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Created June 24, 2019 15:42
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Stackoverflow Import for Neo4j
with "graphql" as tagName
unwind range(1,10) as page
CALL apoc.load.json(""+page+"&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&tagged="+tagName+"&site=stackoverflow&filter=!5-i6Zw8Y)4W7vpy91PMYsKM-k9yzEsSC1_Uxlf") YIELD value
call apoc.util.sleep(200)
UNWIND value.items AS q
with * where not q.question_id is null
MERGE (question:Question {id:q.question_id})
SET question.title = q.title, = q.share_link, question.favorites = q.favorite_count, question.upVotes = q.up_vote_count, question.downVotes = q.down_vote_count, question.text = q.body_markdown, question.answered = q.is_answered,
question.createdAt = datetime({epochSeconds:q.creation_date})
FOREACH (tagName IN q.tags | MERGE (tag:Tag {name:tagName}) MERGE (question)-[:TAGGED]->(tag))
FOREACH (a IN [a IN q.answers where not a.answer_id is null AND not a.owner.user_id is null] |
MERGE (question)<-[:ANSWERS]-(answer:Answer {id:a.answer_id})
SET answer.text = a.body_markdown, answer.createdAt = datetime({epochSeconds:q.creation_date}), = a.share_link, answer.accepted = a.is_accepted, answer.favorites = a.favorite_count, answer.upVotes = a.up_vote_count, answer.downVotes = a.down_vote_count
MERGE (answerer:User {id:a.owner.user_id}) SET answerer.display_name = a.owner.display_name, answerer.reputation = a.owner.reputation, =, answerer.image = a.owner.profile_image
MERGE (answer)<-[:PROVIDED]-(answerer)
WITH * WHERE NOT q.owner.user_id IS NULL
MERGE (owner:User {id:q.owner.user_id}) SET owner.display_name = q.owner.display_name, owner.reputation = q.owner.reputation, =, owner.image = q.owner.profile_image
MERGE (owner)-[:ASKED]->(question)
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