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Last active January 31, 2022 10:42
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Simple GEDCOM to CSV converter
# usage: ./ file.get > file.csv
import sys
from gedcom.element.individual import IndividualElement
from gedcom.parser import Parser
file_path = sys.argv[1]
gedcom_parser = Parser()
root_child_elements = gedcom_parser.get_root_child_elements()
root_child_elements = gedcom_parser.get_root_child_elements()
for e in root_child_elements:
if isinstance(e, IndividualElement):
(first,last) = e.get_name()
data = [first, last, str(e.get_birth_year()),str(e.get_death_year()),e.get_gender(),e.get_pointer()]
parents = gedcom_parser.get_parents(e)
data = data + [p.get_pointer() for p in parents if p.get_gender() == 'F']
data = data + [p.get_pointer() for p in parents if p.get_gender() == 'M']
# usage: NEO4J_URI="bolt://localhost" NEO4J_PASSWORD=secret ./ file.ged
import sys
import os
from gedcom.element.individual import IndividualElement
from gedcom.parser import Parser
from neo4j import GraphDatabase
driver = GraphDatabase.driver(os.getenv('NEO4J_URI'), auth=("neo4j", os.getenv('NEO4J_PASSWORD')))
file_path = sys.argv[1]
gedcom_parser = Parser()
root_child_elements = gedcom_parser.get_root_child_elements()
statement = """
UNWIND $data as row
MERGE (p:Person {})
SET p += row {.first, .last,.sex,
death: toInteger(row.death),birth:toInteger(row.birth)}
SET = p.first + ' ' + p.last
CALL { WITH row, p
WITH * WHERE NOT coalesce(row.mother,'') = ''
MERGE (m:Person {id:row.mother})
MERGE (p)-[:MOTHER]->(m)
RETURN count(*) as mothers
CALL { WITH row, p
WITH * WHERE NOT coalesce(row.father,'') = ''
MERGE (f:Person {id:row.father})
MERGE (p)-[:FATHER]->(f)
RETURN count(*) as fathers
RETURN count(*) AS total
data = []
root_child_elements = gedcom_parser.get_root_child_elements()
for e in root_child_elements:
if isinstance(e, IndividualElement):
(first,last) = e.get_name()
row = {"first":first, "last":last}
parents = gedcom_parser.get_parents(e)
row["father"]=next(iter([p.get_pointer() for p in parents if p.get_gender() == 'F']),None)
row["mother"]=next(iter([p.get_pointer() for p in parents if p.get_gender() == 'M']),None)
data= data + [row]
with driver.session() as session:
total = session.write_transaction(
lambda tx:, data = data).single()['total'])
print("Entries added {total}".format(total=total))
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