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Last active October 3, 2022 15:03
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from dataclasses import dataclass, field
import numpy as np
from scipy.fft import fftshift, fft2, ifftshift, fft
from scipy.linalg import toeplitz
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
class Bispectrum2D:
Make Bispectrum dataclass from 1D signal with frequency in Hertz.
signal: The 1-Dimensional signal in (n,) numpy.ndarray
freqsample: The sample frequency in Hertz.
window: 'None', 'hanning', 'triangular'
Matteo Bachetti, et al., stingray v1.0 code, DOI:, 2022.
signal: np.ndarray
freqsample: float
window_name: str
dt: float = field(init=False)
n: int = field(init=False) #number of data points in signal
maxlag: int = field(init=False)
lagindex: np.ndarray = field(init=False)
cum3_dim: int = field(init=False)
def __post_init__(self):
self.dt = 1 / self.freqsample
self.n = self.signal.shape[0]
self.maxlag = int(self.n/2)
self.lagindex = np.arange(-self.maxlag, self.maxlag + 1)
self.cum3_dim = 2 * self.maxlag + 1
def _calc_bispectrum(self):
def _cumulant3(self):
'''Biased cumulant estimate.'''
self.cum3 = np.zeros((self.cum3_dim, self.cum3_dim)) #include zeros matrix to reset calc
ind = np.arange((self.n - self.maxlag)-1, self.n) #consecutive idx from (n-maxlag-1) to n
ind_t = np.arange(self.maxlag, self.n)
zero_maxlag = np.zeros((1, self.maxlag))
zero_maxlag_t = zero_maxlag.T
sig = np.reshape(self.signal, (1,len(self.signal))) #Reshape original self.sig
sig = sig - np.mean(sig) #sig is 1xn row vector of counts.
rev_sig = np.array([sig[0][::-1]])
col = np.concatenate((sig.T[ind], zero_maxlag_t), axis=0)
row = np.concatenate((rev_sig[0][ind_t], zero_maxlag[0]), axis=0)
toep = toeplitz(col, row)
rev_sig_repeat = np.repeat(rev_sig, [2 * self.maxlag + 1], axis=0) #n repeats
#toep is n x (n-1). It must be square to be a circulant.
self.cum3 = (self.cum3 + np.matmul(np.multiply(toep, rev_sig_repeat), toep.T)) / self.n
def _window(self):
n = np.arange(self.cum3_dim) #Total wind data points matches cum3_dim
self.window = np.zeros(self.cum3_dim)
if self.window_name == 'None':
if self.window_name == 'hanning':
hanning = 0.5 * (1 - np.cos(2 * np.pi * n / (self.cum3_dim-1)))
wind2D = np.tile(hanning,(self.cum3_dim,1)) #Make 2D wind by repeating rows N times.
self.window[:self.maxlag + 1] = hanning[self.maxlag:]
if self.window_name == 'triangular':
N_div_2 = int((np.floor((self.cum3_dim - 1) / 2)))
triangular = 1 - np.abs((n - (N_div_2)) / self.cum3_dim)
wind2D = np.tile(triangular,(self.cum3_dim,1)) #Make 2D wind by repeating rows N times.
self.window[:self.maxlag + 1] = triangular[self.maxlag:]
self.window[self.maxlag:] = 0
# Put wind in toeplitz. Each row of final wind is sliding hanning.
row = np.concatenate(([self.window[0]], np.zeros(2 * self.maxlag)))
toep_matrix = toeplitz(self.window, row)
toep_matrix += np.tril(toep_matrix, -1).transpose()
self.window = toep_matrix[..., ::-1] * wind2D * wind2D.T
def _bispectrum(self):
if self.window_name == 'None':
self.bispec = fftshift(fft2(ifftshift(self.cum3)))
self.bispec = fftshift(fft2(ifftshift(self.cum3*self.window)))
self.freqvals = 0.5 * self.freqsample * self.lagindex / self.maxlag
self.bispec_mag = np.abs(self.bispec)
self.bispec_phase = np.angle(self.bispec)
def plot_cum3(self):
lags = self.lagindex * self.dt
fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(6,6)) #gist has (11,11)
contplot1 = ax1.contourf(lags, lags, self.cum3, levels=100,
ax1.set_title('Third Order Cumulant'); ax1.set_xlabel('lag 1 values'); ax1.set_ylabel('lags 2 values');
def plot_bispec_magnitude(self):
fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(6,6))
contplot1 = ax1.contourf(self.freqvals, self.freqvals, self.bispec_mag, levels=100,
ax1.set_title('Signal Bispectrum Magnitude'); ax1.set_xlabel('freq 1 Hz'); ax1.set_ylabel('freq 2 Hz');
bs2D = Bispectrum2D(signal=y, freqsample=16_000, window_name='hanning')
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The bispectrum is estimated indirectly. The third cumulant is calculated and then the bispectrum.

Plot bispectrum magnitude as follows: bs2D.plot_bispec_magnitude()

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