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# Firewall configuration
firewall_enable="YES" # Set to YES to enable firewall functionality
firewall_script="/etc/rc.firewall.local" # Which script to run to set up the firewall
firewall_type="client" # Firewall type (see /etc/rc.firewall)
firewall_quiet="YES" # Set to YES to suppress rule display
firewall_logging="NO" # Set to YES to enable events logging
firewall_logif="YES" # Set to YES to create logging-pseudo interface
firewall_client_net="" # IPv4 Network address for "client"
firewall_client_vmnet="" # IPv4 Network address for "VMs"
firewall_logdeny="YES" # Set to YES to log default denied incoming
jlduran / proposed-change.png
Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
Pull Request #1639 emberjs/website
jlduran /
Last active January 3, 2016 11:39
colspan-bug sub-tables #632

The failing test code illustrates the issue.

The figure illustrates the desired PDF output (obtained by means of the workaround). It ts a sample lab test report.

The first row in the test's table is equivalent to the row containing the section heading in bold on the left (Immunology/Serology), and to the right a few details about the test (execution time, etc.). Those details to the right span 3 columns.

The second row in the test's table is equivalent to the one containig the actual test result (i.e. FSH), notice the last column (Reference Range) is actually a 4-column sub-table, to allow for proper alignment of the ranges.

The results cannot be placed in separate tables, as there are usually many test results per section that outgrow to other pages, thus the first row is used as a header/repeater.

jlduran /
Last active April 4, 2024 04:35
pandoc booktabs minimal template (illustrative purposes only) (See:

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