & @as(u64, 0xff)));
const x27: u64 = (x12 >> 8);
const x28: u8 = @as(u8, (x27 & @as(u64, 0xff)));
const x29: u64 = (x27 >> 8);
const x30: u8 = @as(u8, (x29 & @as(u64, 0xff)));
const x31: u64 = (x29 >> 8);
const x32: u8 = @as(u8, (x31 & @as(u64, 0xff)));
const x33: u64 = (x31 >> 8);
const x34: u8 = @as(u8, (x33 & @as(u64, 0xff)));
const x35: u64 = (x33 >> 8);
const x36: u8 = @as(u8, (x35 & @as(u64, 0xff)));
const x37: u8 = @as(u8, (x35 >> 8));
const x38: u64 = (x25 + @as(u64, x37));
const x39: u8 = @as(u8, (x38 & @as(u64, 0xff)));
const x40: u64 = (x38 >> 8);
const x41: u8 = @as(u8, (x40 & @as(u64, 0xff)));
const x42: u64 = (x40 >> 8);
const x43: u8 = @as(u8, (x42 & @as(u64, 0xff)));
const x44: u64 = (x42 >> 8);
const x45: u8 = @as(u8, (x44 & @as(u64, 0xff)));
const x46: u64 = (x44 >> 8);
const x47: u8 = @as(u8, (x46 & @as(u64, 0xff)));
const x48: u64 = (x46 >> 8);
const x49: u8 = @as(u8, (x48 & @as(u64, 0xff)));
const x50: u8 = @as(u8, (x48 >> 8));
const x51: u64 = (x24 + @as(u64, x50));
const x52: u8 = @as(u8, (x51 & @as(u64, 0xff)));
const x53: u64 = (x51 >> 8);
const x54: u8 = @as(u8, (x53 & @as(u64, 0xff)));
const x55: u64 = (x53 >> 8);
const x56: u8 = @as(u8, (x55 & @as(u64, 0xff)));
const x57: u64 = (x55 >> 8);
const x58: u8 = @as(u8, (x57 & @as(u64, 0xff)));
const x59: u64 = (x57 >> 8);
const x60: u8 = @as(u8, (x59 & @as(u64, 0xff)));
const x61: u64 = (x59 >> 8);
const x62: u8 = @as(u8, (x61 & @as(u64, 0xff)));
const x63: u64 = (x61 >> 8);
const x64: u8 = @as(u8, (x63 & @as(u64, 0xff)));
const x65: u1 = @as(u1, (x63 >> 8));
const x66: u64 = (x23 + @as(u64, x65));
const x67: u8 = @as(u8, (x66 & @as(u64, 0xff)));
const x68: u64 = (x66 >> 8);
const x69: u8 = @as(u8, (x68 & @as(u64, 0xff)));
const x70: u64 = (x68 >> 8);
const x71: u8 = @as(u8, (x70 & @as(u64, 0xff)));
const x72: u64 = (x70 >> 8);
const x73: u8 = @as(u8, (x72 & @as(u64, 0xff)));
const x74: u64 = (x72 >> 8);
const x75: u8 = @as(u8, (x74 & @as(u64, 0xff)));
const x76: u64 = (x74 >> 8);
const x77: u8 = @as(u8, (x76 & @as(u64, 0xff)));
const x78: u8 = @as(u8, (x76 >> 8));
const x79: u64 = (x22 + @as(u64, x78));
const x80: u8 = @as(u8, (x79 & @as(u64, 0xff)));
const x81: u64 = (x79 >> 8);
const x82: u8 = @as(u8, (x81 & @as(u64, 0xff)));
const x83: u64 = (x81 >> 8);
const x84: u8 = @as(u8, (x83 & @as(u64, 0xff)));
const x85: u64 = (x83 >> 8);
const x86: u8 = @as(u8, (x85 & @as(u64, 0xff)));
const x87: u64 = (x85 >> 8);
const x88: u8 = @as(u8, (x87 & @as(u64, 0xff)));
const x89: u64 = (x87 >> 8);
const x90: u8 = @as(u8, (x89 & @as(u64, 0xff)));
const x91: u8 = @as(u8, (x89 >> 8));
out1[0] = x26;
out1[1] = x28;
out1[2] = x30;
out1[3] = x32;
out1[4] = x34;
out1[5] = x36;
out1[6] = x39;
out1[7] = x41;
out1[8] = x43;
out1[9] = x45;
out1[10] = x47;
out1[11] = x49;
out1[12] = x52;
out1[13] = x54;
out1[14] = x56;
out1[15] = x58;
out1[16] = x60;
out1[17] = x62;
out1[18] = x64;
out1[19] = x67;
out1[20] = x69;
out1[21] = x71;
out1[22] = x73;
out1[23] = x75;
out1[24] = x77;
out1[25] = x80;
out1[26] = x82;
out1[27] = x84;
out1[28] = x86;
out1[29] = x88;
out1[30] = x90;
out1[31] = x91;
/// The function curve25519FromBytes deserializes a field element from bytes in little-endian order.
