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Created September 3, 2020 14:38
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Malli open, lazy multi schema
(require '[malli.registry :as mr]
(def cfn-registry*
(atom {}))
(def registry
(mr/mutable-registry cfn-registry*)))
(defn open-multi-schema []
^{:type ::into-schema}
(reify malli.core/IntoSchema
(-into-schema [_ properties children options]
(let [{:keys [children entries forms]} (malli.core/-parse-entries children false options)
validator-lookup (:children properties)
form (malli.core/-create-form :multi properties forms)
dispatch (malli.core/eval (:dispatch properties))
;; TODO get rid of dispatch-map, needed for transformers
dispatch-map (->> (for [[k s] entries] [k s]) (into {}))]
(when-not dispatch
(malli.core/-fail! ::missing-property {:key :dispatch}))
^{:type ::schema}
(-type [_] :multi)
(-validator [_]
(fn [x]
(if-let [validator (validator-lookup (dispatch x))]
(validator x)
(-explainer [this path]
(let [explainers (reduce
(fn [acc [key schema]]
(let [explainer (malli.core/-explainer schema (conj path key))]
(assoc acc key (fn [x in acc] (explainer x in acc)))))
{} entries)]
(fn [x in acc]
(if-let [explainer (explainers (dispatch x))]
(explainer x in acc)
(conj acc (malli.core/-error path in this x ::invalid-dispatch-value))))))
(-transformer [this transformer method options]
(let [this-transformer (malli.core/-value-transformer transformer this method options)
child-transformers (reduce-kv
(fn [acc k s] (assoc acc k (malli.core/-transformer s transformer method options)))
{} dispatch-map)
build (fn [phase]
(let [->this (phase this-transformer)
->children (->> child-transformers
(keep (fn [[k v]] (if-let [t (phase v)] [k t])))
(into {}))
->child (if (seq ->children) (fn [x] (if-let [t (->children (dispatch x))] (t x) x)))]
(malli.core/-chain phase [->this ->child])))]
{:enter (build :enter)
:leave (build :leave)}))
(-walk [this walker path options]
(if (malli.core/-accept walker this path options)
(malli.core/-outer walker this path (malli.core/-inner-entries walker path entries options) options)))
(-properties [_] properties)
(-options [_] options)
(-children [_] children)
(-form [_] form)
(-entries [_] entries)
(-keep [_])
(-get [this key default] (malli.core/-get-entries this key default))
(-set [this key value] (malli.core/-set-entries this key value)))))))
(swap! cfn-registry* assoc :open-multi (open-multi-schema))
;; -- Simple test
(let [lookup-fn (fn [t]
;; TODO add lookup logic here
(malli.core/validator [:map [:type [:= t]]]))]
(m/validate [:open-multi
{:dispatch :type
:children (let [*cache (atom {})]
(fn [t]
(let [cache (swap! *cache update t (fnil identity (delay (lookup-fn t))))]
(force (get cache t) ))))}
{:type :foo}
{:registry registry}))
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