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Last active August 31, 2020 15:14
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Boot like tasks in Babashka
(ns adgoji.application.tasks
(:require [spartan.spec :as s]))
;; export BABASHKA_CLASSPATH="$(clojure -Sdeps '{:deps {spartan.spec {:git/url "" :sha "104129aae9eab6dd4622937d0f46abeed9c9c537"}}}' -Spath)"
(defn strlen-1? [x]
(= 1 (count (str x))))
(defn strlen-2+? [x]
(< 1 (count (str x))))
(s/def ::short-option (s/or ::nil nil? ;; FIXME :nil is not accepted by
:v (s/and symbol? strlen-1?)) )
(s/def ::long-option (s/or ::nil nil? ;; FIXME :nil is not accepted by
:v (s/and symbol? strlen-2+?)) )
(defn upper-cased? [x]
(let [xs (str x)]
(= xs (clojure.string/upper-case xs))))
(defn upper-cased-symbol? [x]
(and (symbol? x)
(upper-cased? x)))
(def opt-types
'#{bool char code edn file float int kw regexp sym str})
(s/def ::option (s/cat :short-opt ::short-option
:long-opt ::long-option
:argname (s/? upper-cased-symbol?)
:default (s/? (complement upper-cased-symbol?)) ;; DSL extension!
:opt-type opt-types
:desc string?))
(s/def ::tasks (s/cat
; :description (s/? string?)
:options (s/* ::option)
(def ^:dynamic *opts* {})
(def tasks (atom {}))
(defn spec-parse-options [forms]
(map (fn [option] (keep #(%1 option) [(comp second :short-opt) (comp second :long-opt) :argname :default :opt-type :desc]))
(:options (s/conform ::tasks forms))))
#_(defn spec-parse-options [forms]
(let [{:keys [description options]} (s/conform ::tasks forms)
get-v (fn [x k]
(let [[t v] (get x k)]
(case t
:v v
::nil nil)))]
(map (fn [{:keys [opt-type argname desc opts] :as opt}]
(let [base
[(some->> (get-v opt :short-opt)
symbol #_(str "-"))
(let [v (get-v opt :long-opt)]
(some->> (cond-> v
(and v argname)
(str " " argname))
(str "--")))
(case opt-type
bool (if-not argname
{:parse-fn (comp boolean identity)}
{:parse-fn #(case %
"true" true
"false" false
:validate [#(contains? #{true false} %) "Must be a boolean"]})
char {:parse-fn first :validate [char?]}
(code edn file) (throw (ex-info "not supported" {:opt opt-type}))
float {:parse-fn #(Double/parseDouble %)
:validate [float? "Must be a floating point number"]}
int (if-not argname
{:default 0 :update-fn inc}
{:parse-fn #(Integer/parseInt %) ;; TODO add Long/parseLong to Babashka
:validate [integer? "Must be an integer"]})
kw {:parse-fn keyword
:validate [keyword? "Must be a keyword"]}
(regexp ) (throw (ex-info "not supported" {:opt opt-type}))
sym {:parse-fn symbol
:validate [symbol? "Must be a symbol"]}
(into base (mapcat identity (merge kw-opts opts)))))
(defn quick-parse-options [opts]
(loop [acc []
opt []
[current & [next & left :as cleft]] opts]
(if (not current)
(if (and (opt-types current)
(string? next))
(let [[part left] (split-with #(keyword? (first %)) (partition-all 2 left))
rst (mapcat identity left)]
(recur (conj acc (into (conj opt current next) (mapcat identity) part))
(recur acc
(conj opt current)
(defn parse-options [opts]
(if (System/getenv "QUICK") (quick-parse-options opts) (spec-parse-options opts)))
(defn list-tasks []
(clojure.string/join "\n" (map (fn [[task {:keys [description]}]]
(str "* " task " : " description)) (sort-by key @tasks))))
(defn exit
(exit status nil))
([status msg]
(throw (ex-info "" {:type :exit
:exit/code status
:exit/message msg}))))
(defn run-tasks [args]
(let [[dispatch & task-args] args]
(if-let [{f :fn} (and dispatch (get @tasks (symbol dispatch)))]
(f task-args)
(println (str "No task found for '" dispatch "'"))
(if (seq @tasks)
(println "Existing tasks")
(println (list-tasks)))
(println "No existing tasks"))
(exit 1)))))
(require '[ :as cli])
(defn register-task [task-sym {f :fn :keys [description]} config]
(swap! tasks update task-sym
(fn [prev]
(when prev
(println (format "deftask %s/%s was overridden\n" *ns* task-sym)))
{:fn (fn [cli-args]
(let [cli-options (parse-options config)
{:keys [errors options] :as parsed-args}
(cli/parse-opts cli-args cli-options)]
(if-let [errors (seq errors)]
(println "Invalid")
(println errors))
(binding [*opts* options]
(f options)))
#_(binding [*options* {:a 1}]
(run-cmd {:description '~description
:cmd '~sym} '~bindings args#
(fn [{:keys [~@syms]}]
(do ~@tails))))))
:description description})))
'[a a-option AA kw "The option." :a 1 :b 2
c counter int "The counter."
e entry sym "An entrypoint symbol."
f flag bool "Enable flag."
o o-option str "The other option."
z nil str "The other option."
nil yy str "The other option."]))
(defmacro deftask
"Define a boot task."
[sym desc opts & fn-body]
(let [opt-syms (keep second (parse-options opts))]
`(let [f# (fn [{:keys [~@opt-syms
(do ~@fn-body))]
(register-task (quote ~sym)
{:fn f# :description ~desc}
(quote ~opts)))))
(deftask options
"Demonstrate the task options DSL."
[a a-option VAL 200 kw "The option."
c counter int "The counter."
e entry VAL sym "An entrypoint symbol."
f flag bool "Enable flag."
o o-option VAL str "The other option."
z nil VAL str "The other option."
nil yy VAL str "The othe r option."]
(prn a-option))
(defn -main [& args]
(run-tasks args))
(apply -main *command-line-args*)
(catch Exception ex
(let [{ex-type :type :keys [ :exit/code :exit/message]} (ex-data ex)]
(if-not (= ex-type :exit)
(throw ex)
(when message
(println message))
(System/exit code)))))))
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