/// Postconditions:
/// eval out1 mod m = bytes_eval arg1 mod m
/// Input Bounds:
/// arg1: [[0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0xff], [0x0 ~> 0x7f]]
/// Output Bounds:
/// out1: [[0x0 ~> 0x8000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x8000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x8000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x8000000000000], [0x0 ~> 0x8000000000000]]
pub fn curve25519FromBytes(out1: *[5]u64, arg1: [32]u8) void {
const x1: u64 = (@as(u64, (arg1[31])) << 44);
const x2: u64 = (@as(u64, (arg1[30])) << 36);
const x3: u64 = (@as(u64, (arg1[29])) << 28);
const x4: u64 = (@as(u64, (arg1[28])) << 20);
const x5: u64 = (@as(u64, (arg1[27])) << 12);
const x6: u64 = (@as(u64, (arg1[26])) << 4);
const x7: u64 = (@as(u64, (arg1[25])) << 47);
const x8: u64 = (@as(u64, (arg1[24])) << 39);
const x9: u64 = (@as(u64, (arg1[23])) << 31);
const x10: u64 = (@as(u64, (arg1[22])) << 23);
const x11: u64 = (@as(u64, (arg1[21])) << 15);
const x12: u64 = (@as(u64, (arg1[20])) << 7);
const x13: u64 = (@as(u64, (arg1[19])) << 50);
const x14: u64 = (@as(u64, (arg1[18])) << 42);
const x15: u64 = (@as(u64, (arg1[17])) << 34);
const x16: u64 = (@as(u64, (arg1[16])) << 26);
const x17: u64 = (@as(u64, (arg1[15])) << 18);
const x18: u64 = (@as(u64, (arg1[14])) << 10);
const x19: u64 = (@as(u64, (arg1[13])) << 2);
const x20: u64 = (@as(u64, (arg1[12])) << 45);
const x21: u64 = (@as(u64, (arg1[11])) << 37);
const x22: u64 = (@as(u64, (arg1[10])) << 29);
const x23: u64 = (@as(u64, (arg1[9])) << 21);
const x24: u64 = (@as(u64, (arg1[8])) << 13);
const x25: u64 = (@as(u64, (arg1[7])) << 5);
const x26: u64 = (@as(u64, (arg1[6])) << 48);
const x27: u64 = (@as(u64, (arg1[5])) << 40);
const x28: u64 = (@as(u64, (arg1[4])) << 32);
const x29: u64 = (@as(u64, (arg1[3])) << 24);
const x30: u64 = (@as(u64, (arg1[2])) << 16);
const x31: u64 = (@as(u64, (arg1[1])) << 8);
const x32: u8 = (arg1[0]);
const x33: u64 = (x31 + @as(u64, x32));
const x34: u64 = (x30 + x33);
const x35: u64 = (x29 + x34);
const x36: u64 = (x28 + x35);
const x37: u64 = (x27 + x36);
const x38: u64 = (x26 + x37);
const x39: u64 = (x38 & 0x7ffffffffffff);
const x40: u8 = @as(u8, (x38 >> 51));
const x41: u64 = (x25 + @as(u64, x40));
const x42: u64 = (x24 + x41);
const x43: u64 = (x23 + x42);
const x44: u64 = (x22 + x43);
const x45: u64 = (x21 + x44);
const x46: u64 = (x20 + x45);
const x47: u64 = (x46 & 0x7ffffffffffff);
const x48: u8 = @as(u8, (x46 >> 51));
const x49: u64 = (x19 + @as(u64, x48));
const x50: u64 = (x18 + x49);
const x51: u64 = (x17 + x50);
const x52: u64 = (x16 + x51);
const x53: u64 = (x15 + x52);
const x54: u64 = (x14 + x53);
const x55: u64 = (x13 + x54);
const x56: u64 = (x55 & 0x7ffffffffffff);
const x57: u8 = @as(u8, (x55 >> 51));
const x58: u64 = (x12 + @as(u64, x57));
const x59: u64 = (x11 + x58);
const x60: u64 = (x10 + x59);
const x61: u64 = (x9 + x60);
const x62: u64 = (x8 + x61);
const x63: u64 = (x7 + x62);
const x64: u64 = (x63 & 0x7ffffffffffff);
const x65: u8 = @as(u8, (x63 >> 51));
const x66: u64 = (x6 + @as(u64, x65));
const x67: u64 = (x5 + x66);
const x68: u64 = (x4 + x67);
const x69: u64 = (x3 + x68);
const x70: u64 = (x2 + x69);
const x71: u64 = (x1 + x70);
out1[0] = x39;
out1[1] = x47;
out1[2] = x56;
out1[3] = x64;
out1[4] = x71;
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