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Created October 2, 2024 01:12
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nomad python challenge
# 👇🏻 YOUR CODE 👇🏻:
def get_yearly_revenue(monthly_revenue):
return monthly_revenue * 12
def get_yearly_expenses(monthly_expenses):
return monthly_expenses * 12
def get_tax_amount(profit):
if profit > 100000:
return profit * 0.25
return profit * 0.15
def apply_tax_credits(tax_amount, tax_credits):
return tax_amount * tax_credits
monthly_revenue = 5500000
monthly_expenses = 2700000
tax_credits = 0.01
yearly_revenue = get_yearly_revenue(monthly_revenue)
yearly_expenses = get_yearly_expenses(monthly_expenses)
profit = yearly_revenue - yearly_expenses
tax_amount = get_tax_amount(profit)
final_tax_amount = tax_amount - apply_tax_credits(tax_amount, tax_credits)
print(f"Your tax bill is: ${final_tax_amount}")
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