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Created October 29, 2012 16:50
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Code for blog post on error reporting
# Copyright 2012 Jeffrey Kegler
# This file is part of Marpa::R2. Marpa::R2 is free software: you can
# redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
# General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
# either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# Marpa::R2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser
# General Public License along with Marpa::R2. If not, see
use 5.010;
use strict;
use warnings;
use English qw( -no_match_vars );
use Marpa::R2 2.023008;
my $prefix_grammar = Marpa::R2::Grammar->new(
{ start => 'Script',
actions => 'My_Actions',
default_action => 'do_arg0',
rules => [ <<'END_OF_RULES' ]
Script ::=
| kw_say Expression action => do_arg1
Expression ::=
| op_add Expression Expression action => do_add
sub My_Actions::do_add { shift; return $_[1] + $_[2] }
sub My_Actions::do_arg0 { shift; return shift; }
sub My_Actions::do_arg1 { shift; return $_[1]; }
my @terminals = (
[ Number => qr/\d+/xms, 'Number' ],
[ op_add => qr/[+]/xms, 'Addition operator' ],
[ kw_say => qr/say\b/xms, qq{"say" keyword} ],
sub My_Error::last_completed_range {
my ( $self, $symbol_name ) = @_;
my $grammar = $self->{grammar};
my $recce = $self->{recce};
my @sought_rules = ();
for my $rule_id ( $grammar->rule_ids() ) {
my ($lhs) = $grammar->bnf_rule($rule_id);
push @sought_rules, $rule_id if $lhs eq $symbol_name;
die "Looking for completion of non-existent rule lhs: $symbol_name"
if not scalar @sought_rules;
my $latest_earley_set = $recce->latest_earley_set();
my $earley_set = $latest_earley_set;
# Initialize to one past the end, so we can tell if there were no hits
my $first_origin = $latest_earley_set + 1;
EARLEY_SET: while ( $earley_set >= 0 ) {
my $report_items = $recce->progress($earley_set);
ITEM: for my $report_item ( @{$report_items} ) {
my ( $rule_id, $dot_position, $origin ) = @{$report_item};
next ITEM if $dot_position != -1;
next ITEM if not scalar grep { $_ == $rule_id } @sought_rules;
next ITEM if $origin >= $first_origin;
$first_origin = $origin;
} ## end ITEM: for my $report_item ( @{$report_items} )
last EARLEY_SET if $first_origin <= $latest_earley_set;
} ## end EARLEY_SET: while ( $earley_set >= 0 )
return if $earley_set < 0;
return ( $first_origin, $earley_set );
} ## end sub My_Error::last_completed_range
# Given a string, an earley set to position mapping,
# and two earley sets, return the slice of the string
sub My_Error::input_slice {
my ( $self, $start, $end ) = @_;
my $positions = $self->{positions};
return if not defined $start;
my $start_position = $positions->[$start];
my $length = $positions->[$end] - $start_position;
return substr ${ $self->{input} }, $start_position, $length;
} ## end sub My_Error::input_slice
sub My_Error::show_last_expression {
my ($self) = @_;
my $last_expression =
$self->input_slice( $self->last_completed_range('Expression') );
defined $last_expression
? "Last expression successfully parsed was: $last_expression"
: 'No expression was successfully parsed';
} ## end sub My_Error::show_last_expression
sub My_Error::show_position {
my ( $self, $position ) = @_;
my $input = $self->{input};
my $local_string = substr ${$input}, $position, 40;
$local_string =~ s/\n/\\n/gxms;
return $local_string;
} ## end sub My_Error::show_position
sub my_parser {
my ( $grammar, $string ) = @_;
my @positions = (0);
my $recce = Marpa::R2::Recognizer->new( { grammar => $grammar } );
# A quasi-object, for internal use only
my $self = bless {
grammar => $grammar,
input => \$string,
recce => $recce,
positions => \@positions
my $length = length $string;
pos $string = $positions[-1];
TOKEN: while ( pos $string < $length ) {
next TOKEN if $string =~ m/\G\s+/gcxms; # skip whitespace
if ( $recce->exhausted() ) {
die $self->show_last_expression(), "\n",
q{The parse became exhausted here: "},
$self->show_position( $positions[-1] ), qq{"\n},
} ## end if ( $recce->exhausted() )
TOKEN_TYPE: for my $t (@terminals) {
my ( $token_name, $regex, $long_name ) = @{$t};
next TOKEN_TYPE if not $string =~ m/\G($regex)/gcxms;
if ( defined $recce->read( $token_name, $1 ) ) {
my $latest_earley_set_ID = $recce->latest_earley_set();
$positions[$latest_earley_set_ID] = pos $string;
next TOKEN;
die $self->show_last_expression(), "\n",
'A problem occurred here: ',
$self->show_position( $positions[-1] ), "\n",
qq{Parser rejected token "$long_name"\n};
} ## end TOKEN_TYPE: for my $t (@terminals)
die 'A problem occurred here: ',
$self->show_position( $positions[-1] ), "\n",
q{No valid token was found};
} ## end TOKEN: while ( pos $string < $length )
my $value_ref = $recce->value;
if ( not defined $value_ref ) {
die $self->show_last_expression(), "\n",
"No parse was found, after reading the entire input\n";
return ${$value_ref};
} ## end sub my_parser
for my $test_string (
'+++ 1 2 3 + + 1 2 4',
'say + 1 2',
'+ 1 say 2',
'+ 1 2 3 + + 1 2 4',
'++1 2++',
'++1 2++3 4++',
'1 + 2 +3 4 + 5 + 6 + 7'
my $output;
my $eval_ok =
eval { $output = my_parser( $prefix_grammar, $test_string ); 1 };
my $eval_error = $EVAL_ERROR;
if ( not defined $eval_ok ) {
chomp $eval_error;
say q{=} x 30;
print qq{Input was "$test_string"\n},
qq{Parse failed, with this diagnostic:\n},
$eval_error, "\n";
next TEST;
} ## end if ( not defined $eval_ok )
say q{=} x 30;
print qq{Input was "$test_string"\n},
qq{Parse was successful, output was "$output"\n};
} ## end TEST: for my $test_string ( '+++ 1 2 3 + + 1 2 4', 'say + 1 2'...)
# vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4:
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