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Created March 2, 2013 08:33
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Wordcloud of /r/GirlGamers' February submissions and commments.
aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa abilities abilities abilities abilities abilities abominations abominations abominations abs abs abs absurdities absurdities absurdities abused abused abused ac ac ac ac ac ac ac ac ac ac ac ac accents accents accents accents accents accents accepting accepting accepting accepting accepting accepting accepting accepting accepting accepting accounts accounts accounts accounts accounts accounts acknowledging acknowledging acknowledging actions actions actions actions actions actions actions actions actions activities activities activities adc adc adc addictive addictive addictive adding adding adding adding adding adding adding adding adding adding adding adding addressed addressed addressed admin admin admin admin ads ads ads ads ads ads ads ads ads ads ads ads ads ads ads ads ads adults adults adults adults adults adults adults adults adults advertisements advertisements advertisements advocates advocates advocates affects affects affects affects affects agentjr agentjr agentjr ages ages ages ages ages ages ages ages ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh aimed aimed aimed alienating alienating alienating alienating aliens aliens aliens aliens aliens aliens aliens aliens aliens aliens aliens aliens alistair alistair alistair alistair alistair alistair alistair alistair alistair alistair all-male all-male all-male allowed allowed allowed allowed allowed allowed allowed allowed allowed allowed allowed allowed allowed allowed allowed allowed allowed allowed allowed allowed allowed allowed allowed allowing allowing allowing allows allows allows allows allows allows allstars allstars allstars allstars americans americans americans amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp anders anders anders animals animals animals animals animations animations animations animations animations animations announced announced announced announced annoyed annoyed annoyed annoyed annoyed annoyed annoyed annoyed annoyed annoyed answered answered answered answers answers answers answers answers antichamber antichamber antichamber anya anya anya anya anya anymore anymore anymore anymore anymore anymore anymore anymore anymore anymore anymore anymore anymore anymore anymore anymore anymore anymore anymore anymore anymore anymore anymore anyone's anyone's anyone's anytime anytime anytime anytime anytime aow aow aow aow aow app app app app app app app appearances appearances appearances appearances appears appears appears appears appears apples apples apples applies applies applies applies applies appreciated appreciated appreciated appreciated appreciated approaches approaches approaches approved approved approved approved arcs arcs arcs areas areas areas areas areas areas areas areas areas arguing arguing arguing arguing arguing arguing arguing arguing arguing arguments arguments arguments arguments arguments arguments arguments arguments arguments arguments arguments arguments arguments arguments arkham arkham arkham arkham armors armors armors armour armour armour armour armour armour armour armour armour armour aroused aroused aroused aroused aroused aroused aroused aroused articles articles articles articles articles artists artists artists artists artists artists artists artists arts arts arts arts arts arts arts artwork artwork artwork artwork ashley ashley ashley ashley ashley asked asked asked asked asked asked asked asked asked asked asked asked asked asked asked asked asked asked asked asked asked asked asked asked asked asked asked asked asked asked asked asked asked asked asking asking asking asking asking asking asking asking asking asking asking asking asking asking asking asking asking asking asking asking asking asking asks asks asks aspects aspects aspects aspects aspects assassin's assassin's assassin's assassin's assassin's assassin's assassin's assassin's assassin's assassin's assassin's assassins assassins assassins assassins assassins asses asses asses asses asses asses asses asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole assholes assholes assholes assholes assholes assholes assholes assholes assholes assholes assholes assholes assholes assholes assholes assholes assholes assholes assholes assholes assholes assholes assholes assholes assholes assholes assholes assholes assholes assholes assholes assumptions assumptions assumptions assumptions assumptions assumptions atari atari atari atm atm atm atm atm attacking attacking attacking attacking attacking attacks attacks attacks attacks attacks attempting attempting attempting attempting attempting attempts attempts attempts attempts attempts attentionwhoring attentionwhoring attentionwhoring attitudes attitudes attitudes attitudes attracted attracted attracted avatar avatar avatar avatar avatar avatar avatar avatar avatar avatar avatar avatar avatar avatar avatar avatar avatar avatar avatar avatar avatar avatar avatar avoided avoided avoided avoided avoided avoided aww aww aww aww aww aww aww backstory backstory backstory backstory backstory badass badass badass badass badass badass badass badass badass badass badass badass badass badass badass badass badass badass badass badass badass badass badass baldur's baldur's baldur's baldur's ballpark ballpark ballpark balls balls balls balls balls balls bams bams bams banned banned banned banned barbie barbie barbie barbie barbie barbie barbies barbies barbies barbies barbies barbies basics basics basics basics basics basics basing basing basing bastards bastards bastards bayonetta