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May 2 10:00 PM mock interview one hours - being an interviewer
#include <vector>
#include <limits>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
Given an integer array nums, find the contiguous subarray within an array (containing at least one number) which has the largest product.
Example 1:
Input: [2,3,-2,4]
Output: 6
Explanation: [2,3] has the largest product 6.
Example 2:
Input: [-2,0,-1]
Output: 0
Explanation: The result cannot be 2, because [-2,-1] is not a subarray.
[2 3 6 -4]
[2, 3, -2] i = 0; j = 2, subarray product = 2 * 3 * (-2)
i = 0
j = 0, 1, 2 // find product [0,0], [0, 1], [0, 2]
i = 1
j = 1, 2 // find product [1, 1], [1, 2]
i = 2
j = 2 // find product [2, 2]
startIndex/ endIndex <- brute force
subarray ending at index i <- find solution by getting max from all i options
go through i = 0, 1, 2, ....
build recurrence formula
i = 0, base case -> ending at index = 0 -> maximum product will be arr[0]
what is subarray ending at index i - maximum value
[2, 3, -2], index = 2, subarray ending at index = 2, what is maximum value? -2
[2, 3, -2] -12
[3, -2] -6
[-2] -2
[2, 3, -2, -1]
what is subproblem ending at index = 3, maximum product?
[2, 3, -2, -1]
endIndex = 0
max 2
min 2
endIndex = 1
how do you get max and min
[3] standalone subarray
at least some numbers before 3
max_i * 3
min_i * 3
curmax = 1 // most pos value so far (upto index)
curmin = 1 // most neg value so far (upto index)
realmax = ? // value at end of array, to be returned to caller.
a[2, 3, -2, -1]
5 -8
index = j;
if (a[j] > 0)
curmax = curmax(upto j-1) * a[j];
curmin = min( curmin * a[j], 1)
else (a[j] < 0)
curmax =
else // a[j] == 0
curmax =
curmin =
realmax = 2;
index = 1;
curmax = 6;
curmin = 6; // ?
realmax = 6;
[3] -> 3
[2, 3]-> 6
index = 2;
curmax = max(maxPrevious * (-2), minPrevious * (-2), -2)
curmin = min(maxPrevious * (-2), minPrevious * (-2), -2)
[ -1, 2, 3, 4, -2]
[ -1, 0, 2,3, 4, -2]
2, 3, 0, 2, 3, 0, -2
/* 152. Maximum Product Subarray
maxp[n, n] matrix
maxp[i, j] = max(mapx
// Complexity : n^2
int32_t maxSubProduct(const vector<int32_t> &input)
int32_t maxp = numeric_limits<int32_t>::min();
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < input.size(); ++i) {
int32_t product = 1;
for (uint32_t j = i; j < input.size(); ++j) { // <-
product *= input[j];
maxp = max(maxp, product);
return maxp;
// To execute C++, please define "int main()"
int main() {
vector<int32_t> input{2, 3, -2, 4, -1};
cout << maxSubProduct(input) << endl;
return 0;
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