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Created March 29, 2023 03:30
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interface HttpClient<Response, Options extends {} = {}> {
get: (url: string, options: Options) => Promise<Response>;
put: (url: string, options: Options) => Promise<Response>;
post: (url: string, options: Options) => Promise<Response>;
interface CurrencyFormatter {
format: (str: string) => string
class USCurrencyFormatter implements CurrencyFormatter {
format = (str: string) => {
return "$5.00"
class CACurrencyFormatter implements CurrencyFormatter {
format = (str: string) => {
return "dfaksdfls"
interface User {
country: string
class CurrencyFormatterFactory {
constructor(private user: User) {}
getFormatter = (): CurrencyFormatter => {
switch ( {
case "US":
return new USCurrencyFormatter()
case "CA":
return new CACurrencyFormatter()
throw Error("You fucked up")
class CurrencyFormatterBuilder {
private selectedCurrency?: String
withCurrencyType(currencyType: string): CurrencyFormatterBuilder {
return this
build = (): CurrencyFormatter => {
switch (this.selectedCurrency) {
case "US":
return new USCurrencyFormatter();
case "CA":
return new CACurrencyFormatter();
throw Error("You fucked up");
// business logic
const user = {country: "US"}
// const formatter = new CurrencyFormatterFactory(user).getFormatter()
const formatter = new CurrencyFormatterBuilder()
console.log(formatter.format("")) // $5.00
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