bayonetta bayonetta bayonetta bayonetta bayonetta bbt bbt bbt bbt bbt bbt bbt beads beads beads beads beads beads beads beads bears bears bears became became became became became became became became became became became became began began began began began began began began began behaviour behaviour behaviour behaviour beings beings beings benefits benefits benefits bf bf bf bf bf bf bf bf bf bf bf bf bi bi bi bi biased biased biased biases biases biases bikinis bikinis bikinis bikinis bioshock bioshock bioshock bioshock bioshock bioshock bioshock bioshock bioshock bioshock bioshock bioshock bioshock bioshock bioshock bioshock bioware bioware bioware bioware bioware bioware bioware bioware bioware bioware bioware bioware bioware bioware bioware bioware bioware bioware bioware bioware bioware bioware birds birds birds birds bitches bitches bitches bitches bitches bitches bitching bitching bitching bitching bitching bitching bitching bits bits bits bits bits bl bl bl blew blew blew blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blogging blogging blogging bob's bob's bob's bodies bodies bodies bodies bodies boob-plate boob-plate boob-plate boob-plate boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs 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bothered bothered bothered bothers bothers bothers bothers bothers bothers bothers bothers bothers bothers bothers bothers bothers bothers bothers bothers bothers bothers bothers bots bots bots bots box box box box box box box boy's boy's boy's boy's boy's boy's boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend's boyfriend's boyfriend's boyfriend's boyfriend's boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys boys breaks breaks breaks breasts breasts breasts breasts breasts breasts breasts breasts breasts breasts bringing bringing bringing bringing bringing bringing bro bro bro bros bros bros bros bros bros bros bros bros brothers brothers brothers brothers brothers btw btw btw btw btw btw buddies buddies buddies buddies budgets budgets budgets budgets budgets budgets bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs builds builds builds builds bullied bullied bullied bullied bullied bullied bullies bullies bullies bullies bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bungie bungie bungie bungie bungie busty busty busty buying buying buying buying buying buying buying buying buying buying buying buying buying buying buying buying buying buying buying buying buying buying buying buying buying buying buying buying buying cadettes cadettes cadettes called called called called called called called called called called called called called called called called called called called called called called called called called called called called called called called called called called called called called called called called called called called called called called called called called calls calls calls calls camping camping camping cancelled cancelled cancelled captured captured captured carcassonne carcassonne carcassonne carcassonne cards cards cards cards cared cared cared cared cared cared cares cares cares cares cares cares cares cares caring caring caring carth carth carth carth carth cartoons cartoons cartoons cartoons cartoons cartoons cartoons cases cases cases cases cases cases cases cases cases cases cases cases cases cases cases catered catered catered catered catering catering catering catering cats cats cats cats cats cats caused caused caused caused causes causes causes cd cd cd cd cd cd cd celebrities celebrities celebrities cents cents cents ceo ceo ceo ceo chainmail chainmail chainmail chains chains chains chains chains 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complaining complaining complaining complaining complaints complaints complaints complaints complaints complaints computers computers computers computers computers computers computers computers concentrating concentrating concentrating concentrating concerns concerns concerns condoms condoms condoms condoms condoms conflicted conflicted conflicted confusing confusing confusing confusing confusing confusing congrats congrats congrats congrats congrats cons cons cons cons cons consoles consoles consoles consoles consoles consoles consoles consoles consoles consoles consoles consoles consoles consoles consoles consoles consoles consoles consoles consoles consumers consumers consumers consumers consumers consumers containing containing containing continues continues continues continues continues continues continuing continuing continuing contributing contributing contributing contributing controllers controllers controllers controllers controllers controllers controllers controllers controllers conversations conversations conversations conversations conversations conversations conversations conversations conversations coordination coordination coordination coordination coordination copies copies copies copies cortana cortana cortana cortana cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplay cosplayer cosplayer cosplayer cosplayer cosplayer cosplayer cosplayer 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fans fans fans fans fans fans fans fantasies fantasies fantasies fantasies fantasies fantasies fap fap fap fap faqs faqs faqs fastest fastest fastest favorites favorites favorites favorites favorites favorites favorites favorites favorites favorites favorites favorites favorites favorites favourite favourite favourite favourite favourite favourite favourite favourite favourite favourite favourite favourite favourite favourite favourite favourite favourite favourite favourite favourite features features features features features features features features features