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Last active November 5, 2015 03:49
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* This demonstrates creating a trivial protocol and service on top of Mux.
* The protocol used is scala.pickling, but it could just as easily use Scodec,
* Avro, or anything else that can SerDe to/from a byte array. All that would
* need replacing is the BinaryPickleFilter and the PickleBinaryFilter.
import com.twitter.finagle._
import com.twitter.util.{Await, Future}
import scala.pickling._, Defaults._, binary._
trait BinaryFilter {
def extract(buf: Buf) = Buf.ByteArray.Owned.extract(buf)
def inject(arr: Array[Byte]) = Buf.ByteArray.Owned(arr)
// Filter Mux <-> Binary
object MuxBinary
extends Filter[mux.Request, mux.Response, Array[Byte], Array[Byte]]
with BinaryFilter {
def apply(muxReq: mux.Request, service: Service[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]]) =
service(extract(muxReq.body)) map (arr => mux.Response(inject(arr)))
object BinaryMux
extends Filter[Array[Byte], Array[Byte], mux.Request, mux.Response]
with BinaryFilter {
def apply(binReq: Array[Byte], service: Service[mux.Request, mux.Response]) =
service(mux.Request(Path.empty, inject(binReq))) map (rep => extract(rep.body))
// Filter from Binary <- scala.pickling -> Req/Rep
class BinaryPickleFilter[Req, Rep](implicit upReq: Unpickler[Req], pRep: Pickler[Rep])
extends Filter[Array[Byte], Array[Byte], Req, Rep]
def apply(req: Array[Byte], service: Service[Req, Rep]) =
service(req.unpickle[Req]) map (_.pickle.value)
class PickleBinaryFilter[Req, Rep](implicit pReq: Pickler[Req], upRep: Unpickler[Rep])
extends Filter[Req, Rep, Array[Byte], Array[Byte]]
def apply(req: Req, service: Service[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]]) =
service(req.pickle.value) map (_.unpickle[Rep])
// Some example messages
sealed case class MyNiftyRequest(numbers: Seq[Int], options: Map[String, String])
sealed case class MyNiftyResponse(sum: Int)
// Example service
object MyService extends Service[MyNiftyRequest, MyNiftyResponse] {
def apply(in: MyNiftyRequest) =
// Compose Mux <-> Binary <- pickling -> MyService
val service =
MuxBinary andThen
new BinaryPickleFilter[MyNiftyRequest, MyNiftyResponse] andThen
// Serve using Mux server
Mux.server.serve(new InetSocketAddress(8901), ServiceFactory.const(service))
// Use the complementary filters for the client
// MyNiftyRequest => PickleBinary => BinaryMux => Mux
val clientFactory =
new PickleBinaryFilter[MyNiftyRequest, MyNiftyResponse] andThen
BinaryMux andThen
// Call the server (in real life you wouldn't use Await)
println(Await.result(clientFactory.toService.apply(MyNiftyRequest(Seq(1,2,3,4), Map("foo" -> "bar")))))
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