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Last active October 5, 2015 21:20
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Elite: Dangerous screenshots gallery, as found at
/* Simple gallery for Elite screenshots
* 2015 Jean-Karim Bockstael <>
* License: MIT
* Very basic gallery that I coded for my own use, obviously very specific to
* my needs, but maybe parts of it may be of some interest to someone else.
* This code uses quite a few conventions:
* - images are in the same directory
* - image names have this format: "YYYYMMDDHHMM_image_name.jpg"
* - a text file containing descriptions is in the same directory
* - the descriptions file contains one description per line
* - each description line has this format: "filename : description"
define('DESCRIPTIONS_FILE', 'descriptions.txt');
// Extract the timestamp part of a filename
function get_timestamp_part($filename) {
$parts = explode('_', $filename);
return $parts[0];
// Extract the name part of a filename
function get_name_part($filename) {
// Filenames all have the format YYYYMMDDHHMM_name.jpg
$name = substr($filename, 13);
$name = substr($name, 0, -4);
return $name;
// Load the description of an image, if any. Returns null if none found.
function get_description($filename) {
$descriptions = explode("\n", file_get_contents(DESCRIPTIONS_FILE));
foreach ($descriptions as $description) {
if (strpos($description, $filename) === 0) {
$fields = explode(' : ', $description);
return $fields[1];
return null;
// Pretty-print a timestamp
// Timestamps have the format YYYYMMDDHHMM
function pretty_print_timestamp($timestamp) {
$output = substr($timestamp, 0, 4); // Year
$output .= '-' . substr($timestamp, 4, 2); // Month
$output .= '-' . substr($timestamp, 6, 2); // Day
$output .= ' ' . substr($timestamp, 8, 2); // Hour
$output .= ':' . substr($timestamp, 10, 2); // Minute
return $output;
// Pretty-print an image name
function pretty_print_name($name) {
$pretty_name = ucfirst(str_replace('_', ' ', $name));
return $pretty_name;
// List all the picture files in the pictures directory
function list_picture_files() {
$picture_files = glob('*.jpg');
return $picture_files;
// Check a filename existence
function image_exists($filename) {
$picture_files = list_picture_files();
return (array_search($filename, $picture_files) !== false);
// Create a link to a picture using its filename
// The text parameter is optional, if provided it's used as the link text content
// if omitted the picture name is used instead.
function link_to_picture($filename, $text = NULL) {
if (!isset($text)) {
$text = pretty_print_timestamp(get_timestamp_part($filename)) . ' - ' . pretty_print_name(get_name_part($filename));
$link = '<a href="?p=' . substr($filename, 0, -4) . '">';
$link .= $text;
$link .= '</a>';
return $link;
// Format a list as a HTML unordered list
function display_unordered_list($list) {
$ul = "<ul>\n\t<li>" . implode("</li>\n\t<li>", $list) . "</li>\n</ul>\n";
return $ul;
// Display the image index
function display_index() {
return display_unordered_list(array_map("link_to_picture", list_picture_files()));
// Display a specific image
function display_image($filename) {
// I need to know which picture this is, for navigation links
$picture_files = list_picture_files();
$current_picture_index = array_search($filename, $picture_files);
// Actual image
$img_tag = '<img src="' . $filename . '" alt="' . pretty_print_name(get_name_part($filename)) . '" />';
// Overlay navigation
$overlay_navigation = '';
if ($current_picture_index !== count($picture_files) - 1) {
$link_to_next = link_to_picture($picture_files[$current_picture_index + 1], '&gt;');
$overlay_navigation .= "\t<div id=\"overlay_navigation_next\">" . $link_to_next . "</div>\n";
if ($current_picture_index !== 0) {
$link_to_previous = link_to_picture($picture_files[$current_picture_index - 1], '&lt;');
$overlay_navigation .= "\t<div id=\"overlay_navigation_previous\">" . $link_to_previous . "</div>\n";
$image_display = "<div id=\"image_display\">\n\t" . $img_tag . "\n" . $overlay_navigation . "</div>\n";
// Image title
$title = pretty_print_name(get_name_part($filename));
$image_display .= "<div id=\"image_name\">" . $title . "</div>\n";
// Image date
$date = pretty_print_timestamp(get_timestamp_part($filename));
$image_display .= "<div id=\"image_date\">" . $date . "</div>\n";
// Image description
$description = get_description($filename);
if (!is_null($description)) {
$image_display .= "<div id=\"image_description\">" . $description . "</div>\n";
// Links to previous and next images
$links = "<div id=\"image_links\">\n\t";
if ($current_picture_index !== count($picture_files) - 1) {
$link_to_next = 'Next: ' . link_to_picture($picture_files[$current_picture_index + 1]);
$links .= "<div>" . $link_to_next . "</div>\n\t";
if ($current_picture_index !== 0) {
$link_to_previous = 'Previous: ' . link_to_picture($picture_files[$current_picture_index - 1]);
$links .= "<div>" . $link_to_previous . "</div>\n\t";
// Link to the image index
$link_to_index = '<a href="?p=index">Images index</a>';
$links .= "<div>" . $link_to_index . "</div>\n";
$links .= "</div>\n";
$image_display .= $links;
return $image_display;
// Display the latest image
function display_latest() {
$picture_files = list_picture_files();
$latest = $picture_files[count($picture_files) - 1];
return display_image($latest);
// Let's be fancy and call this part "routing" (at least it sounds better than "do stuff").
// If the "p" parameter is set it means we have to display a specific image.
// A special "index" value for "p" displays a list of all images.
// No "p" parameter or an empty "p" parameter displays the latest image.
function route_request($request) {
if (!empty($request['p'])) {
if ($request['p'] === 'index') {
// Display a full list of images
return display_index();
else {
// Display the requested image if it exists, the latest otherwise
if (image_exists($request['p'] . '.jpg')) {
return display_image($request['p'] . '.jpg');
else {
return display_latest();
else {
// Display the latest image
return display_latest();
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>CMDR JKB's sights from Elite: Dangerous</title>
<meta name="author" content="Jean-Karim Bockstael" />
<meta name="description" content="Gallery of Elite Dangerous screenshots" />
<style type="text/css">
html, body {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
#image_display {
position: relative;
max-width: 100%;
height: auto;
width: auto;
overflow: hidden;
#image_display img {
max-width: 100%;
height: auto;
width: auto;
#overlay_navigation_previous, #overlay_navigation_next {
background: black;
position: absolute;
width: 100px;
height: 100%;
padding: 5px;
top: 0;
font-size: 8em;
opacity: 0;
#overlay_navigation_previous:hover, #overlay_navigation_next:hover {
opacity: 0.5;
#overlay_navigation_previous a, #overlay_navigation_next a {
position: relative;
top: 40%;
#overlay_navigation_previous {
text-align: left;
left: 0;
#overlay_navigation_next {
text-align: right;
right: 0;
#image_date, #image_name, #image_description, #image_links {
margin: 1em;
body {
background-color: black;
font-family: "Helvetica", sans-serif;
color: #CCC;
a {
text-decoration: none;
a, a:active {
color: #FF3B00;
a:visited {
color: #B32900;
a:hover {
color: #C06400;
<?php echo route_request($_REQUEST); ?>
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