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Last active December 26, 2015 10:59
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Annotated example solution to the problem of finding the largest multiple of consecutive five numbers from a long string of numbers, in Clojure.
;; A helper function that converts a single character string into a numeric value
(defn as-int [char]
(Character/getNumericValue char))
;; The solution as a one-liner: function that returns the largest multiple of 5
;; consecutive digits in the given string of digits
(defn max-of-5-multiply-v1 [str]
(apply max (map #(apply * %) (partition 5 1 (map as-int str)))))
;; Example of use with the given input string
(def numbers-in-string (str "37900490610897696126265185408732594047834333441947"
(max-of-5-multiply-v1 numbers-in-string)
;; Returns 34992
;; The annotated solution
;; Defines a function named 'max-of-5-multiply-v1'
(defn max-of-5-multiply-v1
;; The function takes one argument: `str` - this is the string of numbers
;; We `apply` the function `max` to the sequence that is created by the subsequent
;; function calls.
;; Applying a function to a sequence (rather can calling the function directly) 'unrolls'
;; the elements of the sequence into individual arguments to the applied function.
;; You cannot call max with a e.g. a vector: (max [1 2 3]) does not work, but calling
;; (apply max [1 2 3]) is equivalent to (max 1 2 3).
;; max simply returns the largest of the given arguments. Note that we apply max to
;; sequence of numbers of any length because max works with any number of arguments.
(apply max
;; The `map` function applies the function given as its first parameter to each element
;; of the collection given as the second parameter and returns a sequence containing
;; these 'transformed' elements.
;; Here we define the function as the first argument to map above. #() is a shorthand
;; syntax for defining anonymous functions. The % is a place holder for the single
;; input argument to the anonymous function.
;; This function will be called for each element of the collection that is passed as
;; the second argument to the map call above. In this case the anonymous function
;; applies the multiplication function to each value it receives. Here we expect to
;; always get collections of values since multiplication of a single value doesn't
;; work.
;; Again `apply` unrolls the collection into individual arguments so if an element of
;; the input collection were [1 2 3], (apply * [1 2 3]) would result in the
;; call (* 1 2 3).
#(apply * %)
;; The function `partition` takes a sequence and splits it into partitions of length n
;; (here n = 5).
;; The optional second argument defines how much the input sequence is 'offset' for
;; each partition.
;; Examples:
;; (partition 2 '(1 2 3 4)) results in ((1 2) (3 4))
;; (partition 2 1 '(1 2 3 4) results in ((1 2) (2 3) (3 4))
;; So in this particular problem we need (partition 5 1 ...) which splits the input
;; sequence into partitions of five consecutive elements
(partition 5 1
;; The string of digits `str` is converted into a sequence of numeric values by
;; calling the `as-int` function for each character in the string separately.
;; Since strings are sequences, they can be transformed with `map` like any other
;; sequence.
(map as-int str)))))
;; To follow the flow of execution you have to start from the inner most (map as-int str)
;; call in the end:
;; 1) The string "37900490610..." is transformed into a sequence of numeric values:
;; '(3 7 9 0 0 4 ...)
;; 2) The sequence of numeric values is partitioned into sequences containing five
;; consecutive numbers (always offset by one) from the input sequence:
;; ((3 7 9 0 0) (7 9 0 0 4) (9 0 0 4 9) ...)
;; 3) The sequence of sequences is given to map which calls the anonymous #(apply * %) for
;; each 5 element sequence resulting in a sequence containing the results of multiplying
;; the numbers in each subsequence together: (0 0 0 ... 27216). We get a lot of zeroes in
;; the beginning because the first five number sequence without a zero takes a while to
;; come up.
;; 4) max is applied to the sequence of multiples which yields the largest of them.
;; Easier to read version of the same function can be achieved with the double arrow or
;; 'thread last' macro `->>`.
;; This macro 'threads' the first argument expression (in this case `str`) through each
;; form given as subsequent arguments: str is inserted as the last argument to the first
;; form, that form is inserted as the last argument of the second form and so on:
(defn max-of-5-multiply-v2 [str] (->> str
(map as-int)
(partition 5 1)
(map #(apply * %))
(apply max)))
;; In this example `str` goes as the last argument to the map call: (map as-int str).
;; The result of this then is inserted as the last argument to (partition 5 1):
;; (partition 5 1 (map as-int str)) and so on. So this will eventually yield exactly the same
;; code as the original solution but can be read in a more natural way.
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