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Created June 21, 2023 19:30
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import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import concurrent.futures
import scipy.stats as stats
import datetime as dt
import time
import numpy as np
from numpy import cos, sin, sqrt as isqrt, pi
def calc_MA(da, kzA, pA, array_length=10):
MA = list()
# print("Starting calc_MA")
for i in range(array_length):
[[cos(kzA * da[i]), (1j / pA) * sin(kzA * da[i])], [1j * pA * sin(kzA * da[i]), cos(kzA * da[i])]]))
return MA
def calc_MB(db, kzB, pB, array_length=10):
# VO2
# print("Starting calc_MB")
return np.array([[cos(kzB * db), (1j / pB) * sin(kzB * db)], [1j * pB * sin(kzB * db), cos(kzB * db)]])
def calc_MC(dc, kzC, pC, array_length=10):
MC = list()
# print("Starting calc_MC")
for i in range(array_length):
[[cos(kzC * dc[i]), (1j / pC) * sin(kzC * dc[i])], [1j * pC * sin(kzC * dc[i]), cos(kzC * dc[i])]]))
return MC
def calc_multidot(MA, MB, MC, array_length=10):
# print("Starting calc_multidot")
X = list()
X =[0], MC[0])
for i in range(1, int(array_length / 2)):
X =, MA[i])
X =, MC[i])
X =, MB)
for i in range(int(array_length / 2), array_length):
X =, MC[i])
X =, MA[i])
# print(X)
return X
def genWidth(array_length=10,sd=0.0, lambda0=70e-6, mean=6.25e-6):
if sd == 0:
da = list(np.random.normal(mean, sd, array_length))
dc = list(np.random.normal(mean, sd, array_length))
da = stats.truncnorm.rvs(((1e-6 - mean) / sd), (11.25e-6 - mean) / sd, loc=mean, scale=sd,
dc = stats.truncnorm.rvs(((1e-6 - mean) / sd), (11.25e-6 - mean) / sd, loc=mean, scale=sd,
return [da, dc]
def get_AsContour(fre, sigma, thicknesses, array_length =10):
# Constants
da = thicknesses[0]
dc = thicknesses[1]
c = 3e8
e0 = 8.85e-12
u0 = (4 * pi) * (10 ** -7)
e = 1.6e-19
h = 6.63e-34
hbar = h / (2 * pi)
# Constants 2
n0 = 1 # air
nt = 1
ut = 1
et = nt ** 2 # t:substrate
na = 2.25
ua = 1
ea = na ** 2 # SiO2
nc = 3.3
uc = 1
ec = nc ** 2 # Si
ub = 1
lambda0 = 70e-6
sigma_VO2 = sigma # S/m Variable 200 or 200000
db = lambda0 / (4 * isqrt(12)) # VO2
# *****************************VO2
eps_inf = 12
gamma = 5.75e13 # rad/s
wp = 1.4e15 * isqrt(sigma_VO2 / 3e5)
theta = 0 * pi / 180 # Variable
TETM = 1
jj = 0 # set to 0 as python indices start from 0
n = 0
mean = 6.25e-6
data_points = 10
w = 2 * pi * fre
epsVO2 = eps_inf - wp ** 2 / \
(w ** 2 + 1j * gamma * w) # used j instead of i
kz0 = (w / c) * n0 * cos(theta)
kzA = (w / c) * na * isqrt(1 - (sin(theta) ** 2 / (na ** 2)))
kzB = (w / c) * (isqrt(epsVO2)) * (
isqrt(1 - (sin(theta) ** 2 / epsVO2))) # isqrt for sqrt of complex number
kzC = (w / c) * nc * isqrt(1 - (sin(theta) ** 2 / (nc ** 2)))
kzt = (w / c) * nt * isqrt(1 - (sin(theta) ** 2 / (et * ut)))
if TETM == 1:
y0 = u0
ya = ua * u0
yb = ub * u0
yc = uc * u0
yt = ut * u0 # TE
y0 = -e0
ya = -ea * e0
yb = -epsVO2 * e0
yc = -ec * e0
yt = -et * e0 # TM
p0 = kz0 / (w * y0)
pA = kzA / (w * ya)
pB = kzB / (w * yb)
pC = kzC / (w * yc)
pt = kzt / (w * yt)
# 2x2 Matrix multiplied with scalar
m1 = 0.5 * np.array([[1, -1 / p0], [1, 1 / p0]])
mt = np.array([[1], [-pt]])
MA = calc_MA(da, kzA, pA,array_length=array_length)
MB = calc_MB(db, kzB, pB,array_length=array_length)
MC = calc_MC(dc, kzC, pC,array_length=array_length)
X = calc_multidot(MA, MB, MC, array_length=array_length)
MM = np.linalg.multi_dot([m1, X, mt])
r = MM[1][0] / MM[0][0]
t = 1 / (MM[0][0])
ar = float(abs(r) ** 2)
Ts = (kzt / kz0) * abs(t) ** 2
As = 1 - ar - Ts
Tp = (kzt / (et * kz0)) * abs(t) ** 2
Ap = 1 - r - Tp
return As
# Returns a single absorption value for a given frequency and structure number
# As is the mean of 100 structures at that frequency and structure number
def get_As_using_freq_strno(freq, strno, sigma_SD, count=1000):
for i in range(count):
da, dc = genWidth(array_length=strno, sd=sigma_SD[1])
As.append(get_AsContour(freq, sigma_SD[0], [da, dc], array_length=strno))
return np.array(As).mean()
with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor:
width_values = [x for x in, [strno]*count, [sigma_SD[1]]*count, [strno]*count)]
as_results =, [freq]*count, [sigma_SD[0]]*count,width_values, [strno]*count)
as_values = [x for x in as_results]
#with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor:
return np.array(as_values).mean()
def main(xx):
start_time =
print("Execution started at:", start_time)
sigma_SD = [[200, 0.5e-6], [200, 1e-6], [200, 1.5e-6], [200000, 0.5e-6], [200000, 1e-6], [200000, 1.5e-6]]
X_freq = np.linspace(0.1, 10.001, 1000) * 1e12
Y_freq = np.arange(1, 51)
total_iterations = len(X_freq)
current_iteration = 0
for i in X_freq:
with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor:
z =, [i]*len(Y_freq), Y_freq, [sigma_SD[xx]]*len(Y_freq))
Z= [x for x in z]
'''for j in Y_freq:
z.append(get_As_using_freq_strno(i, j * 2, sigma_SD[xx]))
current_iteration += 1
print("Progress: {}/{}".format(current_iteration, total_iterations))
#transpose Z
Z = np.array(Z).T
# Plot the color map
#plt.imshow(Z, cmap='viridis', origin='lower', aspect='auto', extent=[X_freq.min(), X_freq.max(), Y_freq.min(), Y_freq.max()])
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 10))
plt.contourf(X_freq, Y_freq, Z, cmap='inferno', levels=1000)
# Customize the plot
plt.title('Absorption Color Map')
plt.suptitle('Sigma = ' + str(sigma_SD[xx][0]) + ' SD = ' + str(sigma_SD[xx][1]))
# Show the plot
end_time =
print("Execution completed at:", end_time)
print("Total execution time:", end_time - start_time)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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