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Last active July 7, 2017 17:24
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// Customizable settings
// Diameter of the hole on the bottom (in mm).
HoleDiameter = 6.23;
// Depth of the hole in the bottom (in mm). If you want the hole to go all the way through then set this to a number larger than the total height of the object.
HoleDepth = 10;
// If you want a D-shaped hole, set this to the thickness of the flat side (in mm). Larger values for the flat make the hole smaller.
HoleFlatThickness = HoleDiameter - 5.6;
// Height (in mm). If dome cap is selected, it is not included in height. The shaft length is also not counted.
KnobHeight = 13;
// Diameter of base of round part of knob (in mm). (Knurled ridges are not included in this measurement.)
KnobDiameter = 15;
// Shape of top of knob. "Recessed" type can be painted.
CapType = 1; // [0:Flat, 1:Recessed, 2:Dome]
// Do you want a large timer-knob style pointer?
TimerKnob=0; // [0:No, 1:Yes]
// Would you like a divot on the top to indicate direction?
Pointer1 = 0; // [0:No, 1:Yes]
// Would you like a line (pointer) on the front to indicate direction?
Pointer2 = 0; // [0:No, 1:Yes]
// Do you want finger ridges around the knob?
Knurled = 1; // [0:No, 1:Yes]
// 0 = A cylindrical knob, any other value will taper the knob.
TaperPercentage = 20; // [0:0%, 10:10%, 20:20%, 30:30%, 40:40%, 50:50%]
// Width of "dial" ring (in mm). Set to zero if you don't want the ring.
RingWidth = 0;
// The number of markings on the dial. Set to zero if you don't want markings. (RingWidth must be non-zero.)
RingMarkings = 0;
// diameter of the hole for the setscrew (in mm). If you don't need a hole, set this to zero.
ScrewHoleDiameter = 3;
// Length of the shaft on the bottom of the knob (in mm). If you don't want a shaft, set this value to zero.
ShaftLength = 0;
// Diameter of the shaft on the bottom of the knob (in mm). (ShaftLength must be non-zero.)
ShaftDiameter = 10;
// Would you like a notch in the shaft? It can be used for a press-on type knob (rather than using a setscrew). (ShaftLength must be non-zero.)
NotchedShaft = 0; // [0:No, 1:Yes]
//Advanced settings
RingThickness = 5*1;
DivotDepth = 1.5*1;
MarkingWidth = 1.5*1;
DistanceBetweenKnurls = 3*1;
TimerKnobConst = 1.8*1;
KnobMajorRadius = KnobDiameter/2;
KnobMinorRadius = KnobDiameter/2 * (1 - TaperPercentage/100);
KnobRadius = KnobMinorRadius + (KnobMajorRadius-KnobMinorRadius)/2;
KnobCircumference = PI*KnobDiameter;
Knurls = round(KnobCircumference/DistanceBetweenKnurls);
TaperAngle=asin(KnobHeight / (sqrt(pow(KnobHeight, 2) +
pow(KnobMajorRadius-KnobMinorRadius,2)))) - 90;
DivotRadius = KnobMinorRadius*.4;
translate([0, 0, (ShaftLength==0)? 0 : ShaftLength-0.001])
// Primary knob cylinder
cylinder(h=KnobHeight, r1=KnobMajorRadius, r2=KnobMinorRadius,
if (Knurled)
for (i=[0 : Knurls-1])
rotate([0, 0, i * (360/Knurls)])
translate([KnobRadius, 0, KnobHeight/2])
rotate([0, TaperAngle, 0]) rotate([0, 0, 45])
cube([2, 2, KnobHeight+.001], center=true);
if (RingMarkings>0)
for (i=[0 : RingMarkings-1])
rotate([0, 0, i * (360/RingMarkings)])
translate([KnobMajorRadius + RingWidth/2, 0, 1])
cube([RingWidth*.5, MarkingWidth, 2], center=true);
if (Pointer2==1)
translate([KnobRadius, 0, KnobHeight/2-2])
rotate([0, TaperAngle, 0])
cube([8, 3, KnobHeight], center=true);
if (RingWidth>0)
translate([0, 0, RingThickness/2])
cylinder(r1=KnobMajorRadius + RingWidth, r2=KnobMinorRadius,
h=RingThickness, $fn=50, center=true);
if (Divot==2)
translate([0, 0, KnobHeight])
scale([1, 1, 0.5])
sphere(r=KnobMinorRadius, $fn=50, center=true);
translate([0, 0, 0-(KnobMinorRadius+.001)])
cube([KnobMinorRadius*2.5, KnobMinorRadius*2.5,
KnobMinorRadius*2], center=true);
if (TimerKnob==1) intersection()
translate([0, 0, 0-(KnobDiameter*TimerKnobConst) + KnobHeight])
sphere(r=KnobDiameter*TimerKnobConst, $fn=50, center=true);
translate([0-(KnobDiameter*TimerKnobConst)*0.1, 0,
scale([1, 0.5, 1])
cylinder(h=KnobHeight, r=(KnobDiameter*TimerKnobConst) *
0.8, $fn=3, center=true);
// Pointer1: Offset hemispherical divot
if (Pointer1==1)
translate([KnobMinorRadius*.55, 0, KnobHeight + DivotRadius*.6])
sphere(r=DivotRadius, $fn=40);
// Divot1: Centered cylynrical divot
if (Divot==1)
translate([0, 0, KnobHeight])
cylinder(h=DivotDepth*2, r=KnobMinorRadius-1.5, $fn=50,
if (ShaftLength==0)
// Hole for shaft
translate([0, 0, HoleDepth/2 - 0.001])
rotate([0,0,90]) // or -90 for the other direction
cylinder(r=HoleDiameter/2, h=HoleDepth, $fn=20,
// Flat for D-shaped hole
translate([(0-HoleDiameter)+HoleFlatThickness, 0, 0])
cube([HoleDiameter, HoleDiameter, HoleDepth+.001],
// Hole for setscrew
if (ScrewHoleDiameter>0)
translate([0 - (KnobMajorRadius+RingWidth+1)/2, 0,
rotate([0, 90, 0])
r=ScrewHoleDiameter/2, $fn=20, center=true);
// Make sure bottom ends at z=0
translate([0, 0, -10])
cube([(KnobMajorRadius+RingWidth) * 3,
(KnobMajorRadius+RingWidth) * 3, 20], center=true);
if (ShaftLength>0) {
translate([0, 0, ShaftLength/2])
cylinder(h=ShaftLength, r=ShaftDiameter/2, $fn=20,
if (NotchedShaft==1)
cube([HoleDiameter/2, ShaftDiameter*2, ShaftLength],
// Hole for shaft
translate([0, 0, HoleDepth/2 - 0.001])
cylinder(r=HoleDiameter/2, h=HoleDepth, $fn=20,
// Flat for D-shaped hole
translate([(0-HoleDiameter)+HoleFlatThickness, 0, 0])
cube([HoleDiameter, HoleDiameter, HoleDepth+.001],
// Hole for setscrew
if (ScrewHoleDiameter>0)
translate([0 - (KnobMajorRadius+RingWidth+1)/2, 0,
rotate([0, 90, 0])
r=ScrewHoleDiameter/2, $fn=20, center=true);
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