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Created November 8, 2017 07:31
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Leetcode 10 - regular expression - try to fix the bug - fail the test case "" and pattern "a*", add base case from line 42 - 46.
using System;
class Solution
public static bool IsMatch(string text, string pattern) //"abc" "a.c"
// base case
if(text == null || pattern == null)
return false;
if(pattern.Length == 0)
return text.Length == 0; // true, "a", ""
return isMatchHelper(text, pattern, 0, 0);
// "abbb", 1, "bbb" , "ab*", 0, "bbb" with "ab*"
private static bool isMatchHelper(string text, string pattern, int textIndex, int patternIndex) // abbb, ab*
var lengthText = text.Length;
var lengthPattern = pattern.Length;
// base case
if(patternIndex == lengthPattern)
return lengthText == textIndex;
// pattenrIndex < lengthPattern
// single char match
var visit = text[textIndex]; // out-of-index range // 'a'
var template = pattern[patternIndex]; //'a'
var isContainingStar = template != '*' && patternIndex < lengthPattern - 1 && pattern[patternIndex + 1] == '*'; // standalone "*"
// base case
if(lengthText == textIndex && isContainingStar)
return isMatchHelper(text, pattern, textIndex, patternIndex + 2);
var comparisonEqual = visit == template || template == '.';
return false;
return isMatchHelper(text, pattern, textIndex + 1, patternIndex + 1);
// assuming that containing *
// return at least 2 branch, pattern a*, or .*
// match 0 time, match 1 time or more than 1 time
if(isMatchHelper(text, pattern, textIndex, patternIndex + 2)) // abbb, ab*
return true;
else if(visit == template || template == '.') // match one time
var matchOneTime = isMatchHelper(text, pattern, textIndex + 1, patternIndex + 2);
return true;
return isMatchHelper(text, pattern, textIndex + 1, patternIndex); // text = bbb, pattern b*b; text = bb
} // bbb b -> false
// b == b || b == '.' one time , bb match b -> false
// bb match b*b -> it will
return false;
static void Main(string[] args)
// d* = d ddd ddddd
// . *
// . any char
// * duplicate, 0 or 1 or more than 1, nothing, repeat once or more than once
// .* any char 0 or 1 or more than 1, it can be empty, or any char, or aaaa, ...
// "aa", pattern a -> do not match, a matchs a, second a does not match anything ""
// "aa" "aa" a - a , a - a
// "abc" "a.c" a - a, b - ., c - c, true
// "abbb", "ab*" -> a - a , b, b*, b* "", b, bb, bbb, this case b* matchs bbb true -> b* branch 0 || branch 1 || branch more than 1
// write code for this test case whiteboard testing
// "acd" "ab*c." a - a, "" b*, c -c d -. return true
// I write recursive, substring, index
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