features feb feb feb feb feelings feelings feelings feelings feelings feelings feels feels feels feels feels feels feels feels feels feels feels feels feels feels feels feels feels feels feet feet feet felicia felicia felicia felicia felicia felicia felicia felicia felicia females females females females females females females females females females females females females females females females females females females 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lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol london london london london long-term long-term long-term longest longest longest longest longest longest longest longest longest longest loved loved loved loved loved loved loved loved loved loved loved loved loved loved loved loved loved loved loved loved loved loved loved loved loved loved loved loved loved loved loved loved loved loved loved loved loved loved loved loved loved loved loved loved loved loved loved loved loved loved loved loves loves loves loves loves loves loves loves loves loves loves loves lpers lpers lpers lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt;_&lt lt;_&lt lt;_&lt mages mages mages mages mages mages magicka magicka magicka mainstream mainstream mainstream mainstream mainstream mainstream mainstream 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males males males males males males males males males males males males males males males males males males males males males males maleshep maleshep maleshep man's man's man's managed managed managed managed managed managed managed managed managed managed managing managing managing mannerisms mannerisms mannerisms maps maps maps maps maps maps maps maps marines marines marines marines marines marines marketed marketed marketed marketed marketed marketed marketed marketed marketed markets markets markets marston marston marston masterchief masterchief masterchief masterchief matches matches matches matches matches matches matches matches matters matters matters matters matters matters matters matters matters means means means means means means means means means means means means means means means means means means means means means means means means means means means means means means means means means means meh meh meh meh meh members members members members members members members members members members members meme meme meme memories memories memories memories memories memories memories memories memories men's men's men's men's men's men's mentioned mentioned mentioned mentioned mentioned mentioned mentioned mentioned mentioned mentioned mentioned mentioned mentioned mentioned mentioned mentioned mentioned mentioned mentioned mentioned mentions mentions mentions meow meow meow messages messages messages messages messages messages messages messages messed messed messed messed messed messed messed messed messed metroid metroid metroid metroid metroid metroid metroid metroid metroid metroid metroid metroid metroid metroid metroid mgs mgs mgs mgs mgs mic mic mic mic mic mic mic mic mic mic mic mic mic mic mic mic mic mic mic mic mic mic mic mic mic mic mic mic mic mic mic mic mic mic microsoft microsoft microsoft microsoft microsoft microsoft microsoft middle-school middle-school middle-school minds minds minds mindset mindset mindset mindset mindset mindset mindset minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft mini mini mini minorities minorities minorities minorities minorities minorities minorities minorities minorities minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes mirror's mirror's mirror's mirror's mirror's mirror's mirror's mirrors mirrors mirrors misogynists misogynists misogynists missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missions missions missions missions missions missions missions missions mistakes mistakes mistakes mistakes mistakes mmm mmm mmm mmo mmo mmo mmo mmo mmo mmo mmo mmo mmo mmo mmo mmo mmo mmo mmo mmo 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parents parents parents parents parents participating participating participating participating parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts patterns patterns patterns patterns patterns pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc peeta peeta peeta people's people's people's people's people's people's people's people's people's people's perceived perceived perceived perceived perceived perceived perceived perceived perceived perceived perceived perceived persia persia persia personalities personalities personalities personalities personalities personalities perspectives perspectives perspectives perspectives pets pets pets phd phd phd phd photos photos photos photos photos photos photos photos photos photos photos photos photos photoshopped photoshopped photoshopped physiques physiques physiques picking picking picking picking picking picking picking picking picking picking picking picking picking pics pics pics pics pics pics pics pics pictures pictures pictures pictures pictures pictures pictures pictures pictures pictures pictures pictures pictures pictures pictures pictures pictures pictures pictures pictures pictures pictures pictures pictures pieces pieces pieces pissed pissed pissed pissed pissed pissed pissed pissed pissed pissed pissed pisses pisses pisses pisses places places places places places places places places places places places planetside planetside planetside planetside planning planning planning planning planning planning planning played played played played played played played played played played played played played played played played played played played played played played played played played played played played played played 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